<p>5岁以后,小朋友的个性特征就有了明显的表现,其中最突出的就是初步具有自我评价的能力,逐渐建立独立的辨别力。因此我们将依靠6大学科去思考兴趣与能力,去反思自己的学习与发展。能够正确的认识自我、评价自我,从而充满自信地迎接人生的新阶段。</p> <p>本学期第一个探究主题—我们是谁(Who We Are)</p><p> 我们是谁</p><p> Who We Are</p> <p>•中心思想 Central Idea:认识个人的特点、能力和兴趣有助于其自身的学习和发展。Understanding the characteristics, abilities and interests of individuals contributes to their own learning and development.</p><p>•探究内容 Lines of Inquiry:</p><p>1.人与人之间的相似差异处(特点、能力、兴趣) Similarities between people (characteristics, abilities, interests)</p><p>2.个人能力和兴趣如何有助于学习和发展。How personal abilities and interests contribute to learning and development.</p><p>3.如何发展个人的能力与兴趣。How to develop personal abilities and interests.</p><p>•核心概念Key concepts:</p><p>1.形式Form</p><p>2.观点Perspective</p><p>3.反思Reflection</p><p>相关概念Related Concepts:身份认同、相似和差异</p><p>学习方法Atl:沟通技能、社交技能</p><p>培养目标ner Profiles: 全面发展 善于交流 勇于尝试</p> <p>👉导入(Tunning in)</p><p>提出问题:新学期返回幼儿园,大家都有什么变化呢?</p><p>小朋友们通过讨论,发现我们长高了变重了,借用这个契机,我们从保健医生那借来了体重秤,开展了量身高、测体重的活动,我们的变化还真的不少呢!</p><p> </p> <p>👉发现(Finding out)</p><p>Then we investigated the ways in which we are different from or similar to each other. We invited students to pair up and help each other find out how tall they are and how much they weigh. Once we had the information, we could compare who was taller or shorter, or heavier or lighter. We then compared our birth dates to find out who was older or younger. There are many ways in which we are different, but there are also things we have in common with each other. We then began to sort out what made us similar to others. </p> <p>现在我们已经了解了我们身体的变化,那我们的身体还有什么秘密呢?我们的情绪和能力会不会也有变化呢?</p><p>我们知道的情绪都有哪些呢?</p><p>开心、难过、害怕、生气</p><p>那什么时候我们会出现这些情绪呢?</p><p>Hanson:我想要的玩具,妈妈不给我买的时候,我就会很难过。</p><p>Alba:遇到我不会做的事情的时候,我就会很生气。</p><p>QiQi:摔倒受伤了我就会很害怕。</p><p>DaDa:小朋友和我一起玩我就很开心。</p> <p>👉整理(Sorting out)</p><p>We noticed that some kids had similar personalities. Some children were quiet and shy, while others were active and friendly. We also asked about each others’ interests and hobbies, and saw that some of us were interested in the same things. So many of us love to play sports and cook. Then, we also asked about our favorite subjects, and saw that most of us enjoy PE. And lastly, we wanted to know whether we had any favorite food or subjectin common. Through comparing how we were similar, we learned so much about each other and became good friends.</p> <p>👉反思(Reflection)</p><p>新学期A班的小朋友都升大班了,是大班的哥哥姐姐👧🏻👦🏻,现在的你们都会做哪些事情呢?</p><p>Elsa:我会叠被子</p><p>Evan:我会自己脱衣、穿衣</p><p>Rainbow:我会自己刷牙</p><p>Jackson:我会自己睡觉</p><p>Emma:我会系鞋带</p><p>Yang Yang:我会叠被子、整理衣服</p><p>Zoey:我会穿衣服</p><p>Dean:我会拼单词</p><p>Rain:我会整理玩具</p><p>Amy:我会整理书包</p><p>Iris:我会自己吃饭</p><p>Thomas:我会整理衣服</p><p>小朋友在一起相互探索、分享自己会做的事情</p><p><br></p> <p>我们一起叠衣服❤️</p> <p>一起整理图书</p> <p>一起系鞋带、整理书包……</p> <p>👉深入(Going further)</p><p>从幼儿园步入小学,是幼儿成长过程中的一个重要转折点。大班幼儿即将面临小学生活,对小学生活感到陌生而又好奇。为了帮助他们全面、直观地了解小学,以积极的心态迎接小学生活。为此,开展了“体验小学”的活动。</p><p>体验如下:</p> <p>静息✅</p> <p>坐姿✅</p> <p>古诗朗读✅</p> <p>握笔、书写尝试✅</p> <p>小学课本观摩✅</p> <p>分享“体验小学”后的感受:👇</p><p>小学生活会感到有点紧张</p><p>小学感觉有点难,会有很多作业</p><p>小学感觉有点不一样</p><p>小学感觉有点好玩</p><p>小学感觉有点累……</p><p>不管如何,你们坐在小板凳上自然而然的安静自然而然坐姿规范...</p><p>我们能看到—成长如期而至!</p><p>我们一起加油💪</p><p><br></p> <p>👉行动Taking action </p><p>Finally, after we inquired so much about ourselves and each other, we developed a better understanding of who we are and most importantly, who we want to become. So it was with great excitement and anticipation that we put together our action plans. We already made our plan book. And inside it, we will write our goals that we want to achieve. What goals do you want to achieve in your practical life? Do you want to be able to tie your own shoelaces? Or how about in your subjects? How many Chinese characters do you want to know this year? Do you want to read English books? No matter what your goals are, your teachers and friends in class A are here and ready to help you achieve them. Let's work hard together. Anything is possible! </p>