<p>🎀listening :清华幼儿英语、自然拼读,佩奇,数学口诀,论语</p><p>🎀video:0b-U9 Turtle and snail </p><p>🎀game</p><p>☘️ game1: family fun </p><p>☘️ game2:turtle and snail race </p><p>🎀reading:海尼曼</p><p>🎀daily:raz打卡</p><p>🎀每周古诗+国学</p> <p>🎀listening</p> <p>🎀video:0b-U9 turtle and snail </p> <p>Game 1: Family Time</p><p>Mum: Let's play a game. Let's pretend to be turtles, OK? I am the mother turtle and you are the baby turtle.</p><p>Baby: Ok.</p><p>Mum & Baby: This is a turtle. Hide in the shell. Be-bop, Be-bop, be-bop, be-bop. Hide the head well.</p><p>Mum: Very good. Now let's pretend to be snails, Ok?</p><p>Baby: Ok, you are the mother snail and I will be the baby snail.</p><p>Baby & Mum: This is a snail. Hide in the shell. Be-bop, be-bop. Hide the head well.</p> <p>Game 2: Turtle and snail race </p><p>Mum: Now I am the turtle and you are the snail. Who do you think crawls faster? </p><p>Baby: turtle </p><p>Mum: we can have a race. Do you want to have a race with me?</p><p>Baby: Yes!</p><p>Mum: Ok! This is the start line. When I say go, we crawl to the finish line. Please sing the song with me.</p><p>This is a turtle. Hide in the shell. Be-bop, Be-bop, be-bop, be-bop. Hide the head well.</p><p>Baby: I win. I am the champion!</p><p>Mum: Here's your medal</p> <p>Role exchange </p> <p>🎀supplementary </p> <p>Turtles</p><p>Turtles are small land and sea animals. There are actually three names used: "Turtle ,""Tortoise ," and "Terrapin."</p><p>"Turtle is used for water turtles and tortoise is used for land turtles. But it is OK to just call all of them "Turtles."</p><p>Turtles are lay their eggs in the sand. When they hatch,, baby turtles run to the water </p> <p>Trace and color </p> <p>🎀reading</p> <p>🎀daily:raz打卡</p> <p>🎀每周古诗+国学</p> <p>论语 13 </p><p>孔子谓季氏:“八佾舞于庭,是可忍也,孰不可忍也?”</p><p>三家者以《雍》彻,子曰:“‘相维辟公,天子穆穆’,奚取于三家之堂?”</p><p>子曰:“人而不仁,如礼何?人而不仁,如乐何?”</p>