<p>音频:3a循环听,Peppa pig</p><p>理解性阅读: ORT 8.4-6</p><p>指读:ORT 8.4-6</p><p>Video: curious George</p><p>复述并提问:S250 stars</p><p>Sing the song </p><p>retell the story </p><p>中文:第三册第五、六单元,古诗一首</p><p>数学: 练习除法</p> <p>复述:S250 stars</p> <p>提问:S250 stars</p><p>1. why does George dress up in spacesuit?</p><p>2.what music does George like to listen to before sleeping?</p><p>3. how to see the stars clearly?</p><p>4. what does the Big Dipper look like?</p><p>5. which stars point to the north star?</p><p>6.what can make the stars look closer?</p><p>7. where is there a telescope?</p><p>8. which direction is Grandpa pig's house in?</p><p>9. what are grandpa and grandma doing at this time?</p><p>10. where is the telescope?</p><p>11. what can the north star do?</p><p>12. what else can they see through the telescope?</p><p>13. what is the rings of Saturn made of?</p><p>14. what is Peppa's wish?</p> <p>Sing the song </p> <p>retell the story </p>