【万思乐学V-learn 小西妈双语工程 1807期 No.290 Alisa】<br>学习单元: 3A Unit 9 、清汉第六册:第三单元<br>1️⃣音频:汉语文化主题音频<br>2️⃣动画 :清汉动画、主题动画、科普与文化延伸<br>3️⃣Reading:牛津树7<br> 4️⃣分级指读: 5️⃣中文绘本: <b>☑️ Game: little bear over mountains to find food</b><br>Let's play the game of the bear going up the mountain. <br>We're all bears. I'm mommy bear and you're baby bear. <br>It is autumn now. We need to find a lot of food to store it. Because it's hard to find food in winter. <br>This is the cave where we live. We need to store all the food we find in this cave.<br>Now let's go out and look for food together. <br>I can't find any food here. What about you?<br>I didn't find any food. <br>Look, there is a mountain over there. <br>Let's climb up the mountain and see what we can see. <br>Guess what we can see when we climb over the top of the mountain. <br>I think we can see the beautiful scenery. <br>I think we can see a lot of trees. We may also see many beautiful flowers. <br> Hopefully we can see that. Let’s start climbing the mountain. Follow me, go up the mountain.<br>“The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see.” <br>“And all that he could see was the other side of the mountain…was all that he could see.” <br>What can you see? I can see some grass.<br>There seems to be a lot of fruit under the tree over there.Let's eat some fruit together as our food. <br>The taste of these fruits is so good. Let's take the rest of the fruit home.Put them in a bag and store them in the cave. <br>Can you see the water? Yes.This is a river. It's a big river. <br>Let's go over the river to see what we can see.<br>“The bear went over the river,the bear went over the river, the bear went over the river to see what he could see.” “And all that he could see was the other side of the river…was all that he could see.” ”<br>Guess, what could we see when we went over the river?<br>I guess we could see a forest.<br>Where is it? There. Oh, let’s go to the forest to see what we can see.<br>Five little Rabbits...<br>It's almost dark. Let's go home.<br>“The bear went over the river … to go home. The bear went over the mountain … to go <br>home.” <b>☑️ Game : Went Over the River</b><br>There is a river. On the other side of the river, there is a box.<br>Look, there is a box over the river. It says animal on the box. <br> Let’s go over the river to hear what animal it is.<br>“we went over the river…to hear what we could hear.”<br>“Quack, quack…” What can you hear?<br>I can hear a duck.<br>Let’s check. Yes, it’s a duck.<br>“And all that we could hear, and all that we could hear, was a duck.”<br>Let’s go over the river to smell what it is.<br>“we went over the river…to smell what we could smell.”<br>Smell it. It smells so good. What is it?<br>It’s a flower.<br>Let’s check. Yes, it’s a flower.<br>“And all that we could smell, and all that we could smell, was a flower.”<br>Look, there's another box over there. <br>You see, the word on the box just now has been replaced by "touch". <br>That means we go and feel what's inside. <br>Put your hand in and feel what it feels like. <br>It feels soft and furry . It's supposed to be a bear. <br>Let’s check. Yes, it’s a bear.<br>“And all that we could touch, and all that we could touch, was a bear.” <b>☑️ Game : Bear, go over the mountain.</b><br>Look ,alisa, I have a bear and some other animals. Will you take care of the other animals?<br>Ok, I will<br>Little Bear lives on this side of the mountain. These animals live on the other side of the mountain. <br>Every day the little bear goes over the mountain to play with the other animals. <br>Then he will invite the little animal to visit his home. <br>I will bring the bear over the mountain. When I get to you, you can give the bear one of the animals to bring back over the mountain again.<br>Ok, I will give you one animal.<br>Today is Monday. The little bear is singing happily while climbing the mountain. <br>The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see.