

<br>麦迪英语线上学习APP,是全国教育科学十三五规划教育部重点课题。<br>清华大学等诸多名校专家教授组组成权威的研发团队。<br>课题主持人麦迪:<br>英语口语教育专家;<br>《全球音 Global Phonetics》英语发音体系专利发明人;亚洲中英文超级演说家;<br>全国高考英语命题研究专家(参与编写2010/2011/2012年全国高考平行试卷);<br>国家级十一五、十二五、十三五重点课题负责人;<br>国家大学生创业及就业指导导师;<br>精准拼读研究院院长。<br><br> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>搜索“麦迪英语”公众号,点击APP下载即可。</b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><br></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b><br></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>课程介绍</b></h1> <h1 style="text-align: center"><b><br></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center"><b><br></b></h1><h1 style="text-align: center"><b>麦迪英语系统操作方法</b></h1> <div><br></div><div><br></div><h1 style="text-align: center;"><b>麦迪英语权威背景</b></h1> <b>据悉,麦迪是《全球音 Global Phonetics》英语发音体系专利发明人;英语口语教育专家;亚洲中英文超级演说家;全国高考英语命题研究专家(参与编写2010/2011/2012年全国高考平行试卷);国家级十一五、十二五、十三五重点课题负责人;国家大学生创业及就业指导导师;精准拼读研究院院长。</b> <b>麦迪是“精准扶贫,扶贫先扶智”的践行者。2017年先后在贵州省、宁夏、河南等省市免费培训英语教师数万名。免费赠送贵州省黎平县中小学生学习软件6万套,价值上亿元;免费赠送贵州省龙里县全县中小学生学习软件3.1万套,价值上亿元。由于对当地教育做出的重大贡献,被贵州省黎平县人民政府授予“黎平县荣誉市民”称号。</b><br><br> 麦迪英语简介<br><br>About Maidi English<br><br>在当下科学技术日新月异的发展变革中,地球也逐渐演变成“地球村”。英语作为一个人类重要的语言交流工具,其重要作用也是毋庸置疑的。中国的迅速崛起,国人走出去,外国人走进来变成了一个常态,因此学习英语也成为许多国人必修之课程。庞大的市场需求,也催生了各种各样的学习方式和培训机构。但是毕竟不是在一个母语环境中,所以对许多国人来说,学习英语很是吃力,我们有很多人学了多年英语却不敢开口说英语,甚至有博士生也不能开口说英语,变成了名副其实的哑巴英语,这就是非母语环境学习英语的弊端。但是语言首先是人类用来交流的工具,能够开口说英语才是学好英语的重要标志。<br><br>With the current rapid development and change of science and technology, the earth has gradually evolved into a "global village". As an important language communication tool of human, without doubt, English plays an important role in the communication among the people of the world. With the rapid rise of China, that Chinese people go out and foreigners come in is becoming a normal, so learning English has become a compulsory course for many Chinese. The huge market demand has also given birth to a variety of learning methods and training institutions. However, after all, because it is not in a native language environment, it is very hard so for many Chinese people to learn English. Many people who have learned English for many years but dare not speak English, even some doctoral students cannot speak English fluently. This indicates that dumb English is popular in China. This is also the disadvantage of learning English in a non-native language environment. As all know, language is the tool that human beings use to communicate, and the ability to speak English is an important sign of learning English well. 麦迪英语创始人麦迪老师,在20年的英语教学实践中,一直在探索用什么方法让国人能快速准确的发音,突破哑巴英语的难关,并且快速记忆单词和篇章。麦迪老师耗费了20年的时间,呕心沥血潜心专研,耗资数千万,摸索总结出一套简单的英语学习方法,即9个注音符号。9个注音符号的最大特色-----简单易学。简单到什么程度呢?如果您会汉语拼音,2个小时可以让您精准开口拼读单词。可以说,外国人给中国的汉字标注了汉语拼音,9个符号相当于给英语加注了拼音。让您看到9个注音符号就可以精准拼读任何英语单词、英语句子和英语文章。<br><br>Maidi, the founder of Maidi English, with 20 years of English teaching practice, has been exploring the ways to enable Chinese people to quickly and accurately pronounce, break through the difficulties of dumb English, and quickly memorize words and chapters. Mr. Maidi has spent 20 years and tens of millions dollars on research, exploring a set of simple English learning methods, that is, the NINE PHONETIC SYMBOLS. The biggest feature of the NINE PHONETIC SYMBOLS: simple and easy to learn English. To what extent? If you know Pinyin, you can spell any English word accurately in 2 hours. It can be said that foreigners learning Chinese often mark Chinese characters with Pinyin, and the "NINE PHONETIC SYMBOLS" is equivalent to the "Pinyin" to English. With the NINE PHONETIC SYMBOLS, you can accurately spell out any English words, English sentences and English texts.