<p> 天上紫微垣,地上紫禁城。紫禁城宫殿建成于明永乐十八年(1420年)。2020年,紫禁城建成已整整600年。作为明清两代的皇宫,共有24位皇帝在此生活居住,在600年的传承中,汇集了中华民族劳动人民的智慧。这里是中国文化“有容乃大”的实物例证,是中华民族当之无愧的“大成之城”。11月10日,国际初中部全体同学怀着激动的心情踏上了前往故宫的奇妙之旅。</p><p> Ziweiyuan in the sky, The Forbidden City on the ground. The Forbidden City palace was built in 1420, the eighteenth year of The Reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty. In 2020, it will be 600 years since the Forbidden City was built. As the imperial palace of Ming and Qing dynasties, a total of 24 emperors lived here and gathered the wisdom of the working people of the Chinese nation in 600 years of inheritance. This is a real example of the "tolerance and greatness" of Chinese culture. It is the well-deserved "city of Success" of the Chinese nation. On November 10th, all the students of the International Junior Middle School set off on a wonderful trip to the Forbidden City with great excitement.</p> <p>穿越六百年的沧桑,当我们今天走进故宫这座明清两代的皇宫、世界现存最大最完整的木质结构的古建筑群时,同学们强烈地感受到故宫作为气势恢宏的皇家建筑留给后人的震撼,并被其中所蕴含的浓烈的中国传统文化气息感染。</p><p>Through six hundred years of vicissitudes of life, when we walked into the palace of the Ming and qing dynasties imperial palace today, the world's largest and most complete existing the ancient wooden structure buildings, students can feel a strong royal palace as a magnificent architectural legacy of shock, and among them because of the strong Chinese traditional culture.</p> <p>下午14时,全体师生陆续跨步午门,走进庄严巍峨的皇城内院,首先来到了三大殿,分别是太和殿、中和殿及保和殿,其中太和殿是皇宫内建筑等级最高的宫殿,是帝王用来举行各种典礼的场所。高大宏伟的建筑、金碧辉煌的大殿、美轮美奂的雕刻,让同学们叹为观止。</p><p>At 14:00 in the afternoon, all the teachers and students step the meridian gate, walked into the stately inner courtyard, first came to the three main halls, respectively is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Zhonghe Hall and Baohe Hall, which is the highest building grade palace inside the palace, is used by the emperor to hold all kinds of ceremonies. The tall and magnificent buildings, the resplendent hall, and the magnificent sculptures amazed the students.</p> <p>故宫博物院推出此次特展——《丹宸永固:紫禁城建成六百年》,由三大主题、18个历史节点介绍紫禁城的规划、布局、建筑、宫廷生活,以及建筑营缮与保护的概况,贯穿紫禁城的“时”与“空”。同学们通过此次参观,观赏了闻所未闻、见所未见的宝藏,感悟到其中的精巧与绝妙。</p><p>The special exhibition "Dancheng Yonggu: Six Hundred Years after the Forbidden City was Built" by the Palace Museum introduces the planning, layout, architecture and palace life of the Forbidden City, as well as the general situation of building construction and preservation through the "time" and "space" of the Forbidden City through three major themes and 18 historical nodes. Students through this visit, see unheard of, never seen treasure, feel the exquisite and wonderful.</p> <p>“宫城一体”展厅以梳理建筑史为主,以3个历史节点向我们展示了明代紫禁城从选址到建成的过程,讲述了紫禁城内建筑的规则和营造法式。</p><p>The exhibition hall of "palace city integration" mainly combs the architectural history, and shows us the process from site selection to completion of the Forbidden City in Ming Dynasty with three historical nodes, and describes the rules and construction methods of the Forbidden City.</p><p> </p> <p>明代保存至今的琉璃瓦的部件,如下面的凤纹、龙纹滴水,各种颜色的琉璃龙纹勾头依旧上的龙、凤纹雕花依旧清晰。不同颜色的瓦当代表了不同时期,即使经过时间洗礼,故宫建筑上的砖瓦雕刻依然栩栩如生。</p><p>The parts of glazed tiles preserved in the Ming Dynasty, such as the phoenix pattern and dragon pattern dripping water below, are still in various colors, and the dragon and phoenix patterns on the head are still clear. Different colors of tiles represent different periods. Even after the baptism of time, the brick and tile carvings on the Palace Museum are still vivid.</p> <p>故宫午门正楼展厅主题为“有容乃大”,空间色彩采用红色,烘托出清代紫禁城宫殿建筑及内檐装饰的华丽与精美,同时讲述清代各个时期紫禁城建筑格局与风格的变化。紫禁城里著名的屋脊兽也从屋脊上搬到了展厅,它们还是康熙年间重建太和殿时的原件。