<p>在平时的工作和学习中</p><p><br></p><p>我们都希望尽最大努力让事情能够尽善尽美<b>那么“尽力”在英语语言中都怎么表达呢?</b>最常见的就是Try my bestDo my best<b>或者</b>I did the best to my abilities 我竭尽所能I've done whatever it I canI did my utmostGo out of one's way 特别费心,不辞辛劳</p> <strong>我们再来学习几组形象的说法</strong><strong>1.Bend over backwards / Fall over backwards 全力,不遗余力</strong>try very hard to please someone<strong>Eg.</strong>Sellers may bend over backwards to meet your demands. 卖方会尽力满足你的需求。<strong>Eg.</strong>Sue will bend over backwards to help her friends. 苏会尽全力帮助朋友。 <strong>2.Spare no effort 不遗余力</strong><strong>3.Fight tooth and nail 爪牙并施,奋力作战</strong><strong>Eg.</strong>The African-Americans used to fight tooth and nail for the right to vote. 美国黑人曾经奋力拼搏才争取到投票的权利。<strong>Eg.</strong>She said she was going to fight tooth and nail to keep this house for her daughters. 她说她要为女儿们竭尽全力地保住这栋房子。 <p><b>4.Go to great lengths 竭尽全力Eg.</b>To gain market share, they will go to great lengths. 为了获得市场份额,他们必须竭尽全力。<b>Eg.</b>After many years, when looking back to the past, you will not forget the time when you went to great lengths striving for your dream. 多年以后,如果还可以偶然记起,请别忘了为了梦想努力奋斗的那些美好时光。</p>