<p><b> 2020.12.12 DaLian</b></p><p>Snowboarding单板滑雪 Skiing双板滑雪</p> <div><b>1.Prepare items</b></div>Mom: Are you excited today?<br>George:Yes,I am very excited.I can play with my freind.<br>Mom:Would you like to go skiing this weekend?<br>George:And swimming.<br>Mom:OK,so let's prepare the things we need.We are going on a holiday.Go get your skiing jacket and trousers.<div>And we can rent the other equipment of skiing,for example,ski boots and skis.We don't have goggles.Maybe we could take sunglasses to replace.<br><div>If you want to swim,you should take you swim ring.Do you want to take your water gun?</div><div>George:Yes,I want.</div><div>Mom:OK,I will take it for you.Do forget to take your mittens.It is warmer than your gloves that you wear in the kindergarten.</div><div>George:Why?</div><div>Mom:When we are skiing,we should hold the poles.And it will be a bit cold with your gloves.Your mittens are thicker.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><b>Supplements:difference between gloves and mittens </b><br>Gloves have individual单独的 finger coverings, offering more mobility灵活 but less overall 整体的warmth than mittens. <br>Mitten is a glove with two sections, one for the thumb and the other for all four fingers.<br>Mittens hold the fingers in one pocket, which generates /ˈdʒenəreɪt/ more body heat but limits finger movement.<br></div></div> <b>2.Ready to go/gas station</b><div>Mom:The destination is a bit far from our house.It will take one hour to get there.We should diver our car.Dad,do we need add the oil for our car.</div><div>Dad:Yes,before setting, we should find a gas station.</div><div>Mom:OK.George,have you remembered that Daddy Pig always forget to take enough oil on holiday?</div><div>George: Silly Daddy Pig.</div><div><br></div><div>George:Here is a gas station.</div><div>Mom:You are well-spotted.Do you know what oil is?</div><div>George:No.</div><div>Mom:The oil can help engine to run smoothly.If we run out the oil,our car will not move.We have to call Granddad dog to recuse us.</div><div>George:Silly mom.</div> <b>3.On the way/listen story/sing songs</b><div><b><br></b></div> <b>4.Arrive at ski ground/field抵达滑雪场</b><div>Mom:We have arrived.Do you remember what this ski field was in summer?</div><div>George:<font color="#167efb">牧场(Meadow)</font>.</div><div>Mom:Yes,it was meadow in summer,and it has been a ski field in winter.No let's buy tickets and rent equipment.OK,here are the ski passes.</div><div>George:Mom,I can't ski.<br><div>Mom: It is OK.We can learn together.Mom have scanned the words about basics at home.But I am not sure I could do it.If it is necessary,we can pay a ski lesson.It will take lots of practice, but you can learn the basics first.Then, with practice, you will be racing down the hills in no time.<br>Child: Wow.<br>Mom: Here's all of the equipment you will need.<br>Let's put some of it on and practice moving around so you can get used to it.</div></div> <div><div><b>5.Putting on protection 穿戴护具</b><br>Let's put our <font color="#167efb">snowsuit</font> on first with our hat and mittens.<br><div>Next, we have to put on a helmet to protect your head.<br>And <font color="#167efb">goggles</font>/ˈɡɑːɡlz/will protect our eyes from the bright sun ,white snow and wind.Maybe our sunglasses also can work.</div><div><b>Walking in ski boots 穿着雪鞋走路</b><br></div><div>Next we'll put on your ski boots.<br>These might be hard to walk in because they are heavy.<br></div><div>Let's practice walking around in your boots at flat ground .</div><div><b>Putting on the skis 雪板</b><br>Let's put on our skis.<br>Push your toes into the binding and then push your heel down until you hear a click.