

<p>1⃣️Listening:</p><p>1.古诗:古诗75首</p><p>2.英文教材儿歌及场景对话:2a U3~U12</p><p>3.英文绘本与分级:牛5</p><p>4.中文教材儿歌:第一册 U5~U8</p><p>2⃣️Reading:</p><p>汉语:打开诗的翅膀</p><p>英文:海尼曼中,牛津树5</p><p>最近阅读做的不太好,时间太晚就挤占了阅读的时间,需要调整计划</p> <p>3⃣️Games:</p><p>1汉语:</p><p>汉语一册U1-U4指读</p><p>2英语:</p><p>Sugar cubes</p><p>3数学逻辑:</p><p>4实验:</p><p>How plants grow</p><p>5字母学习:</p><p>CVC字卡拼读练习</p><p>6古诗一首:</p><p>7构建类:</p><p>五角星,爱心</p><p>8音乐:</p> <p>🍀汉语游戏</p> <p>🍀英语游戏</p> <p>🍀数学游戏</p> <p>🍀构建类</p> <p>🍀科学实验</p> <p>1.Plant the seeds</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>所需材料</p><p>Some sunflower seeds 一些向日葵种子</p><p>注意:开始之前,请预先将向日葵种子在水中浸泡4-12小时</p><p>Planting soil 种植土</p><p>Science journal科学日志</p><p>A flower pot 一个花盆</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Mom: Look, what are these?</p><p>Kid: Seeds.</p><p>Mom: Yes, they're sunflower seeds. Do you want to plant some sunflowers at home?</p><p>Kid: Yes!</p><p>Mom: Ok, Let's get started.</p><p>Mom: Here's a flower pot. Look at the bottom of the pot, what do you see?</p><p>Kid: | can see some holes.</p><p>Mom: Yes, do you know why there are holes at the bottom?</p><p>Kid: I don't know.</p><p>Mom: These drainage ['drernid3] (排水) holes help the extra water drain from the</p><p>soil in the pot. Without these holes, the soil may get overly wet, this may cause the</p><p>roots to rot (腐烂) , and the plant may die.</p><p>First, fill the pot with soil.</p><p>Next, poke some holes in the soil.</p><p>Then, drop the seeds into these holes.</p><p>Now, fill the hole with soil.</p><p>At last, water the seeds, but not too much.</p><p>We should put it in a dark place now, and once they have sprouted, we can move it to</p><p>a sunny place.</p><p>Remember, we're gonna water the seeds a little every day.</p><p>2.0bserve &amp; Communicate</p><p>大概等候2天种子就会从土里冒出来-点点小芽记得让孩子每天观察幼苗的变化</p><p>等幼苗Seedling长出来之后就可以拿出科学日志来记录了</p><p>Now we're gonna measure the seedling with a ruler.</p><p>How tallis it?</p><p>Here is the Science Journal. Can you draw the seedling here?</p><p>Let's measure it again next week, ok?</p><p>第二周再测量一次高度然后拿出科学日志,让孩子画出第二个幼苗的高度。</p> <p>2. Sprouting seeds</p><p>所需材料</p><p>Soybeans发芽专用黄豆几颗</p><p>A glass一个玻璃杯</p><p>Cotton Balls棉球</p><p>Here are some soybeans.</p><p>Actually they're the seeds of soybean plants.</p><p>Do you want to see how the beans sprout [sprat] (发芽) ?</p><p>Yes!</p><p>Ok. Here is a glass. And these are some cotton balls (棉球).</p><p>I'm gonna wet the cotton balls. Can you help me to do that?</p><p>Make sure they're soaked [soukt] (浸湿的).</p><p>Soak (n.)浸泡Soaked (adj.)浸湿的</p><p>And put them into this glass.</p><p>Now put some beans between the cotton balls and the glass .</p><p>How many beans are you going to put?</p><p>Then, let's put the glass in a dark place.</p><p>Remember to add some water to keep the cotton balls moist [morst] (湿 润的).</p><p>2-3 Days Later</p><p>Look at these beans!