<p>金秋九月,丹桂飘香。今天上午8点,海外中学部迎来了一年一度盛大的嘉年华活动。每个人都是白日梦想家,等待着一场酣畅淋漓的仲夏之梦。本次嘉年华活动以“白日梦想家”为主题,将弘扬爱国精神,传承民族文化,树立梦想目标为目的,激励学生实现未来的职业梦想。师生翘首以盼,共相期许这一场丰富的校园文化盛宴。🌈</p><p>Autumn in September, red osmanthus fragrance. At 8 o 'clock this morning, the Middle school welcomed the annual grand carnival. Everyone is a daydreamer, waiting for a midsummer dream. With the theme of "Daytime Dreamers", this carnival will carry forward the spirit of patriotism, inherit national culture, set up dream goals and inspire students to realize their future career dreams. Teachers and students eagerly look forward to this rich campus cultural feast.</p> <p>🤩生命是一场旅程,让我们做一名白日梦想家吧!</p><p>Life is a journey, let's be a daydreamer!</p> <p>来,让我们一起感受下这场快乐嘉年华吧!先来一组图片给大家解解馋😍😍</p><p>Come on, let's enjoy the happy carnival together! Let's start with a set of pictures to solve your hunger</p> <p>各班提前设计好宣传海报,精心设计各个环节。👍</p><p>Each class in advance to design the publicity poster, carefully designed each link.</p> <p>虽然天空不作美,但难挡我们参加活动的热情!同学们还为此次活动精心准备了T恤和美味的蛋糕🍰</p><p>Although the sky is not beautiful, but difficult to stop our enthusiasm to participate in the activity! Students also prepared t-shirts and delicious cakes for the event</p> <p>9点开始,游行乐团迈着轻快的步伐,向我们走来,让我们一睹他们的风采。</p><p>Starting at 9 o 'clock, the marching band walked briskly toward us to give us a glimpse of them.</p> <p>各类商品琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。</p><p>All kinds of commodities are full of people's eyes.</p> <p>在售卖过程中,学生们分工明确,从售货员到收银员,从保管员到引导员,个个忙活得不亦乐乎。精美的海报吸引了许多小顾客,场面十分热闹。</p><p>In the sales process, the students have a clear division of labor, from salesmen to cashiers, from custodians to guiders, all of them are very busy. The beautiful posters attracted many small customers and the scene was very lively.</p> <p>瞧,我们的外教老师也过来捧场了</p><p>Look, our foreign teachers have come to join us</p> <p>“摊主们”纷纷亮出自己的精品,高声叫卖,都使出自己的绝招来吸引顾客~</p><p>"Stall owners" one after another to show their own boutique, high pitched, all use their own unique skills to attract customers~</p> <p>幸运大转盘强势来袭!精美好礼不容错过!Lucky big turntable strong attack! Exquisite gift not to be missed!🥰</p> <p>活动最后,各班同学有的采用“买凉面送烤肠、消费满20 送大肠发圈、买二赠一”等策略,有的则是鼓着腮帮子大声叫卖、吆喝,还有的学生和顾客认真地讨价还价。</p><p>At the end of the activity, some of the students in each class adopted the strategies of "buying cold noodles to send sausages, consuming more than 20 to send large bowel hair rings, buying two to give one free" and other strategies, while some students were shouting and yelling with their cheeks, and some students and customers were seriously bargaining.</p> <p>同学们在此次活动中,能够运用自己的智慧和组织能力,在创新中享受成长的快乐,体会到了团队合作所带来的无穷乐趣。</p><p>In this activity, students can use their own wisdom and organizational ability, enjoy the happiness of growth in innovation, and realize the endless fun brought by team cooperation.</p> <p>本次嘉年华活动,展现了国际学子们的朝气与活力,激励同学们为今后的学习明确方向,做好人生规划,实现未来的职业梦想。愿每一位海外学子都怀抱着自己的理想,在人生航程上不断乘风破浪,奋勇前进!</p><p>This carnival shows the vigor and vitality of international students, motivates students to make clear direction for future study, make a good life plan and realize their future career dream. I hope that every overseas student will hold his own ideal and constantly ride the wind and waves and forge ahead bravely in the voyage of life!</p>