<p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size: 20px;">十二生肖</b></p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">House for three little pigs:</b></p><p>M: Honey, do you know why the wolf can blow the straw house and stick house down in the book Three little Pigs?</p><p>B: 她们不结实啊。</p><p>M: How do you know the the straw house and stick house are not sturdy?</p><p>B: 不知道。</p><p>M: Then do you know to to make a sturdy house?</p><p>B: 用砖头。</p><p>M: Ok, That is what the story told you. Let’s make some house by ourselves and check which one is sturdy.</p><p>B: 好的好的。</p><p>M: We can make a house out of paper first. We use the paper instead of the straw. Do you know the similarity between straw and paper?</p><p>B: 她们很平滑而且很轻。</p><p>M: Yes, they are light and smooth. So they are easy to fly away.</p><p>Look, mommy made paper house. Come and blow it.</p><p>It’s easy to blow away.</p> <p>M: Next, we will make a house out of magnetic tiles. We use squares to make a little house and triangle for the roof.</p><p>Let’s check if it sturdy or not.</p><p>B: Huff!Puff!</p><p>M: You can’t blow it down.</p><p>B: I can push it down.</p><p>M: Oh, so it is not sturdy either.</p> <p>M: Then what can we do now. We can’t make a sturdy house.</p><p>B: 搭砖头的啊.</p><p>M: But we don’t have bricks. What can we use instead?</p><p>B: 不知道啊</p><p>M: How about the blocks? Do they look same?</p><p>B: 不像。</p><p>M: Haha, they are not same. But they are all cuboid and a little bit heavy, are they?</p><p>B: Yes.</p><p>M: So we use block instead of bricks to make a house. And use clay as the masonry cement. When the clay becomes dry, the house will be sturdy.</p><p>Let’s surface the brick with the masonry cement. Then put another brick on it. We can build a brick house like this. Great!</p><p>.....</p><p>Honey, the clay is dry. Try to blow and push it. We can see if the brick house is sturdy or not.</p><p>Haha. It’s very sturdy. You a big bad wolf can not catch the little pigs.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size: 20px;">Make a telephone:</b></p><p>M: Honey, would you like to make a telephone?</p><p>B: Yes.</p><p>M: We have two cups. </p><p>Make a hole at the bottom of the two cups.</p><p>Thread the string through the hole.</p><p>Tie the string onto a piece of a toothpick.</p><p>Well done.</p><p>Let’s play with this new telephone.</p><p>B: 妈妈……</p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">小结:</b></p><p>原计划的粉猪107推后了。学习了最新的工程课,把粉猪复述的内容好好学习了下,决定从头开始按照小西妈的方法,一步一步再过一遍,今天精确理解了101,接下来精听,再分角色提词重新玩一遍。</p><p>顺便按照工程课的内容复习1级别,儿歌复习,游戏重新玩了一遍,句型拓展应用练习了一遍,扫了下检查掌握程度。这部分内容没有打卡,用的都是以前打卡的游戏。做完拓展再打卡,就是容易犯懒病……</p>