</p><p>Look at these sprouts! (n.) 小芽.</p><p>(拿起一颗发芽的豆子,让孩子仔细观察变化)</p><p>The bean has changed a lot.</p><p>Its skin peeled off. (脱落)</p><p>The root grew from one side of the bean seed.</p><p>Have you noticed that its color also changed a little bit?</p><p>It turned green.</p> <p>3. Bean collage</p><p>所需材料</p><p>A collection of beans 一些豆子</p><p>Glue stick 固体胶棒</p><p>Plates盘子</p><p>Painting paper画画的纸</p><p>Sticker Notes标签贴纸(或者 便利贴、小纸片也行)</p><p>把你准备的几种豆子的英文名称在小纸条上写好</p><p>Mom: Look at all these beans! Do you know their names?</p><p>They're called Mung beans (绿豆).</p><p>Mom: Can you find the sticker for the Mung Beans? Put the sticker on the plate. Good.</p><p>Mom: What beans are these?</p><p>Kid: Red beans.</p><p>Mom: Can you find the sticker for the Red beans? Put the sticker on the plate. Good.</p><p>Mom: What are these beans? Are they called *yellow beans"?</p><p>Kid: No. They're called Soybeans.</p><p>Mom: Today we're going to do a Bean Collage. Collage [ka"la3] 拼贴画</p><p>Mom: Do you know what Collage means? 拼贴画。</p><p>Mom: Can you make a flower with these beans?</p><p>Mom: You can put some glue on this piece of paper.</p><p>Kid: Ok. I'll draw a flower with this glue.</p><p>我们选择拼一朵花, 是因为正好可以用来巩固之前所学的植物的组成部分。</p><p>Kid: Ok, now the soil is done.</p><p>Mom: What are you going to make next?</p><p>Kid: Stem</p><p>Mom: What beans are you going to use for the stem?</p><p>Kid: Green Mung Beans.</p><p>Mom: What's next? Kid: The leaves.</p><p>Mom: I like your design of the leaves/flower.</p><p>Mom: Are you done?</p><p>Mom: So, that is your bean collage flower.</p> <p>4. Predict how many</p><p>所需材料</p><p>An apple</p><p>An orange (or a pear)</p><p>A knife</p><p>Some connecting cubes or blocks (如果没有 连接积木用普通积木也行)</p><p>对话文稿.</p><p>Mom: How many seeds do you think are in this apple?</p><p>How can we find out for sure? Cut open the apple and look inside.</p><p>I'm gonna cut the apple in half.</p><p>Let's count the number of seeds in this apple.</p><p>You're gonna use these red connecting cubes to count, ok?</p><p>One (数一颗种子) . Please take one cube (or block).</p><p>Two, please add one more cube.</p><p>How many seeds do you think are in this orange?</p><p>How can we find out for sure? Cut open the orange and look inside.</p><p>I'm gonna cut the orange in half.</p><p>Let's count the number seeds in this orange.</p><p>You're gonna use these orange connecting cubes to count, ok?</p><p>Compare &amp; Contrast找相似和找不同</p><p>Look at the two seeds.</p><p>How do they look alike?</p><p>How do they look different?</p> <p>🍀古诗一首</p> <p>🍀音乐启蒙</p> <p>4⃣️Handcraft/Field trip:</p> <p>5⃣️Video:</p><p>汉语:</p><p>英文:</p><p>6⃣️New Output:</p><p>汉语:</p><p>英文:指读海尼曼E</p><p>《Smell》</p><p>《Polly》</p><p>《At the farm》</p><p><br></p> <p>CVC单词卡片拼读练习</p> <p>7⃣️Daily Conversation:</p> <p>8⃣️Art:</p> <p>9⃣️Summary:</p><p><br></p>