</p><p>The theme of the exhibition hall of the main building of the Meridian Gate of the Forbidden City is "tolerance is great". The space color is red, which sets off the gorgeous and exquisite palace buildings and eaves decoration of the Forbidden City in the Qing Dynasty. It also tells about the changes of the architectural pattern and style of the Forbidden City in different periods of the Qing Dynasty. The famous roof beasts in the Forbidden City were also moved to the exhibition hall from the roof ridge. They were the original parts of the Taihe hall rebuilt during the reign of Emperor Kangxi.</p> <p>同学们来到东雁翅楼展厅,也是600年大展的最后一个展厅。这一展厅,用大量的老照片和史料档案向我们讲述了故宫的发展史,从皇家别院到古物陈列所到故宫博物院再到世界文化遗产,不论是文物南迁还是营造学社,故宫都在不断发展。</p><p>Students came to the exhibition hall of dongyanji building, which is also the last exhibition hall of the 600 year exhibition. This exhibition hall, with a large number of old photos and historical documents, tells us the history of the development of the Forbidden City. From the Royal courtyard to the antiquities exhibition hall, to the Palace Museum and to the world cultural heritage sites, the Palace Museum is constantly developing, whether it is cultural relics moving to the South or building societies.</p><p> </p> <p>同学们每到一个宫殿都认真观看,观赏宫殿的外貌,感受每一座宫殿的建造工艺和皇家气度,为中国古代人民精湛的建筑技艺而赞叹,为北京拥有的600年皇都历史感到骄傲。</p><p>Every time the students went to a palace, they looked at the appearance of the palace, felt the construction technology and royal dignity of each palace, marveled at the exquisite architectural skills of the ancient Chinese people, and felt proud of the 600-year history of the imperial palace in Beijing.</p> <p>每一个傲然伫立的神兽,每一颗高大、古朴、遒劲的古树,都仿佛在诉说着自己的故事,他们阅尽繁华,历经沧桑。岁月,呼啸而过,历史,触手可及。</p><p>Every proud ancient beast, every tall, simple and powerful tree, seems to tell its own story. They have experienced prosperity and vicissitudes. Years, whistling past, history, within reach.</p> <p>学生们在周老师的带领下,深入了解故宫的历史,深刻感受到了故宫的庄严绚丽。学生们那一双双求知的眼神感动着现场的每一个人。</p><p>Under the guidance of Teacher Zhou, the students had a deep understanding of the history of the Forbidden City and felt its magnificence. The eager eyes of the students moved everyone on the scene.</p> <p>放眼望去,红城墙和琉璃瓦分外耀眼,映射着太阳的光辉。同学们一路走来,兴味盎然,尽情地享受着冬日暖阳带来的惬意。</p><p>Looking ahead, the red wall and glazed tiles are particularly dazzling, reflecting the brilliance of the sun. Along the way, the students are full of interest, enjoying the winter sun brought by the cozy.</p> <p>恢弘庄重的建筑、雕梁画栋的内庭、耀眼夺目的珍宝、别出匠心的园林,无不让人印象深刻。整个过程,学生们都难掩兴奋和赞叹。</p><p>Grand and solemn architecture, carved beams and painted buildings, dazzling treasures, don't show ingenuity garden, all leave a deep impression.The whole process, the students can not hide their excitement and admiration.</p> <p>文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。故宫保存着古代中国最精华的文物,它们构成了一部可见的中国文化史。同学们通过参观活动,近距离地感受了中国古建筑的巧夺天工,体验这座古城昔日的神秘,还激发了我们内心深处的文化自信,深刻认识到了作为新时代接班人的责任与担当,我们要用自己的行动将古人的智慧和创造力延续,将中华优秀传统文化传承。</p><p>Culture is the soul of a country and a nation. The Palace Museum holds the best cultural relics of ancient China, which constitute a visible cultural history of China. Students through the tour, close feeling of ancient Chinese architecture wonderful artical excelling nature, experience the mystery of the ancient city once also inspired our deep cultural self-confidence, deep understanding to the successor as a new era of responsibility and bear, we want to use their own actions will continue, the wisdom of the ancients and creativity will be inheriting Chinese excellent traditional culture.</p> <p>Y7C1</p> <p>Y7C2</p> <p>Y7C3</p> <p>Y7C4</p> <p>Y7C5</p> <p>Y8C1</p> <p>Y8C2</p> <p>Y8C3</p> <p>Y8C4</p> <p>Y8C5</p> <p>Y8C6</p> <p>Y9C1</p> <p>Y9C6</p>