<p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"> 同课异构不变的是教学内容,万变的是教学形式。同中求异,异中求同。本次同课异构活动为我们提供了一个很好的互动交流平台。</b></p> <p>(课堂实记+短评一)</p><p>♥Unit 2 How often do you exercise?</p><p>Section B - 2b</p><p>授课年级:八年级</p><p>授课教师:赵娟</p><p>授课版本:Go for it 人民教育出版社八年级上册</p><p>♥Step 1.Greetings.</p><p>简单的问候。</p><p>Step 2. Free time activities.</p><p> 1.师问。</p><p> 2.学生讨论(5秒钟)</p><p> 3.学生一个一个回答。</p><p>★学生讨论时间短,如果不需要,何不直接回答?</p><p>♥Step 3. Learning aims.</p><p> 1.老师自己读。学生看。</p><p>★出示目标的有效性?</p><p>♥Step 3. Pre-reading.</p><p> Check the preview part.</p><p> *6个汉译英,学生齐答。</p><p> *老师出示答案(红色标注重点难点内容),学生齐读。</p><p>★老师写板书的意义?</p><p>♥Step 4. While-reading.</p><p> 1. Skimming- match the paragraph with the main idea.</p><p> *老师给任务,学生自主做学案(半分钟)。</p><p> *学生齐答。老师贴饼状图到黑板上。</p><p>★饼状图贴黑板上的作用?</p><p> 2. Scanning①—Listen and complete the pie charts.</p><p> *老师明确任务,学生听,并做题。</p><p> ( ★听做题的有效性?)</p><p> *老师问,学生起立速答。</p><p> *看图,学生齐说句子。</p><p> (★个答有利于问题的挖掘?)</p><p> 3. Scanning②— Read the article aw pie chart, write the sentences with the percentages using always, usually or sometimes.</p><p> *老师给任务,学生自主做学案。</p><p> (★2%应该为hardly ever/ seldom?)</p><p> *学生个答。</p><p> 4.Look and answer</p><p> 1.Do you think the students at No.5 are healthy? Why or why not?</p><p> 2.What do you think is the best way to relax? Why?</p><p> *学生一个一个发表意见。</p><p>★太快?</p><p>♥Step 5. Post reading.</p><p> 1. Retell the passage.</p><p> *老师给支架和饼状图,学生齐复述。</p><p> *自己复述。</p><p> *两个学生上台复述。</p><p> 2. Do a survey and give a report.</p><p> *1. Choose One of these free time activities or use your own one</p><p> *2.Ask your teammates how ofien they do this activiny, write their names and work out the percentages of each frequency</p><p> *3.Make a pie chart together and give us a report.</p><p> *5组上台展示。</p><p>♥Step 6. Summary——What have we learned today?</p><p>♥Step 7. Homework and wishes.</p> <p>(课堂实记+短评二)</p><p>♥Unit 2 How often do you exercise?</p><p>Section B - 2b</p><p>授课年级:八年级</p><p>授课教师:张志远</p><p>♥课前:</p><p> 1.根据beautiful Xi'an,beautiful school与学生畅谈;</p><p> 2.激发学生鼓掌👏🏻,激发学生give me five,告知学生有糖果礼物</p><p> (★对于八年级学生,给糖果礼物以及给的方式要思量。)</p><p> 3.定一个slogan——AGU-NICE.</p><p> *听健康歌,找到两个sound words.</p><p>♥Step 1. Greetings.</p><p> 1.问候。</p><p> 2.题目。</p><p>♥Step 2. What do you usually do in your free time?</p><p> 1.出示不同的图片,谈论事情,做事情的频率,和做事的意义。</p><p> *exercise, watch TV, go to the movies, use the Internet/play computer games/go online,</p><p>★提出做每件事情的意义,延伸性好,达到了人文性。</p><p>♥Step 3. Fast reading</p><p> 1. Read the passage quickly to match the main idea with each paragraph.</p><p> *老师布置任务。</p><p> ( ★老师给的五个段意结构不同,有短语有句子。)</p><p> *学生自主完成。</p><p> *学生主动回答。</p><p>♥Step 4.Structures.</p><p> *学生主动回答自己的分层。——分三段,以及原因。</p><p> *老师出示自己的解析。</p><p>♥Step 5.Read Paragraph2-4 again carefully and complete the pie charts then say them out.</p><p> 1.老师布置任务。</p><p> 2.学生自主完成。</p><p> 3.老师试填一个,举例说明如何say them out.</p><p> (★老师的导师效能发挥的好,示例给学生更好回答问题的勇气。)</p><p> 4.学生一个一个回答。</p><p>♥Step 6. Discussion.Do you think the students at No.5 are healthy? Why or why not? What do you want to say to them?</p><p> 1.老师布置任务。</p><p> 2.学生分小组讨论。</p><p>(★思维性问题设计好,小组活动恰到好处!)</p><p> 3.学生分组陈述观点。</p><p> 4.评价活动。</p><p>♥Step 7.Fill in the blanks with result, percent, online, although, through, such as.</p><p> 1.学生大声读文。</p><p> 2.合上书,学生把答案写在一张纸上。</p><p> 3.一个学生回答。</p><p>(★注重学生语音发音的指导。)</p><p>♥Step 8. English Proverbs.</p><p>1.Early to bed and early to rise makes a</p><p>man healthy,wealthy and wise.</p><p>*以钟南山为例,让学生学会这句话。</p><p>*反复朗读。</p><p>(★好句积累!)</p><p>♥Step 9. Homework.</p><p>1.Do a survey and then make a report on</p><p>how the students in our class go to school.</p><p>2.Exercise ten more minutes today than</p><p>before.</p><p>(★考虑人文性作业!)</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">赵老师的课:</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">★课堂节奏稳中有快,但稍微前紧后松。</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">★课堂形式多样,内容充盈。</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">★适当添加阅读技能,增加思维广度性题目会更加高效。</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">★有以读促写环节,且学生生成性好。</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">★重视文章的意义理解层面的语用挖掘。</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">张老师的课:</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">★课前热身,启发学生动起来。</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">★学生回答问题时,对学生的课堂技能反复强调,尤其是让声音大点儿。</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(176, 79, 187);">★对学生的任务评价到位,激发性好。</b></p>