<p><b> 蒻说</b></p><p><b> </b></p><p><b><span class="ql-cursor"></span>当前,腊肠犬成为越来越受欢迎的家庭宠物。它们体积小,能够适应人们越来越拥挤的居住空间,这也是成为腊肠犬大受欢迎的原因之一。但是,你是否真的知道我们的动物朋友到底需要多大空间呢?快来和小译一起看看吧~</b></p> Sausage dog 腊肠犬 <p><br></p><p>Sausage dog registrations have soared in the past three years. They were once bred for flushing out badgers, now the sausage dog is becoming popular because it's an ideal fit for small flats. According to the Kennel Club, there were 9,000 new registrations last year, up 40% from 2015. It has partly been driven by fashion – dachshunds have been regularly used in advertising, and popularised by celebrity ownership – but also because homes are getting smaller. </p><p><br></p><p>近三年前来登记饲养腊肠犬的人数高涨。起初,人们饲养腊肠犬是为了驱赶獾。现在腊肠犬受到欢迎是因为它体型小,适合在小公寓里饲养。根据英国养犬俱乐部统计,去年新注册腊肠犬饲养数量为9000只,与2015年相比增长了40%。出现这一趋势当然有追赶潮流的因素,因为近来广告中经常出现腊肠犬,且某些名人饲养腊肠犬,从而使腊肠犬更受欢迎。除此之外,还有一个原因则是人们的住房面积日益缩小。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>While the first question of pet ownership should always be: “Am I the right person for this pet?” – rather than the other way around – it may be worth rethinking how much space, or not, pets need.</p><p><br></p><p>尽管在决定是否养宠物时,首先要考虑的问题应该是:“我适不适合养宠物?”而不是“宠物是不是适合我?”但如今,人们养宠物之前也必须要思考,宠物究竟需要多少空间。</p> Chickens 小鸡 <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 62);"><span class="ql-cursor"></span>You don't need a farm or smallholding to keepchickens. Although they would be happier with asmuch space as possible to roam, the recommended minimum for a chicken run isone square metre, and preferably two, per hen. Chickens like company, and three isrecommended for a small garden. Chickens likecompany, so you need enough space for at leastthree.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(62, 62, 62);">对于想要养鸡的人来说,家里并不一定要有农场或者小块农田。小鸡的嬉戏空间当然是越大越好,一只小鸡的推荐最小活动空间为一平方米,两平方米最好。小鸡喜欢陪伴,如果家里有一个小花园,那么最好养三只小鸡。小鸡需要陪伴,因此你需要留出足够三只小鸡玩耍的空间。</span></p> Goldfish 金鱼 <p><br></p><p>Once considered an easy first pet, goldfish need more than a bowl and a few fish flakes. Bowls are a terrible choice – they are too cramped, oxygen-poor and basically mean the poor fish is swimming around in its own filth. It is a myth that goldfish grow to “fit” the tank, but the small fish you get from a pet shop will get bigger (up to 30cm) and they need space. They are also social, so they need friends – and therefore even more space. The professionals suggests a tank that is a minimum 120cm long for fancy varieties of goldfish.</p><p><br></p><p>人们曾经认为金鱼是最容易养的宠物,但金鱼需要的不仅仅是一只碗和一些鱼食。用碗养鱼非常糟糕,因为碗空间狭小,供氧不足,在碗里养鱼,鱼儿只能在自身排泄物中游曳。金鱼是怎样适应在水槽中活动的,我们不得而知,但从宠物店拿回来的小鱼将来会长大(或可长达30厘米),它们需要更大的空间。金鱼也是社群动物,它们需要朋友,也因此需要更多的空间。有关专家建议,应在不短于120厘米的水缸中饲养多种金鱼</p> Cats 猫 <p><br></p><p>Indoor cats will need lots of toys to stop them being bored. It is possible, though not necessarily recommended (unless they have a medical problem or disability), to keep cats indoors. The RSPCA recommends indoor cats have access to several rooms, including places to climb, stimulating toys and lots of interaction to stop them getting bored. They will also need enough exercise to stop them putting on unnecessary weight.</p><p><br></p><p>家猫需要很多玩具,这样它们才不会感到无聊。除非猫生病了或者患有残疾,否则最好把猫放在家中喂养。英国皇家防止虐待动物协会建议,喂养家猫最好能让猫在几间屋子中玩耍,有攀爬的地方,有玩具可以嬉戏,还要经常逗它们,防止它们感到无聊。此外,猫还需要足够的锻炼,以防它们吃得太胖。</p> Rabbits 兔子 <p><br></p><p>There has been a recent trend for keeping indoor rabbits, but the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund stresses that while they can make good house pets, it is not a simple undertaking. At least two rabbits (they like company) will need space – minimum 3m by 2m, perhaps the size of an entire room – which will need to be rabbit-proofed (no electric wiring or poisonous house plants they could chew, for example). Lots of toys should be provided, but they will also like to chew anything in sight, from furniture to door s.</p><p><br></p><p>近来在家里养兔的人越来越多。兔子福利协会基金会强调,尽管兔子是很好的家养宠物,但养兔绝不是一项简单的任务。兔子喜欢陪伴,因此至少应养两只兔子,至少需要三米长,两米宽的空间,或者一整个屋子的空间。给兔子准备的屋子必须具备保护兔子的条件,比如没有电线、没有有毒的植物。应该给兔子准备很多玩具,另外,兔子通常看见什么就啃什么,从门框到家具无一幸免,养兔子时要做好这个心理准备哦。</p> <p><b>你有没有养宠物呢?如果有的话,养的是什么呢?</b></p>