

<p>①listening :1b循环,牛听听熏陶半小时</p><p>②reading </p> <p>③video :无</p><p>④拓展:</p><p>M:do you know what they are, Max?</p><p>Max: no</p><p>M: These are <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">walnuts.</span> Eating walnuts is good for health. But they are different from the walnuts that you eat, right ? When the shell pops, you can see the walnut. </p> <p>a nut that you can eat, shaped like a human brain</p> <p>We can use a kind of tool to crack the walnut. </p> <p>We can get the nuts like this.</p><p>And we can use the nuts to make oil.</p> <p>Walnut oil is derived from walnuts, which are scientifically known as <i>Juglans regia.</i> This oil is typically either<span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);"> cold pressed</span> or refined and is known as one of the expensive natural oils on the market. Walnut oil has grown in popularity around the world and is cultivated in many countries including the United States.</p><p><br></p><p>Walnut oil is able to help you with psoriasis, </p><p>eczema, sunburn, premature aging, a weak </p><p>immune system, obesity, hair loss, dandruff, wrinkles, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, and diabetes, as well as high risk of heart disease.</p><p>It can also used in other ways as following:</p><h3><b>Skin Care</b></h3><p><b>Improves Heart Health</b></p><p><b>Eliminates Dandruff</b></p><p><b>Reduces Inflammation</b></p><p><b>Has Antioxidant Effects</b></p><p><b>Prevents Hair Loss</b></p><p><b>Manages Diabetes</b></p><p><b>Boosts Immune System</b></p><p><b>Reduces Stress</b></p><p><br></p> <p>Here are two feathers of a pigeon </p> <p><b>15 Incredible Facts About Pigeons</b></p><p>1. THEY MIGHT BE THE FIRST DOMESTICATED BIRD.</p><p>2. THEY WON OVER CHARLES DARWIN—AND NIKOLA TESLA.</p><p>3. THEY UNDERSTAND SPACE AND TIME.</p><p>4. THEY CAN FIND THEIR WAY BACK TO THE NEST FROM 1300 MILES AWAY.</p><p>5. THEY SAVED THOUSANDS OF HUMAN LIVES DURING WORLD WARS I AND II.</p><p>6. TWO PIGEONS ALMOST DISTRACTED FROM THE DISCOVERY OF EVIDENCE OF THE BIG BANG.</p><p>7. YOU CAN TRAIN THEM TO BE ART SNOBS</p><p>8. … AND TO DISTINGUISH WRITTEN WORDS</p><p>9. FLUFFY PIGEON FEET MIGHT ACTUALLY BE PARTIAL WINGS.</p><p>10. SOME PIGEONS DISTRACT FALCONS WITH WHITE RUMP FEATHERS.</p><p>11. DODOS WERE RELATED TO TODAY'S PIGEONS</p><p>12. AT ONE POINT, MORE THAN ONE-QUARTER OF ALL THE BIRDS LIVING IN THE U.S. MAY HAVE BEEN PASSENGER PIGEONS.</p><p>13. THEY'RE REALLY GOOD AT MULTITASKING.</p><p>14. PIGEONS PRODUCE FAKE "MILK."</p><p>15. ONE STUDY SUGGESTS THAT, GIVEN THE RIGHT CONDITIONS, THEY'RE AS GOOD AT IDENTIFYING CANCER AS DOCTORS.</p><p><br></p> <p>⑤总结: 一起去了中学,</p>