<h5>我在听VOA时发现的一些问题:<p>1.<font color="#b06fbb"><u>听力注意力不集中</u></font>,在体力OK的情况下,我个人认为在听力内容对此也是有一些影响,如果说对一些内容是感兴趣的,那么听力效果肯定会比自己不感兴趣的要好。其也可能由于自己的兴趣,对这方面内容有一定的背景知识的了解,更便于提升自己在听力方面的熟悉感。</p><p>2.<font color="#b06fbb"><u>对于一些专有名词的了解不够</u></font>,导致自己的听力迟钝,从而影响整篇的听力。对于此,我认为在去了解一些固定专有名词之外,听VOA的Health Report、Techologhy Report等会带来一定的帮助,它可以定期为我们带来一些学术调研尖端的东西,拓展我们再这些方面的知识面。</p><p>下面跟大家分享一则最新的health report。</p><p>COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Help Is on the Way’<br>American drug-maker Pfizer said Friday it has requested emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (or FDA) for its COVID-19 vaccine.<br>Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech noted they have also started a similar process with regulatory agencies in Europe. They are also doing so in other countries, including Japan, Canada and Australia.<br>The action came just two days after the drug-makers announced final results of their large vaccine study.<br>Dr. Albert Bourla is Pfizer Chairman and chief executive. He said in a statement, “Our work to deliver a safe and effective vaccine has never been more urgent.” He noted that the company is looking “to secure authorization of our vaccine candidate as quickly as possible.”<br>The emergency use request comes as reported coronavirus infections have sharply increased around the world.<br>Health crisis spread around the world<br>In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged Americans to carefully consider any travel plans for the Thanksgiving holiday. It noted that travel increases the chance of getting or spreading COVID-19. About 200,000 new cases of COVID-19 infections are being reported each day. The country also recorded more than 250,000 deaths from the virus this year.<br>This week, India reported that it now has 9 million infections. Mexico became the fourth country to report 100,000 deaths, joining Brazil, India and the United States.<br>Dr. Hans Henri Kluge of the World Health Organization said Thursday that Europe now has more than 15.7 million confirmed coronavirus infections, with over 4 million new cases recorded in November. He added, “Right now, an average of 4,500 lives are lost to COVID-19 in Europe every day.”<br>The Japanese government placed Tokyo on its highest coronavirus warning level on Thursday. And South Korea announced new restrictions including a ban on public gatherings of more than 100 people.<br>Race to deliver a vaccine<br>Pfizer and BioNTech said final results from the large Phase 3 study show their vaccine to be 95 percent effective against COVID-19.<br>The results will be considered by a group of independent scientists known as the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC).<br>Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is an FDA advisor. He told the Associated Press that scientists will advise the FDA on the experimental vaccine’s safety and its effectiveness.<br>The FDA has the final decision on whether or not to approve or authorize emergency use of the vaccine. It requires that a vaccine be at least 50 percent effective to be considered for emergency use. The FDA says that it may approve medical products “when there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.”<br>Two other vaccine makers, Moderna and AstraZeneca, are not far behind with their own candidates to prevent the spread of COVID-19.<br>American drug-maker Moderna said early results showed its vaccine to be 94.5 percent effective in preventing COVID-19. And scientists at the University of Oxford, working with AstraZeneca, reported that their experimental vaccine could protect older people from getting severely ill from the new coronavirus.<br>Making vaccines<br>Drug-makers Pfizer and BioNTech said they could produce 50 million vaccine treatments this year and up to 1.3 billion treatments by the end of 2021.<br>The companies have developed temperature-controlled containers to transport the vaccine at minus-70 degrees Celsius. These containers can be used for storage for 15 days by refilling with frozen carbon dioxide. They also come with sensors to track location and temperature during transportation around the world.<br>On Thursday, General Gustave Perna, chief operations officer for the U.S. Operation Warp Speed program said that a COVID-19 vaccine would begin to be sent out within 24 hours of FDA approval.<br>Dr. Anthony Fauci is the country’s top infectious diseases expert. He praised the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine candidates from Pfizer and Moderna.<br>Fauci said, “Help is on the way!” But, he warned that people should not forget public health measures like social distancing and wearing face coverings while waiting for the vaccine.<br></p><div><br></div></h5> <h5>This article showes us the COVID-19's spreading to its solution.If the vaccines can be producted soon,most of the people who suffering the disaster can be solved. </h5><h5>3.原先听一个老师说过,提高听力的秘诀在于重复。一个陌生的听力单词在经过数遍的听力练习,会变到熟悉,转换为属于自己的单词。</h5><div>4.我觉得强度控制也是一个关键。人生是一个适应不同环境的阶段,我们需要不断地提高听力的语速,来让自己的耳朵适应,达到大脑的快速反应。只有这样,才可以在听到慢速听力的时候,感觉到just a piece of cake。</div><h5>我现在坚持每天听至少一则VOA听力,可能自己没什么太大的感受,但在听力的每次课堂雅思听力中有在一点点的进步,尽管跨度较小,但至少在听力这条路上前进,而非停滞不前。</h5>