

<p>一、汉语</p><p>1.早读晚诵~学《拍手猜拳》复习《虫虫飞》</p><p>2.识字卡</p><p>3.指读教材;</p><p>4.指读挂图《拍手猜拳》和《虫虫飞》。</p> <p>二、英语</p><p>1.listening:0a➕0b音频、粉猪8-10集;三师课</p><p>2.cartoon:0a-unit9教材及粉猪8-10集;</p><p>3.三师课;</p><p>4.card。</p><p>三、reading</p><p>海尼曼GK4本、G1-2本(跳一跳够得着);牛津树2本。</p> <p>四、family fun</p> <p>1.手工 Hand crafts--Make a duck</p><p>M:hello panda.</p><p>P:hello mummy.</p><p>M:let’s make a duck.what do you use to make ducks?</p><p>M:we will need super light clay.</p><p>Steps:</p><p>1.&nbsp;make a round head</p><p>2.&nbsp;Make the body</p><p>3.&nbsp;Choose another color and make two wings.stick them on body.</p><p>4.&nbsp;Make two eyes with the white and black clay.</p><p>5.&nbsp;Make a bill and stick it onto the head.</p><p>6.&nbsp;Wait for 20 minutes until it is dry.</p><p>M:wow,how cute a duck.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> <p>2. 拓展 How to draw a duck?</p><p>M:hey,panda,how are you today?</p><p>P:I’m fine,and you?</p><p>M:I’m fine ,too.</p><p>M:do you know how to draw a duck?</p><p>P:no</p><p>M:follow me,a duck has a flat bill,then a round head,two eyes.</p><p>M:ok,the eyes are set on each side of its head.</p><p>M:then a long neck.a tall breast and a tail,and he has two wings.</p><p>M:what dose duck likes to eat?</p><p>P:fish</p><p>M:ok,it likes to eat fish,grass and vegetables.</p><p>M:Does a duck can fly high like a bird?</p><p>P:no.</p><p>M:ok,the duck can walk,but he can’t fly.</p><p>M:and last,a duck has two feet. Duck’s feet are called webbed.they help a duck swim.</p><p>M:see,I draw a duck very cute.</p> <p>3.游戏 my big rocket</p><p>M:panda,come and see a big rocket.Do you want to touch it?</p><p>P:yes</p><p>M:what sound does a rocket make?</p><p>P:no</p><p>M:listen!zoom zoom zoom!</p><p>M:Do you wanna to singing zoom zoom zoom with me?</p><p>P:yes</p><p>M:ok,set go.</p><p>Chant zoom zoom zoom,we are going to the moon...</p><p>Dog:wait wait wait,panda,can I ride on your rocket?</p><p>P:yes.of course,come on.</p><p>Chant Zoom zoom zoom...</p><p>Giraffe:haha,panda,could I get on your rocket?</p><p>P:yes.of course.come on.</p><p>chant zoom zoom zoom...</p><p>Pig:wait,may i ride on your rocket?</p><p>P:yes.of course.come on.</p> <p>4.Look,this is my rocket!</p><p>M:take a pillow or a mop or something to use as a rocket.</p><p>M:look,this pillow is your rocket,you ride on the pillow.zoom zoom zoom,we're going to the moon,ready?5-4-3-2-1.go.</p><p>M:come and see a mop rocket.do you wanna to ride on the mop?</p><p>P:yes</p><p>M:ok,ride on the mop and let's sing zoom zoom zoom.we are going to the moon...</p> <p>5.拓展游戏 ready and go</p><p>M:hey panda,come and play a racing game,ok?</p><p>P:ok</p><p>M:we will run to the bedroom.whoever gets there first is the winner,ok?</p><p>P:yeah</p><p>M:let's squat down together.</p><p> Run when you hear me say"go"got it?</p><p>Let's have a try.ready?</p><p>P:yes</p><p>M:5-4-3.hold on. Not yet.2-1.run run run.</p><p>M:this time,we will pretend to be a rocket.</p><p>We will launch into the bathroom.ok?</p><p>P:ok</p><p>Chant zoom zoom zoom.we're going to themoon.</p> <p>五、讲故事~守株待兔</p><p> panda参加幼儿园的讲故事比赛,临时加进来每天练习讲一遍。</p>