<br>Hello ,I am bear ,I would like to bring an animal back over the mountain. Who can I bring?<br>You can bring the bunny with you.<br>Thank you.Little Rabbit, I want to invite you to come home and play with me. <br>Today is Tuesday. I will be back again for another animal.<br>The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see.<br>Which animal will bear go to play with today?<br>This time, the squirrel wants to play with the bear<br>Great......<br> <div><br></div> <b>☑️ Game : You are the mountain</b><br>I think of a very interesting game. sit on the mat with your knees up .<br>Ok<br>You are the mountain, Now you are the mountain.I will walk my fingers up you and sing the song .I will try not to tickle you.<br>The bear went over the mountain,The bear went over the mountain,the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see.......<br>Don't tickle me!please don't tickle me<br>Haha,I only tickled you a little bit. Do you want to try?<br>I will try not to tickle you. <b>☑️ Game : We are the river</b><br>Bend your knees like this. So our legs look like a mountain. Put your feet next to mine.<br>This is my teddy bear. Do you have a teddy bear?<br>Yes, this is my teddy bear. <br>Teddy Bear wanted to climb over the mountain to see what was there. <br>Look, my teddy bear climbed to the top of the mountain. <br>Let's see what's on this side of the mountain. <br>Standing on the top of the mountain, I can see far away. <br>I can see rivers and small villages far away. <br>I can still see the white clouds in the sky. <br>I seem to be able to touch the white clouds as soon as I reach out.<br>These are white clouds that look like cotton candy. I really want to pick one and have a taste. <br>Standing on the top of the mountain, I can still see the tall buildings in the distance. <br>What about you?<br>I can see a lot of skyscrapers. <br>That's amazing. <br>It's getting dark. Teddy bear, it's time to go home. I'll help them down to the bottom of the mountain. <b>☑️ Game : Climb over and see</b><br>Put some chairs back to back.Cover them with a sheet.This will be a mountain.<br>Ok ,Baby stand this side of the mountain.I have different toys on the other side of the mountain.<br>I will put one on the mountain and you need to climb over the mountain and bring it back to your side,ok?<br>Ok,I will try.<br>(Place one toy on the floor the other side of the mountain)<br>The bear went over the mountain the bear went over the mountain. the bear went over the mountain to see what he could see........<br>What do you see on the other side of the mountain?<br>I see a bunny on the other side of the mountain.<br>Very good.Climb over and get the bunny. Bring it back to your side.<br>Ok ,Let's play again. <b>☑️ Game : The little bear helps the animals to cross the river</b><br>Now you play bear. This mat pretends to be a river. It has been raining every day recently. <br>The bridge over the river was washed away by the rain. <br>The small animals on both sides of the river are very distressed. Because they couldn't get across the river. <br>The bear is very kind. He always likes to help other animals.<br>Small animals, please stand in line on both sides of the river. Now the bear is going to carry the animals across the river. <br>The bear went over the river,the bear went over the river,the bear went over the river to see what he could see.<br> Who is the first to cross the river?<br>Squirrel is the first to cross the river. <br>The squirrel jumped onto the bear's back. The bear carried the squirrel across the river smoothly.<br>Next, the little bear will carry the little animal on his back to the other side of the river. <br>Everybody line up together. <br> The first one here is the little rabbit. The little rabbit picked a basket of carrots and wanted to send them to his grandmother's house across the river.