<p><br></p><p>1.音频: 海尼曼 中级别 循环听 45分钟</p><p> 汉语: 牙牙学语(二)后六个单元+汉语第一册前六单元 1小时</p><p> 小猪佩奇第二季 pen pal 往后6个故事</p><p>2. 动画:无</p><p>3. 读书:汉语早读晚诵第一册第4-6元 </p><p> 英语指读: 海尼曼 8本</p><p> 英文理解性阅读: 不变</p><p>4.补充+游戏</p><p><br></p><p> 1.Talk About Ducks </p><p> Vessel: a tube that carry blood through your body/liquid flow through the parts of plants</p><p>Flexible: 弹性的,灵活的 </p><p>Be able to bend easily without breaking plastic eg: flexible plastic tubing</p><p><br></p><p>2.How duck walk </p><p>Wibble wobble waddle. Move from side to side while walking. </p><p><br></p><p>3.Where does duckling come from?</p><p>Baby duck come from egg laid by female ducks. Many animals do not give birth to their young ones directly. The mother animals lay eggs. Then they hatch the eggs. After a certain period, their young ones come out of the eggs. Such as fish, turtles, frog, snake, crocodile, spider, butterfly.</p><p><br></p><p>4. About the egg</p><p>The egg consists of a hard protective outer shell. Inside the egg in the centre is round yellow soft portion that is called yolk. It contains the developing baby called the embryo(胚胎). It also contains food for embryo. It takes the shapes of the animal in a few days. The young one comes out at the end of the hatching period.</p><p><br></p><p>5. Fun Facts about duck </p><p>A duck has a flat bill. Two eyes are set on each side of its head. Two wings are covered in feathers. But they can not fly high like a bird. A duck has a tail and flexible tail. Their webbed feet are like flippers we use to dive. There are not only no nerves in a duck’s feet, but also no blood vessels. Therefore, ducks can walk on ice and they can also swim in ice water. They are waterproof. Their wings are waterproof. Each winter ducks will travel thousands of miles to find a place where the water does not freeze. They spend most time in the water. </p><p>Size: The female duck is slightly smaller than the male(drake). They have a dull brown feathers (plumage) to protect her when sitting on the nest. </p><p><br></p><p>6.Life circle of Duck</p><p>A female duck lay eggs in a rest on a ground. Hatching The female duck sit on the eggs. It usually takes a month for the eggs hatching. A baby duck is always called duckling. Juvenile duck The young duck is a lot smaller than the adult duck. It molts ( lose their feather and grow new feather) in summerAdult duck Male ducks show their colorful feathers to the female ducks and soon they come pairs and mate.They love to eat fish, loach, corn, cabbage and grass.</p><p><br></p><p>Game 1. You’re a rocket</p><p>M: Look at this picture. Do you know what it is?</p><p>B: It is a rocket. </p><p>M: Hello kipper, nice to meet you. I am a rocket. See I have a pointy top called nose cone. This is my body tube. The red part in the middle is my transition section. Here is rail guide. This is rail guide with standoff. Engine mount(发动机架) . Fins can help rocket fly high up in the sky. A real rocket can launch into distant outer space. It sounds cool.</p><p> M: What sound does a rocket make?</p><p>B: Zoom,zoom, zoom</p><p>M: Do you want to launch into outer space like rocket?</p><p> B: Yes.</p><p>M: These are what we need. I will wrap you in this wash cloth. I put clip here to keep it stay. Then you have a tube body. Put on this pointy cap as a pointy end of rocket. Tie these two bags on your legs. Now you are a rocket. Lay in my arms, sing a song, I am going to launch(send ) you into space. </p><p>B: How to lay.</p><p>M: Turn around. We are going to the moon.Are you read? Sing a song.</p><p><br></p><p>Game 2. Touch moon</p><p> M: What can you see in the clear sky at night?</p><p>B: Moon and stars.</p><p>M: Do you want to go to the moon and pick stars. Ok. See, here are three moons in the sky. This is full moon, this is half moon. This is new moon. Which one do you want to go to? </p><p>B: Full moon.</p><p>M: We are rockets. We stand by the door and sing the song. Run to the moons and stars when you hear go. Whoever gets there first would be the winner.</p><p> B:chant together.</p><p>M: Hold on, not yet. You can not run early. You touch it. You are on the moon now. Congratulations.</p><p>M:Let us play in a different way. See, stars. Now I hold the stars and move it high or low. You sing a song and chase after me to pick stars. When you hear we are going to the moon, jump up and pick star. </p><p><br></p><p>Game 3 A balloon rocket</p><p>M: Look, these are we need for balloon rocket. Do you know what they are</p><p>B: Balloon, string, straw, double side tape</p><p>M: Here is line, let us tie it to the chair. Blow up the balloon, use double side tape to stick it on the straw. Hold the balloon tightly. Do not let it go flat. Put the line through the straw. Now you have a balloon rocket. Chant and let it go when you get to go. It flys like a rocket on the string.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p>