<br>Moving around in the skis <br>Now we are going to practice moving a bit first.<br>Let's bend our knees, up and down.<br>Taking small steps in skis <br>Now can you lift up one foot and then the other?<br>Well done!<br>Let's walk sideways侧着走lift your ski up and take little steps.<br><br></div></div></div> <b>6.How to fall down</b><div> If you are about to crash into somethings or fall,just fall to your side. <br>Do not try to catch yourself with your arms, as you are much more likely to injure your arms .<br>Try to stay as relaxed as possible when you fall When you<font color="#167efb"> tense up紧张</font>, your muscles become tight and you are much more likely to pull something.<b><br></b></div> <b><font color="#333333">7. How to get up after falling</font></b><div>Move so that your head is towards the top of the hill and your feet are at the bottom. Get your skis perpendicular to the slope, and dig the inside edge of the bottom ski into the snow. You can push up from the slope using the hand closest to the slope, or try using your poles.<br>If you are unable to push yourself with one hand, turn your skis around, and try getting up with your other hand.</div> <div><div><b>8.Try to glide</b></div><div><ul><li>Pizza slice 犁式</li></ul></div><div>Next I want you to make a "pizza slice" shape.<br>Put the tips of your skis together and push your heels out so your feet make a triangle, like a pizza slice.<br>This move is very important, as it will help you stop.<br></div><div><ul><li>French fry 平行式</li></ul>The other move is called "French fry".</div><div>Put your feet together, shoulder width apart与肩同宽.<br>This move will help you go straight.<br>I am going to pull you forward so you<font color="#167efb"> glide</font>滑行on your skis.</div><div><ul><li>Glide down a little slope<br></li></ul>Okay, let's try gliding down a little slope.<br>When you get to the bottom, make a pizza slice to stop.<br>Remember to put your arms out伸展双臂 like an airplane to help you keep your balance.<br>You are doing very well, so let's try turning.<br>We are going to make a big "S" down the hill.<br>I am going to put you between my skis to help you at first so you can see what it feels like to turn.<br>Try to look at where you want to go.<br>Great job today.<br>Let's take a break!<br></div></div> <b>9.Swim/play in a hot spring pool</b><div>Mom:Now let's have a swimming race.</div><div>Mom:Are you tired,I think we should take a bath and go to the room of hotel.</div><div>OK, follow your dad and take a shower.See you.</div> <b>10.Live in a hot spring hotel</b><div>George:This room is big.I like it.</div><div>Mom:Oh really?Live in that room sometimes is OK,but I don't want to have so big room.Because it is too difficult to clean it up.</div><div>Mom:Have you enjoyed today?</div><div>George:Yes,I am very happy.And we can sleep in one bed.</div><div>Mom:Yes,we have to sleep in one bed.Good night,have sweet dream</div><div><div><br></div></div> <b>Supplements:structure of the ski </b><br><br>Well done, now let's look at your skis.<br>The top of the ski is called the tip.<br>The bottom is called the tail.<br>These bits in the middle are called the bindings, and that is where your boot clip in.<br>The sides of the skis are called the edges.