S2-39 Rebecca Rabbit<div>P &G are playing with their friends. Rebecca and Richard Rabbit. It is time to go home for Rebecca and Richard. But They want to play more. R invites P&G to come to her home tomorrow. Suddenly, Richard is crying because he is scared of going down the stairs. There are not stairs in R's home.Next morning,P&G are going to R's house. Mommy pig and Daddy pig will take them to R's house. Mommy pig drives the car. Daddy pig is in charge of map reading.P&G are very excited. They have never been to R's house. R's house is on a hill. They are nearly R's house. They can see a garden of carrots.But they are not sure where R's house can be. R appears to say hi to them. M&D drive off. P&G jump down the burrow with R&R. R'S house is a bit different to P's. It doesn't have stairs. It has tunnels. P thinks it is interesting to be a rabbit. So R wants to show P&G how to be a rabbit. First, R twitches her nose and squeaks. R tells P&G rabbits like eating carrots. But G doesn't like eating carrots. Rabbits are good at hopping too.P&G are like hopping too. This is lunch time. M&D have prepared lunch.The lunch is carrots. They all persuade G to eat carrots.If G wants to be a rabbit he must eat carrots. Here is a delicious carrot cake for them.G likes the carrot cake. G is a proper rabbit now.</div> S2-41 Pen Pal<div>P and their friends are at their playgroup. M asks them who would like a pen pal. A pen pal is a boy and a girl you can write letters to. M introduce a girl named Delphine Donkey who lives in France. P wants Delphine Donkey to be her pen pal.It is early morning, Mr Zebra the postman is delivering a letter to P''s house.P&G love it when the post arrives. It is addressed to Peppa. P is so excited to read the letter from her pen pal Delphine Donkey. But P can't understand what it says in French.Mommy pig translates the letter in English. And mommy pig suggests that P can phone Delphine Donkey right now. Mommy pig helps P to talk with her pen pal Delphine Donkey on phone because P is not good at speaking French.The next day morning, Mr Zebra is delivering letters to P's house. P is disappointed when she finds there is no letters for her. Suddenly, someone knocks the door, Delphine Donkey's family comes to visit P's family. Delphine Donkey and Peppa introduce their families to each other. But Peppa can't properly understand what Delphine Donkey said in French. Everything is so different in French. But they really enjoy themselves very much,especially jump up and down in muddy puddles.</div> S2-42 Granny and Grandpa's attic<div>P&G are playing at Granny and Grandpa's house today. Mommy pig drops them off and drives away. They can't find Granny pig but can hear her voice. oh, Granny pig appears in the roof. Granpa pig tells them they are tidying the attic. The attic is where they keep all their old thing that even older than Grandpa pig. P&G want to help their grandparents to clean the attic. The attic is at the very top of the house. They climb up a ladder and go through a square hole of the roof. This is the attic which is full of old junk. They start to select what they do not need. But they really can't decide to what to throw out. So they ask P&G to decide what. P finds a record player and want to throw it out. But it is Grandpa pig and Granny pig don't want to throw it. Grandpa plays his favorite record for them. They are all dancing when the music plays. Mommy pig is here to pick up P&G. There is so noisy that mommy pig can't find anymore. Mommy pig climbs up the attic. She finds one record that she used to play when she is a little piggy. It is called Birdie birdie woof woof. Granny pig thought they has thrown that out ages ago. Mommy pig really enjoys her record very much. They can decide what they should throw out ans what they should keep. Peppa suggests that they keep everything at last because P thinks all the things are interesting and memorable.</div> <p>今天读了汉语教材还在进行第一单元,唐诗《从军行》,复习王维的四首。阅读米小圈两章</p><p>最近一直在学习海洋动物,今天和网课老师一起讨论了solar system,效果不错。上面的图片都来自于colt老师👨🏫。拓展海洋动物很棒。</p>