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<p>The story began in 1988 and was told from the perspective of virtue and kindness as one of the protagonists. We have to admire the skills of the screenwriter and director, which not only highly restored the political, economic and cultural conditions of South Korea in the 1980s and 1990s, but also aroused the memory and nostalgia of countless audiences for their youth. It also made us know how to cherish family love and be grateful for the present.</p><p>故事始于1988年,以作为主人公之一的德善的视角开始讲述。不得不佩服编剧和导演的功力,不仅高度还原了八九十年代韩国政治、经济、文化的状况以及普通百姓的生活景象,更是唤醒了无数观众对青春的记忆与怀念,也让我们更加懂得珍惜亲情,感恩当下。</p> <p>Many funny plots in the TV play, trifles in different families, and the friendship and kinship between the protagonists have become the highlights of the play. The funny, informal but understanding virtue and kindness, the smart and brave aze, the considerate "second daughter", and Paula, who looks violent but actually kind-hearted They are all important figures in TV plays.</p><p>电视剧中的许多搞笑的情节、不同家庭中的一些琐事、每个主角之间的友谊及亲情成了这部剧的几大亮点。搞笑、不拘小节却又善解人意的德善,聪明、勇敢的阿泽,体贴的“二女儿”、以及看起来暴力但实际心善的宝拉……都是电视剧中的重要人物。</p> <p>It is such a Korean drama that covers the joys and sorrows of five families in six years. Each episode has a lot of humorous jokes and touching plots. There are stories among young people and stories about the neighborhood between parents of the previous generation. It makes people laugh and cry unconsciously.</p><p>就是这样一部韩剧,涵盖了六年时间五个家庭的喜怒哀乐,单看每一集都有很多幽默的笑料和打动人心的情节,既有年轻人之间的故事,也有上一辈家长间邻里情的故事,让人不知觉的跟着这群角色开心的笑、感动的哭。</p><p><br></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><b style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1); font-size: 22px;"><i>Thank you for listening.</i></b></p>