<br><br>麦迪英语以“九个注音符号”专利技术为核心,以单词拼读和记忆方法为工具,以英语课本同步知识为根本,中英协同,融会贯通,形成“235教学体系”,即两天解决标准发音,三天解决一学期单词记忆,五天解决一学期篇章知识,三位一体, 综合提升英语开口能力和考试成绩。<br><br>Maidi English is based on the patented technology of "NINE PHONETIC SYMBOLS ", and forms the "235 Teaching System" by using word spelling and memory as tools, synchronized knowledge of English textbooks as foundation, integrating Chinese and English together. The "235 Teaching System" means that learners need only 2 days to learn standard pronunciation, 3 days to memorize the words of one term and 5 days to learn the chapter knowledge of one term. These three aspects, together, can comprehensively improve both English speaking ability and English exam result. 麦迪英语,以全新的语言学习系统为载体、以教育为企业发展之根本、以互联网科技创新为企业发展之双翼、以国际化视野为方向、以家庭为核心、以父母陪伴孩子学习语言为动力、以教和学互动体验为产品形式和研发理念,全新打造出英语学习方法和系统。<br><br>We intend to create a brand new English learning method and system, with the brand-new language learning system as the carrier, education as the foundation of corporate development, Internet science and technology innovation as the wings of corporate development, international vision as the direction, family as the core, children's learning language with the active participation of parents as driving force, teaching and learning interactive experience as the product form and R&D concept. 这套方法颠覆了您过往对其他英语学习方法的认知。<br><br>This method may subvert your previous understanding of other English learning methods.<br><br>9个注音符号已经取得中华人民共和国国家知识产权局发明专利。以符号申请专利这在中国教育界尚属首列,并获得国家专利局极大的认可及支持。<br><br>The "NINE PHONETIC SYMBOLS" has been patented by the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China. This is the first patent for symbols in the Chinese educational circle, and it has been greatly recognized and supported by the State Intellectual Property Office.<br><br>麦迪英语的优势<br><br>Advantages of Maidi English<br><br>1、断崖式的学习方法。也就是说你只要掌握了9个音符号,从任何阶段都可以学好英语。<br><br>1. A cliff-like learning method. That is to say, you can learn English well at any stage by mastering only 9 symbols.<br><br>2、不增加孩子们的学习负担。我们的课程开发体系是与孩子们的英语课程完全一致,所以孩子们在课堂上没有学会的知识可以利用我们的学习软件完全掌握好课堂知识,极大地提高了学生的学习效率,对学生提高成绩是一个非常简单有效的方法。<br><br>2. It does not increase the burden of learning for children. Our curriculum development system is completely consistent with the children's English curriculum, so children can use our learning software to fully master the classroom knowledge they have not learned in the classroom, greatly improving their learning efficiency and providing a very simple and effective way for them to improve their learning results.<br><br>3、价廉物美的学习软件。与市场上一年动辄数千元甚至数万元的英语学习费用相比,麦迪英语有个心愿,让所有的孩子都能学得起英语,所以麦迪英语一年的学习费用仅仅数百元而已,目的就是要造福中国人、造福全人类。<br><br>3. Cheap learning software. Compared with the English learning costing thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan a year in the market, Maidi English just has a wish that all children can afford to learn English. It costs only hundreds of yuan a year to learn Maidi English because we never give up the purpose of benefiting the Chinese and all human beings.<br><br>麦迪英语市场前景:<br><br>Market Prospect of Maidi English:<br><br>1、在校学生群体;<br><br>1. The students at school;<br><br>2、麦迪英语不仅仅局限于学生,而是所有想学习英语的人群,从幼儿到银发一族,我们现在的家庭都非常重视教育问题,不用赘述。