【Johnny Hammer】小西妈双语工程 2003期No.194 Ryan 2020年11月8日 Day 139


Video: 教材动画 Johhny hammer 粉猪 The dentist<br>Audio: 牙牙学语(一)第七集和第八集 1a 1b 粉猪6集循环<br>Reading: 海尼曼中3册 牛津2 6本 牛津3 1本 牛津4 1本 牛津5 1本 中文绘本天天随机读 <b>What is difference between nail and screw?</b><br><br>A nail has a smooth straight shaft and a flat head that requires a hammer to pound the nail in. A screw has thread on the shaft and the head has a shape to it so a screwdriver is needed to screw in the screw.<br><br>钉子有一个光滑的直轴和一个平头,需要用锤子把钉子敲进去。螺丝在轴上有螺纹,头部有一个形状,所以需要一个螺丝刀拧进螺丝。 <b>Game 1: build a house with blocks</b><div><br></div><div>Honey, Do you want to build a house? Where are your blocks/ Get them here. And what else do we need? I think we need a tool kit. Go to get your tool kit. Now, come here. Let us work with these tools to build a house.</div><div>See, mommy made some tools. Remember the names of them?</div><div>These are pliers, screw driver, wrench and a hammer. I will use the hammer to build this house. What will you use? A drill? No problem, you use the drill to work.</div><div>一遍搭一边唱,盖了一个小房子。</div> <b>Game 2:build a house with small pieces</b><div><br></div><div>Mommy, I want to build a house with these. </div><div>Ok. First, we should make a design. Which one will be the roof? How about make the triangle as the roof? Then how many floors does this building have? How about nine floors? Then we put the squares here. Last, you need to use your drill to fix these pieces with the screws.</div><div>Johhny works with 1 screw, 1 screw, 1 screw, Johhny works with 1 screw all day long.</div><div>.....</div><div>后面让我用screwdriver做,他用drill,要比我快。。。</div> <b>拓展 1:hammer</b><div><br></div><div>Come here, baby, mommy shows you a picture. What is it, can you guess? Yes, it is a hammer. Let us draw it. It is easy, use a pencil to connect the dots in sequence of these number. Where is one? Yes, here it it. Where is two? It is here. Connect the 2 numbers with straight line. Good job. Then connect all the number in this way. </div><div>See, a hammer, a claw hammer. Then let us color it. Which color will you choose? Red again? Ok, draw it with red color. Haha, a red hammer.</div> <b>拓展 2: match the word to the pictures</b><div><br></div><div>Honey, here is a picture. Do you know all the names of these tools? Let us match the name to these tools.</div><div>大部分都认识了,锯子不认识,因为没见过实物。还有两个图片和名字对不上,就简单介绍了一下。</div> <b>拓展 3:match workers to the tools</b><div><br></div><div>Honey, let us see this picture. In this line, you can see different kind of workers. The first one is a doctor. The second is a farmer. The third is a hair dresser. The forth is a chef who can cook yum food. The last one is a painter. Different kind of workers use different tools. Can you match them?</div><div>Good job. Do you know, there are many kinds of careers in the world, and different careers need different tools. Like mommy, mommy uses computer when I am working. For you, you need crayons to color, pencils to draw, scissors to cut, so they are your tools. All of us need tools to do anything, because we are human. Human know how to make tolls and how to use tools to be more efficient, and it is one of the most important difference with other animals.</div><div>都选对了,对这些职业都有些概念。趁机把主题课上的两个图片也过了一遍。也讲了一下每个人都需要工具,我们用的任何东西都是工具,听得似懂非懂。</div> <b>拓展 4:tools pattern</b><div><br></div><div>Honey,here is the last picture. See, there are many tools here in these rows. These tools are in different patterns. Can you put the right tool in the last blank? Let us have a try. Mommy cuts these tools at the bottom first.</div><div><br></div><div>这个规律还是很好找的,第一行做了两遍,后面一次过。</div>









