<p>☑️音频:</p><p>1bu1-u12;汉语第3册;裸听粉猪S3 30-40;婷婷唱古诗</p><p>☑️视频:</p><p>Peppa Pig S3 30-40; 基础教材视频1bu1-u8</p><p>☑️ 分级阅读</p><p>小宝:理解性阅读 牛津树6+海尼曼中 指读海尼曼中+牛3</p><p>复述粉猪S1-32</p><p><br></p><p>大宝:理解性阅读好奇猴+海尼曼难,指读牛津树9+海尼曼难</p><p>复述:粉猪S3-34, 牛7-7</p><p><br></p><p>小宝日常打卡:洪恩识字</p><p>古诗背诵:一、《小池》,《悯农》,《咏鹅》,《山村咏怀》,《登鹳雀楼》,《静夜思》;二、《春夜喜雨》, 《清明》</p><p>识字:390个</p><p>字母:26个字母已学完</p> <p>概念: Beehive</p><p><br></p><p>A beehive is a structure in which some honey bees live and raise their young. Natural beehives (or "nests") are made by honey bee colonies, while domesticated honey bees are kept in man-made beehives in a location known as an apiary 养蜂场. The beehives made by people are usually the things referred to by the word "beehive."</p><p><br></p><p>Beehives have hexagonal cells in them, packed together. This is called a honeycom</p> <p>Honey bee nests:</p><p><br></p><p>Honey bees use caves, rock cavities and hollow trees as natural nesting sites. In warmer climates they may occasionally build exposed hanging nests as pictured.</p><p><br></p><p>蜜蜂把洞穴、岩洞和空心树作为天然的筑巢地。在更温暖的气候条件下,它们可能偶尔会建造出如图所示的裸露的悬巢。</p><p><br></p><p>The nest is composed of multiple honeycombs, parallel to each other, with a relatively uniform bee space. It usually has a single entrance. Western honey bees prefer nest cavities approximately 45 litres in volume and avoid those smaller than 10 or larger than 100 litres. Western honey bees show several nest-site preferences: the height above ground is usually between 1 metre (3.3 ft) and 5 metres (16 ft), entrance positions tend to face downward, Equatorial-facing entrances are favored, and nest sites over 300 metres (980 ft) from the parent colony are preferred. Bees usually occupy nests for several years.</p><p><br></p><p>蜂巢由多个相互平行的蜂巢组成,有一个相对统一的蜜蜂空间。它通常只有一个入口。西方的蜜蜂更喜欢筑巢,它们的蜂巢容积大约为45升,不喜欢那些容积小于10升或大于100升的蜂巢。西方的蜜蜂有几种筑巢地点偏好:地面以上的高度通常在1米(3.3英尺)到5米(16英尺)之间,入口位置倾向于朝下,面朝赤道的入口是最受欢迎的,距离母蚁巢300米(980英尺)以上的巢址也是最受欢迎的。蜜蜂通常要在巢中待好几年。</p><p><br></p><p>The bees often smooth the bark surrounding the nest entrance, and the cavity walls are coated with a thin layer of hardened plant resin (propolis). Honeycombs are attached to the walls along the cavity tops and sides, but small passageways are left along the comb edges. The basic nest architecture for all honeybees is similar: honey is stored in the upper part of the comb; beneath it are rows of pollen-storage cells, worker-brood cells, and drone-brood cells, in that order. The peanut-shaped queen cells are normally built at the lower edge of the comb.</p><p><br></p><p>蜜蜂通常会在蜂巢入口周围的树皮上涂上一层薄薄的硬化的植物树脂(蜂胶)。蜂窝沿空腔顶部和两侧附壁,但沿梳状边缘留有小通道。所有蜜蜂的基本巢结构都是相似的:蜂蜜储存在蜂巢的上部;在它下面是成排的花粉储存蜂室,工蜂巢窝蜂室,和雄蜂巢窝蜂室,按这个顺序排列。花生状的蜂王蜂室通常建在鸡冠的下边缘。</p> <p>A honeycomb is a mass of hexagonal prismatic wax cells built by honey bees in their nests to contain their larvae and stores of honey and pollen.</p><p><br></p><p>蜂房是由蜜蜂在蜂巢中建造的六边形棱柱状蜂房,用来容纳它们的幼虫和储存蜂蜜和花粉。</p><p><br></p><p>Beekeepers may remove the entire honeycomb to harvest honey. Honey bees consume about 8.4 lb (3.8 kg) of honey to secrete 1 lb (454 g) of wax, so it makes economic sense to return the wax to the hive after harvesting the honey. The structure of the comb may be left basically intact when honey is extracted from it by uncapping and spinning in a centrifugal machine—the honey extractor. If the honeycomb is too worn out, the wax can be reused in a number of ways, including making sheets of comb foundation with hexagonal pattern. Such foundation sheets allow the bees to build the comb with less effort, and the hexagonal pattern of worker-sized cell bases discourages the bees from building the larger drone cells.</p><p><br></p><p>养蜂人可能会移除整个蜂巢来采集蜂蜜。蜜蜂消耗大约8.4磅(3.8公斤)的蜂蜜来分泌1磅(454克)的蜂蜡,所以在采完蜂蜜后将蜂蜡送回蜂巢是有经济意义的。在离心式榨蜜机中,通过开盖和旋转从梳状体中提取蜂蜜时,梳状体的结构基本保持完整。如果蜂房太破旧,蜡可以通过多种方式重复使用,包括制作六角形的梳状地基。这样的基板可以让蜜蜂用更少的力气来建造蜂巢,而工蜂大小的六角形蜂窝基地则阻止蜜蜂建造更大的雄蜂蜂窝。</p> <p>Game 1 Queen bee in the beehive</p><p><br></p><p>Mommy wears the Queen bee headband. Baby and four bee puppets are in the beehive (make a circle on the ground with some colored tape. Baby and puppets should sit inside the circle).</p><p><br></p><p>Mommy: Look Baby, I am the Queen bee. I will chant the song. Here is the beehive, where are the bees? Hidden away where nobody sees.</p><p><br></p><p>Watch and you'll see them come out of the hive, Baby, can you count the bees for me?</p><p><br></p><p>Baby: One, two, three, four, five. Buzzzzzzzz</p><p><br></p> <p>Game 2 Where are the bees?</p><p><br></p><p>aste a tree picture to the wall. Hang the beehive in the tree. Make a hole inthe beehive. Stick a long strip behind the beehive with five bees on it.</p><p><br></p><p>When you sing the last line of the song, mommy will pull the strip from the hole and count</p><p><br></p><p>"One, two, three, four, five".</p> <p>Game 3 Hide the bees</p><p><br></p><p>Look, a beehive(put a beehive picture on the table). What a big beehive.</p><p><br></p><p>Buzzzzzzzzz. Listen! Bees. Where are the bees? Here is the beehive, where are the bees? Baby could you help me to find the bees? Where are they? Let baby find the bees, hide the bees around your home. Put the bee cards under the beehive picture when baby finds them</p><p><br></p><p>Sing the song. When you sing the last sentence, pick the bee cards out of the beehive and count.</p> <p>Game 4 Act it out</p><p><br></p><p>Mommy and baby are two bees. Daddy is bear. Mommy and baby are hiding in the beehive.</p><p><br></p><p>The bear wants to eat the honey. It puts one hand into the beehive to steal the honey</p><p><br></p><p>Wow, what's that? Do you hear a buzzing sound? Suddenly, the bees ome out of the beehive and chase the bear away</p>