生活条件好了,我们的银发一族时常有走出国门的愿望,对英语的学习渴望也是不容小觑的市场。而麦迪英语可以满足各方的需求,其原因很简单,仅仅9个符号,就能学号英语。我们不仅开发了小学初中的所有课程体系,还开发了少儿英语、高中英语、大学英语、雅思英语、托福英语、考研英语、GRE英语等课程,满足了所有人群的英语学习需求。麦迪英语的市场非常庞大。<br><br>2. Maidi English is not limited to students, but all the people who want to learn English, from the young to the old. At present, our families attach great importance to education and it is unnecessary to repeat too much for this context. As the living conditions become better and better, some of the old in China often have the desire to go abroad, thus creating underestimated English learning market. Maidi English can meet the needs of all parties just because it is very simple and has only 9 symbols to learn English. We have developed not only all English curriculum systems of primary and junior high schools, but also kid's English, senior high school English, college English, IELTS English, TOEFL English, postgraduate entrance examination English, GRE English and other programs to meet the English learning needs of all groups. In a word, Maidi English has a very large market.<br><br>3、麦迪英语用9个符号学习英语,适用于任何国家的英语学习者。所以未来麦迪英语一定会走出国门,为世界人民所用。<br><br>3. Maidi English uses 9 symbols to learn English and is suitable for the English learners in any country. Therefore, in the future, Maidi English will certainly go abroad for the people of the world.<br><br>麦迪英语的愿景:<br><br>Vision of Maidi English:<br><br>帮助10万家教培机构建立高效的核心英语教学体系,赋能教学生态。 帮助中国中小学英语老师教学减负,提升教学质量。<br><br>To help 100,000 educational institutions to establish an efficient core English teaching system, enable teaching ecology and help Chinese primary and secondary schools' English teachers reduce the burden of teaching and improve the quality of teaching;<br><br>帮助100万宝妈实现人生的梦想!<br><br>To help 1 million mothers realize their dream of life!<br><br>帮助3亿中小学生轻松做到开口能说,提笔会考。<br><br>To help 300 million primary and middle school students to speak English and pass the examination easily 麦迪是“精准扶贫,扶贫先扶智”的践行者。2017年先后在贵州省、宁夏、河南等省市免费培训英语教师数万名。免费赠送贵州省黎平县中小学生学习软件6万多套,价值2.38亿元;免费赠送贵州省龙里县全县中小学生学习软件3.1万套,价值1.2亿元。由于对当地教育做出的重大贡献,被贵州省黎平县人民政府授予“黎平县荣誉市民”称号。<br><br>Maidi is the practitioner of "targeted poverty alleviation, supporting wisdom before poverty alleviation". In 2017, Mr. Maidi helped tens of thousands of English teachers be trained in Guizhou, Ningxia and Henan Provinces. He granted 60,000 sets of learning software worthy of RMB 238 million free to the primary and secondary school students in Liping County, Guizhou Province; and 31,000 sets of learning software worthy of RMB 120 million free to primary and secondary school students in of Longli County, Guizhou Province. Due to his great contribution to local education, the People's Government of Liping County, Guizhou Province awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Liping County" to Mr. Maidi.<br><br>文化教育是推动世界进步的一个重要条件,而语言是沟通的桥梁,懂多少语言,你的世界舞台就有多大!I have a dream! 构建人类命运共同体,我们从英语入手,在人类命运共同体里,让每一个公民都有话语权!<br><br>Cultural education is an important condition to promote the progress of the world while language is a bridge of communication. The more languages you master, the more you know about the world! I have a dream in building human destiny community. Let's start from English; in the human destiny community, let every citizen have the right to speak!<br><br>麦迪英语——让天下没有难学的英语!<br><br>Maidi English, making it easy to learn English!









