万乐思学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1910期125号Celine打卡 D95


<p>2020.12.7</p><p><br></p><p>今年宝贝的生日愿望是买一棵比👨🏻还高的圣诞树🎄,全家人一起装饰,特别兴奋🥰。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>Game:Treasure hunt for birthday gift</i></b></p><p>M: Celine, Do your know what is the date today? It is December 7th, it's your birthday! On this special day, I've made a treasure hunt for you. Somewhere in the house is your treasure! </p><p>C: Treasure! Where is it?</p><p>M: You have to look for it. Here's a treasure map for you.</p><p>M: Look, there are 6 rooms in this map.</p><p>One living room, one dining room, two bedrooms, a study room and two bathrooms on the map. In the middle of the map, is the corridor/ˈkɔːrɪdɔːr/.</p><p>M: Here is the door, we start from here.</p><p>M: First, you should go to this room to find a clue. The red star shows where the clue is.</p><p>C: Aha.. I know!</p><p>M: When you find your clue , you will know how to get the treasure.</p><p>(Celine found the first clue on the ground)</p><p>M: It's said "Follow the arrows". It points this way!</p><p>(Celine found the next clue on the bookshelf. )</p><p>M: Let's see what the message says. Read it.</p><p>C: "In the closet". Hahahahaha...</p><p>C: This is the best treasure hunt ever!</p> <p>设计游戏的时候本来想藏在衣柜里,宝贝每次在家和我们玩捉迷藏最爱躲的地方。因为圣诞老人太大只,衣柜里塞不下,妈妈直接藏在了飘窗窗帘后。没想到宝贝一进房间第一时间就撩开了窗帘🤷🏻‍♀️…哈哈,妈妈赶快让宝贝再去找线索,根据线索找到了金球巧克力超开心🥳!完了,自己也要设计一次,让妈妈来找~哈哈,最好玩的永远是明知“你在哪儿,我还要装作不知道”~</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>FT:Decorate the Christmas tree:</i></b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">Q1:人们用什么树来做圣诞树?</b></p><p>P:Do you know what tree do we usually use for Christmas tree?</p><p>K: European fir? 是欧洲冷杉吗?</p><p>P:Yes, European fir is the most common tree that stay green in winter.</p><p>P:It is widely used and popular Christmas tree at present. It has beautiful appearance, pleasant color and fragrant smell. When cutting, the leaves are not easy to fall. And the price is very cheap, so it is also a very common Christmas tree species.</p><p>它是目前广泛使用和流行的圣诞树。外观美观,色泽宜人,气味芳香。剪的时候,叶子不容易掉下来。而且价格非常便宜,所以它也是一种非常常见的圣诞树品种。</p><p>P: Green is a great color, trees and grass are green, it represents life and vitality. </p><p>绿色是一个非常棒的颜色,树,草地都是绿色,它代表生命和活力。</p><p>P:And European fir is regarded as the most traditional Christmas tree, It Symbolizes good luck and the eternity of life.</p><p>欧洲冷杉被视为是最为传统的圣诞树,象征着吉祥如意和生命的永恒。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">Q2:圣诞节代表性颜色是什么?</b></p><p>K: Besides green, what's the representative color of Christmas?</p><p>P: Westerners regard red, green and white as Christmas color.</p><p>P: Red symbolizes festivity.</p><p>红色象征着喜庆。</p><p>P: Gold symbolizes fashion.</p><p>金色象征时尚。</p><p>White and silver symbolizes purity.</p><p>白色、银色象征纯洁。</p><p>Yellow symbolizes warmth.</p><p>黄色象征温馨。</p> <p><b>Q3:认识圣诞树各个部分</b></p><p>P: Decorating the tree is the really fun part.</p><p>装饰圣诞树是真正有意思的部分。</p><p>P: But first, let's learn this Christmas tree ornaments first.