<p>1.Listening</p><p>粉猪</p><p>清英2aunit1 sitting on yhe carpet</p><p>unit2ring around the roses</p><p>unit3 friends</p><p>清华幼儿汉语开始第5册儿歌</p><p>粉猪</p><p>The cat in the hat</p><p>听古诗</p><p>2.Reading:海尼曼难理解性阅读5本指读4本,牛津树4级别1本5级别4本2级别指读4本,中文绘本若干本</p><p>3.Video</p><p>清英2aunit1 sitting on yhe carpet</p><p>unit2ring around the roses</p><p>unit3 friends</p><p>粉猪2集</p><p>4.</p><p>继续指读</p><p>今天继续piggy in the middle复述</p> <p>Let's make a friend train.</p><p>mum: Where is dad come over here, please, let's its game time we are going to make a friend train.</p><p>dad: Okay, here I come.</p><p>kid: Mom, I want to be the engine,please.</p><p>mum: Okay, you will be the engine dad and I will be the carriages.</p><p>kid: Mom, I know the good morning train. How about the friend Train.</p><p>mum: I can show you.</p><p>The good friend train is coming. How are you ,chu chu</p> <p>哎又来一遍糖果</p> <p>继续指读</p> <p>继续理解性阅读</p> <p>we carve a pumpkin to make a jack-o- antero.</p> <p>今日摩比数独,探索篇第二册完成,周六开始探索篇第三册</p> <p>继续识字游戏</p>