

<h1><b>第一部分 《中国重要时政术语音译报告2019》积累 补充1</b></h1> <div><br></div><div>•顶层设计和摸着石头过河的关系<br>top-level design and “crossing the river by feeling for stones”<br>•改革实干家 <br>taking real action in reform<br>•保持战略定力<br>to maintain a strategic <br>•党的组织建设<br>to improve the Party’s organizational structures<br>•党的作风建设 <br>to promote ethical standards within the Party<br>•党的纪律建设 <br>to strengthen Party discipline<br>•党的群众路线教育实践活动 <br>the Campaign to Educate Party Members About the Mass Line<br>•“三严三实”专题教育<br>special Education Program of “Three Stricts and Three Earnests” <br>OR: the Education Program of Three Guidelines for Ethical Behaviour and Three Basic Rules of Conduct<br>•“中央八项规定” <br>eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct <br>OR: the Eight Rules<br>•决不能 “新官不理旧账” <br>new officials must continue to meet the commitment undertaken by their predecessors<br>•反腐败无禁区、全覆盖、零容忍 <br>a zero-tolerance anti-corruption campaign that knows no bounds<br>•“打虎”“拍蝇” “猎狐” <br>“taking out tigers,” “swatting flies,” and “hunting down foxes”<br>•“破、立、降” <br>to cut ineffective supply, foster new growth drivers, and reduce costs<br>“破:就是大力破除无效供给,把处置“僵尸企业”作为重要抓手,推动化解过剩产能。立:就是大力培育新动能,强化科技创新,推动传统产业优化升级。降:就是大力降低空体经济成本,降低制度性交易成本。”(百度)<br>•发挥经济体制改革的牵引作用<br>economic structural reform – an engine of progress<br>•创新型国家<br>to make China a country of innovators<br>•网络强国战略<br>strategy for building China into a cyberpower<br>•农村承包地“三权” 分置改革(所有权、承包权、经营权三权分置)<br>rural land contract reform: separation of ownership rights, contract rights and land management rights<br>•亲清新型政商关系 <br>a new type of government-business relationship<br>对领导干部而言,所谓“亲”,就是要坦荡真诚同民营企业接触交往,特别是在民营企业遇到困难和问题情况下更要积极作为、靠前服务,对非公有制经济人士多关注、多谈心、多引导,帮助解决实际困难。所谓“清”,就是同民营企业家的关系要清白、纯洁,不能有贪心私心,不能以权谋私,不能搞权钱交易。<br>对民营企业家而言,所谓“亲”,就是积极主动同各级党委和政府及部门多沟通多交流,讲真话,说实情,建诤言,满腔热情支持地方发展。所谓“清”,就是要洁身自好、走正道,做到遵纪守法办企业、光明正大搞经营。(中文范本网)<br>•人民币纳入特别提款权货币篮子<br>RMB’s inclusion in the Special Drawing Right (SDR) basket<br>•高水平开放 t<br>to raise opening up to a higher level<br>•扩大内陆沿边开放<br>to further open up China’s inland and border regions<br></div><div><br></div> <h1><b>第二部分 听力主题词汇整理</b></h1> •out and about 四处奔波<br>•October surprise<br>•peace was at hand. At hand:垂手可及,即将实现<br>•foul play犯规<br>•write off =ignore<br>•swing the vote/swing states<br>•intellectually compromised = intellectually challenge<br>•chaos PR危机公关<br>•changing horses in midstream<br>•scale up<br>•constituent 选民 =electorate<br>•absentee ballot<br>•mess with the voting itself<br>•poultry禽流感<br>•moderator 总统辩论中中间的调停人<br>•furlough <br>This could mean a massive furlough of government workers.<br>这可能意味着大量的政府工作人员要暂时下岗。<br>•layoff解雇<br>•repeal = get rid of(总统辩论里使用时)<br>•be braced for = be ready for<br>•bailed-out plan救市计划<br>bail our way back to a growing economy<br>•strike up a discordant tune唱反调<br>•roll back regulation = reduce<br>•get out ducks in a row做好充分准备,准备就绪<br>•brain dump: often called a braindump, is a collection of information about a certain topic.<br>•think outside the box跳出固有的思维模来思考<br>•get the helicopter view = an overview<br>•give you a heads up = a warning<br>•it is a real no-brainer = it is simple<br>