<br><br> <b>Supplements:Equipment of skiing</b> <b>Supplements:skiing protection</b> <b>Supplements: summarize of words about skiing</b><div>ski hat滑雪帽<br>ski goggles护目镜<br>lodge度假小屋<br>pine tree松树<br>ski pole(s)滑雪杖<br>sled雪橇/sleigh<br>ski(s)滑雪橇(为成对的细长的板子)<br>binding(s)滑雪橇上的固定扣环<br>ski boot(s)滑雪鞋<br>ski pants滑雪裤<br>ski pass滑地通行证<br>slope斜坡<br>ski lift缆车<br>avalanche雪崩<br>snowshoe(s)雪鞋</div> <b> Supplements:summarize ofr words about winter clothes</b><div>long underwear 衬裤,秋裤<div>long johns 长内衣裤<br></div><div>thermal underwear [ˈθɜrml ˈʌndərwer] 保暖内衣<br></div><div> down coat 羽绒服<br></div><div> sweater 毛衣</div><div>turtleneck 高领毛衣</div><div>shawl 披肩<br></div><div>fur coat 皮草大衣<br></div><div>woolen coat 呢子大衣<br></div><div> leggings 打底裤<br></div><div>boots 靴子,长统靴<br></div><div> over-the-kneeboots 过膝长靴<br></div><div> snowboots 雪地靴<br></div><div>earmuffs 御寒耳罩<br></div><div> cotton gloves 棉手套<br></div><div> scarf 围巾<br></div><div>woolen hat 毛线帽,羊毛帽<br></div><div> deer stalker 护耳罩,护耳帽<br></div><div>Gloves五指手套<br></div><div> Mittens 无指手套<br></div></div> <br><br> Blanket 毯子<br>wrap in blankets 裹在毯子里<br>wrap yourself in a warm quilt 把自己裹在温暖的被子里<br>wool blanket 羊毛毯子<br>Comforter 棉被<br>down comforter 羽绒被<br>flannel pajamas 法兰绒睡衣<br>Fleece 羊毛 暖气,壁炉,火炉<div>Heating 暖气装置<br>Furnace [ˈfɜrnɪs] 暖气炉,熔炉,火炉<br>Fireplace 壁炉<br>Hearth [hɑrθ] 灶台,炉边<br>electric blanket 电热毯<br>warm t-paste 暖宝宝,暖贴<br>warming machine 暖气机<br>warm-air heating system 暖气加热系统,热风供暖系统<br>electric heater 电取暖器<br>hand warmers 暖手器<br>crackling fire 噼里啪啦的火<br></div> <b>Supplements:how to express cold</b><div> I was <font color="#167efb">freezing cold(</font>极度寒冷,冻手冻脚). <div> 我快冻僵了。<br><div>It's <font color="#167efb">freezing</font> today. Remember to wear warm clothes.<br>今天冷得刺骨,你记得穿多点。<br>It was <font color="#167efb">bitterly cold</font>.天冷得刺骨。 </div></div><div>I'm <font color="#167efb">frozen stiff(</font>冻结的,冻僵的).我冻僵了。</div><div>The bathroom gets <font color="#167efb">chilly(</font>阴冷的)in winter. <br></div><div>冬天,浴室变得很冷。<br></div><div> It was a cold and <font color="#167efb">frosty</font>(天寒地冻) morning.</div><div>这是一个天寒地冻的早晨。<br></div><div>She opened the and I was hit by an icy blast of air(冷风).她打开窗户,一阵冷风向我袭来。 Icy 冰冷的;冷淡的;结满冰的<br></div><div>It's cold outside today. I'm going to <font color="#167efb">freeze to death</font>冻死了,极寒. 外面天寒地冻,我快冷死了。<br></div><div>I can't stop shivering from the cold.我冷得不停打哆嗦。</div><div>My teeth are chattering.我的牙齿在颤动。<br>The wind is bone-chilling.真是寒风刺骨啊!<br>The wind just cuts right through you.风简直是直接穿过身体。<br></div></div> <b>Supplements:different clothing in winter and summer</b> <b>Supplements:what is snow?</b><br>Snow are small flakes of ice that fall down to the earth. Snow is a form of precipitation /prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn/降水 like rain and sleet. It snows when water in the atmosphere freezes into crystals /ˈkrɪstl/晶体. These tiny ice crystals form together to make snowflakes. <b>Supplements:what is the difference between Snow and Ice?</b><br>Definitions of Snow and Ice:<br>Ice: Ice is a frozen form of water.<br>Snow: Snow is frozen atmospheric /ˌætməsˈferɪk/ 大气的 vapor蒸汽.<br>Method of Formation:<br>Ice: Ice can be formed due to cool frozen winds. Ice can also be formed using a refrigerator.<br>Snow: Snow is formed naturally due to the effect of the seasonal and climatic conditions.<br>Creating Artificially:<br>Ice: People can create ice artificially using a refrigerator.<br>Snow: Snow cannot be created artificially to be as the same as the natural snow.<br>Food and Beverages /'bevərɪdʒ/饮料:<br>Ice: Ice is used as cubes to cool beverages such as alcohol and fruit juices. Ice is also used to make food items such as popsicles/ˈpɑːpsɪkl/棒冰. Even the so called snow cones and snow ice cream are made of shaved ice刨冰.<br>Snow: Snow is not used to create food items.<br>Recreational/ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl/ 娱乐的 Activities:<br>Ice: Ice is used to play sports such as ice skating滑冰.<br>Snow: Snow is used to play sports such as snowboarding 滑雪and for fun activities such as making snowmen.<br>