<p>进度:0b U12 暂停了一个月,终于又开始了,我以为停了一阵子孩子会不习惯啦,结果是我多虑了😂 每天游戏时间都超开心!效率也很高</p><p>音频:0b、1a音频,白泽</p><p>视频:U12动画、常爸小古文、叫叫</p><p>阅读:如下图</p><p>游戏及应用:见Game环节</p> <p>Game1: Human seesaw</p><p>Baby come here. Sit on my feet. Hold my arms.</p><p>Don' t let go,ok ?</p><p>I will lie down and hold you on my legs.</p><p>Mommy is a seesaw now.</p><p>I will tilt like the seesaw. Let's play.</p><p>Up and down, up and down. Up and down, up and down. Seesaw. teeter totter tilt. Some goes up. Some goes down.</p><p>Seesaw, you can also call it teeter totter, they are the same.解释了一下儿歌里比较难理解的短语</p> <p>Game2: A Car race</p><p>Let’s play a game, mummy.</p><p>There are two cars, let’s have a race, like this.</p><p>(他在地上摆了好多障碍物,让我俩一人拿一个车绕着跑)</p><p>I see many obstacles 障碍物哦.</p><p>You mean we should control our own car around the obstacles to reach the destination目的地.</p><p>Here is the destination. 我指给他看这是终点</p><p>The first to reach there is the winner.</p><p>OK, ready, steady, go!</p><p>............</p><p>I’m faster.</p><p>Yeah, you win~</p><p>Once more......</p><p>然后就各种重复玩,这个游戏比较即兴,是孩子想的游戏,我顺着他就很开心的玩起来了。</p><p>新词输入:obstacles 障碍物;destination 目的地;</p> <p>Game3:Balance game—Yoga </p><p>瑜伽🧘♀️也是很好锻炼平衡感的一项运动,在U12seesaw这一单元拓展,我尝试加入瑜伽动作练习,一方面可以回顾下各种动物的特点,一方面也可以锻炼孩子平衡感和协调性</p><p>先看瑜伽动作图片,让他来猜像什么动物,然后我们一起来做动作</p><p>M:Today Let’s play another balance game, you can call it yoga!</p><p>B: Yoga!</p><p>M: Yeah, Look at these pictures, these are all animal poses. What does this pose look like, can you guess?</p><p>B: Snake</p><p>M: Yes, excellent. And this one, does it look like monkey?</p><p>B: Yes, it looks like gorilla .</p><p>........一直看图片猜动物</p><p>然后开始做动作</p><p>M:Now let’s do these yoga poses, Ok? Which one would you like to try?</p><p>这时他已经做上了动作,是个蛇的姿势</p><p>B:Snake</p><p>M: It really looks like a snake. Next one.</p><p>做了个狗的动作</p><p>M:Is it a dog pose?</p><p>B: Yes.</p><p>M: Oh, it’s a frog pose.</p><p>B: 妈妈 青蛙要鼓起嘴才像</p><p>M:是啊是啊,我偷笑🤭</p><p>M:Can you do this? Flamingo pose.</p><p>B:It’s difficult.</p><p>PS:最后这个火烈鸟动作有点难,试了好几次,单脚站有点困难,需要很好的平衡感,我们反复试了几次,勉强完成了,过程很开心,孩子觉得特别好玩</p> <p>Game4:Yoga Bingo</p><p>经典的Bingo游戏,这次玩的是4*4简单版的瑜伽bingo,要做相应的瑜伽动作,横竖斜任意连成线就算成功</p><p>Bingo cards have 16 picture squares on them, with the word "BINGO" written across the top.</p><p>Here are some little cards with some letters and numbers on it. You would choose one randomly ['rændəmli] 随机的.</p><p>If the card says "B-2," you would look for the 2nd square under the "B" column.</p><p>Then you need to do the yoga pose in the square.</p><p>Here are a pile of bingo chips(圆圆的小片), you can use it to cover the square.</p><p>Your goal is to cover 4 of those squares in a <span style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">vertical [ˈvɜːrtɪkl] 垂直的, horizontal [ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl] 水平的, or diagonal [daɪˈæɡənl] 对角线的 </span>row.</p><p>Have you got it? Yes.</p><p>后面就开始玩了,做瑜伽动作因为有前面的基础,这个难度不大了,就是像vertical, horizontal , diagonal 这种词理解的不是很好,最后我换了种方式,直接摆给他看才理解</p> <p>其他:</p><p>暂停的这一个月,坚持的最好的就是白泽、小古文和叫叫,尤其是白泽,真的是霸占了所有听力时间,完全就被迷住了,但是我没时间管,只能任他去听!</p><p>突然这两天给我讲了很多,诸如地壳、地幔、地核,还有他们的原理,火山喷发是从地幔出来的之类的,竟然都是听白泽听来的,我想着可能以后是个理工男吧,白泽没白听😂</p><p>其次是叫叫,坚持的特别好,没有落下的,学会了很多成语和古诗,不仅对古诗讲解的很透彻,还有唱古诗环节,都是我们很喜欢的部分</p><p>接下来,开始恢复学习,要追上英语的进度了!</p>