<br>The little bear helped him cross the river smoothly. <br>Thanks, Bear. That's very kind of you. <br>Next it was the sheep's turn to cross the river. <br>This is a pair of twins. Sheep brother and sheep sister want to cross the river. <br> The bear is very strong. Brother Sheep sits on his left shoulder. Sister Sheep sits on her right shoulder. They crossed the river smoothly together. <br>What animals are left that haven't crossed the river?<br>Caterpillar,Little hedgehog.........<br>Next, the little bear helped them cross smoothly one by one.<br>This is really a very kind bear. <b>☑️ Game : Roll over the mountain</b><br>I think of a very interesting game. Let's try it together. <br>Now we pretend this mat is our bed. <br>Today our magic key is taking us on an adventure. <br>This bed will be our mountain. It sounds very interesting. <br>We also need a big blanket. <br>You lie on the side of the blanket. Then slowly I will pull the blanket up on this side. Let it form the shape of a mountain.<br>Ok, what will we do?<br>you will be the bear. Lie down on the bed and 丨 will roll you. You will roll over the mountain.<br>Ok.<br>What did you see when you rolled on the mountain?<br>I saw some big trees and some birds. <br>The bear roll over the mountain, the bear roll over the mountain, the bear roll over the mountain to see what he could see.” <br>“And all that he could see was the other side of the mountain…was all that he could see.”<br>Did you have fun?<br>Now we're going to roll over the back of the mountain.<br>You're still lying on the blanket like that. <br>Next, I'm going to pull it up on one side to form a mountain.<br>You're going to roll over the mountain. ☑️ <b>Talk about the topic:Body</b> <b>Body parts</b><br>What does body part mean?<br>It means different parts of the body.<br>This is my body. There are different parts of my body. <br>Different parts have different names. <br>What parts of your body can you tell?<br>Let's start with me. <br>This is my hand. I have five fingers on my hand. <br>This is the thumb, the middle finger. Index finger, ring finger and little finger.<br>Then it's your turn to say your body parts. <br>I can feel the fluffy bear with my hands. <div>.............自己随意讲,从身体部位拓展到五感,英文串到中文........</div> <p>☑️ 英文分级</p><p>牛津树阅读生词词汇量增加,阅读进度变缓,加入新的分级</p><p>英语词汇量识字比中文快一点,目前认识词量270,指读很顺利</p><p>喜欢主题形式延伸,自己编故事</p> <p>☑️ Math</p><p>100以内单双数规律</p><p>都都数学D级别</p> ☑️ 汉语进展:<br>第六册单元游戏和延伸<br>四五快读第三册扫生词游戏 +第四册<br>汉语文化延伸和综合复习<br>对汉语和科普文化兴趣很浓<br>加强日常的即兴小积累<br><div>历史文化</div> 季节诗词: 待到秋来九月八,我花开后百花杀。——黄巢《不第后赋菊》<br>空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。——王维《山居秋暝》<br>枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。——马致远《天净沙·秋思》<br>落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色。——王勃《滕王阁序》<br>兰有秀兮菊有芳,怀佳人兮不能忘。——刘彻《秋风辞》<br>月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。——张继《枫桥夜泊 / 夜泊枫江》<br>独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头。——毛泽东《沁园春·长沙》<br>青山隐隐水迢迢,秋尽江南草未凋。——杜牧《寄扬州韩绰判官》<br>萧萧梧叶送寒声,江上秋风动客情。——叶绍翁《夜书所见》<br>秋风起兮白云飞,草木黄落兮雁南归。——刘彻《秋风辞》<br>银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤。——杜牧《秋夕》<br>庭前落尽梧桐,水边开彻芙蓉。——朱庭玉《天净沙·秋》<br>停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。——杜牧《山行》<br>满载一船秋色,平铺十里湖光。——张孝祥《西江月·阻风山峰下》<br>未觉池塘春草梦,阶前梧叶已秋声。——朱熹《偶成》<br>碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。——范仲淹《苏幕遮·怀旧》<br>一重山,两重山。山远天高烟水寒,相思枫叶丹。——李煜《长相思·一重山》<br>塞下秋来风景异,衡阳雁去无留意。——范仲淹《渔家傲·秋思》<br>一年好景君须记,最是橙黄橘绿时。——苏轼《赠刘景文 / 冬景》<br>一曲高歌一樽酒,一人独钓一江秋。——王士祯《题秋江独钓图》<br>解落三秋叶,能开二月花。——李峤《风》<br>树树皆秋色,山山唯落晖。——王绩《野望》<br>尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归。——杜牧《九日齐山登高》<br>秋风萧瑟天气凉,草木摇落露为霜,群燕辞归鹄南翔。——曹丕《燕歌行二首·其一》<br>湖光秋月两相和,潭面无风镜未磨。——刘禹锡《望洞庭》<br><br>花门楼前见秋草,岂能贫贱相看老。——岑参《凉州馆中与诸判官夜集》<br>年年陌上生秋草,日日楼中到夕阳。——晏几道《鹧鸪天·醉拍春衫惜旧香》<br>最是秋风管闲事,红他枫叶白人头。——赵翼《野步》<br>楚天千里清秋,水随天去秋无际。——辛弃疾《水龙吟·登建康赏心亭》<br>人烟寒橘柚,秋色老梧桐。——李白《秋登宣城谢脁北楼》<br>中秋月。月到中秋偏皎洁。——徐有贞《中秋月·中秋月》<br>寒山转苍翠,秋水日潺湲。——王维《辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪》<br><br>