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Ornament ['ɔrnəmənt] 装饰品</b></p><p>1. Bauble ['bɔbl] 小球</p><p>2. Snowflake 雪花</p><p>3. Candy Cane 拐棍糖</p><p>4. Pine Cone 松塔</p> <p>5. Stocking 袜子</p><p>6. Gift Box 礼物盒子</p><p>7. Christmas Bell 圣诞铃铛</p><p>8. Father Christmas(英)/ Santa Claus(美)圣诞老人</p> <p>9. Snowman 雪人</p><p>10. Gingerbread Man 姜饼人</p><p>11. Bow 蝴蝶结</p><p>12. Star Tree Topper 星星树顶</p> <p>13. Angel Tree Topper 天使树顶</p><p>14. Christmas Light 圣诞彩灯</p><p>15. Garland ['gɑrlənd] 拉花</p><p>16. Ribbon 丝带</p><p>Ribbon is a popular alternative to garland. Patterned ribbon around the entire tree in horizontal bands.</p> <p>17. Tree Pick 圣诞树插花</p> <p>18. Wreath [riθ] 花环</p> <p>19. Poinsettia [,pɔin'setiə] 圣诞红(一品红)</p><p>外国人喜欢用圣诞红来装饰房间和圣诞树,也就是我们所说的一品红。</p> <p>20. Mistletoe ['misltəu] 槲寄生</p><p>There is a special kind of flower arrangement, called Mistletoe. It is a common Christmas ornament. People believe that hanging mistletoe at home will bring good luck.</p><p>插花当中有一种很特别的,叫槲寄生Mistletoe.槲寄生是常见的圣诞节装饰。人们相信在家里悬挂槲寄生会带来好运。</p><p><br></p><p>People also use mistletoe to make wreath which is called mistletoe wreath. It’s that any woman standing under mistletoe can be kissed by other people.</p><p>人们也用槲寄生做花环,也叫槲寄生花环。据说,任何站在槲寄生下的女人都可以被别人亲吻。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">终于到了装饰圣诞树🎄的环节:</b></p> <p>K:Now I can't wait to decorate a Christmas tree. What ornaments are there on a Christmas tree?</p><p>P: There are several steps to decorate the Christmas tree.</p><p><br></p><p>K:So how to decorate the Christmas tree?</p><p>P: First set up the Christmas tree stand, then insert branches in the support . Adjust each layer of needles松针;针叶 and branches, so they look nice.</p><p>先把圣诞树的支架摆放好,然后将树枝固定在支撑架上,整理好每层圣诞树叶,整理好每层圣诞树叶,让树叶扩展开来。</p><p><br></p><p>P: Secondly, fix the branches in the Christmas tree. There are many different ways to do it, it’s up to your imagination. Usually branches are put in a way where an upper layer is crossing a lower layer. Assemble the branches one by one. Do not be too neat when assembling, a little more casual look can better show the natural posture of the Christmas tree.</p><p>然后将枝叶固定在圣诞树上,具体怎么固定,方法很多,主要看你自己的喜欢,一般常用的方法是上下交叉,然后将枝干一一组装,组装时不要太整齐,随意一些,就能展示圣诞树自然的姿态。</p><p><br></p><p>P: Step 3, When the branches are fixed, The Christmas tree can be decorated , the Christmas lights should be laid out evenly, The tree can be surrounded by layers of decorations. Finally ,hang your chosen ornaments on the tree. It’s better not to put too many decorations on the Christmas tree. It’s better to be simple.</p><p>步骤三:枝叶固定好了之后,就可以开始布置圣诞灯了,圣诞灯最好布置均匀一些,可以采用分层围绕着圣诞树,也可以上下缠绕的方式围绕圣诞树。最后将你精心挑选的饰品挂在树上,像圣诞树的装饰品吊挂在树上,像圣诞树的饰品最好不要选太多,简单一些比较好看。</p><p><br></p><p>P: We put all of the decorations on the tree and around the house. On the tree, we put ornaments, lights, ribbons and tinsel with an angel or star sitting on the top.</p><p>我们在树上和屋子里挂上装饰品。咱们在树上挂上小挂件、灯、锻带、拉花,最上面坐一个天使或者五角星。</p> <p>Celine今年许了四个生日愿望:</p><p>1、👴🏻👵🏻回家陪她一起过生日✔️</p><p>2、生日这天装饰圣诞树🎄✔️</p><p>3、和妈妈一起好好读书</p><p>4、希望能参加姜老师的夏令营</p><p><br></p><p>听到第三第四个愿望的时候,妈妈泪目了😭。新的一年我们合作愉快💪🏻!</p>









