<p> 继“Voice of heart”之后,海新小学英语组“Voice of Readers”开播啦。舞台交给孩子们,让我们的宝贝们尽情“悦读”喽!</p><p> 今天给大家介绍的绘本是《I love you because you are you》,小小朗读者是来自海新小学四四班的周志博。下面大家先来欣赏吧。</p> <p> 这是一本充满爱意的书,通过狐狸宝贝和狐狸妈妈之间的互动,让孩子们感受到了妈妈的温柔和爱。同样地,狐狸宝贝对妈妈的爱和信赖也在一举一动间流淌。我们的“Voice of Readers”以爱为名,从爱开始,希望我们的小读者们在阅读中种下热爱语言,热爱生命的种子。宝贝们一起来读读吧!</p> <p><span style="font-size: 20px;">I love you because you are you</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 20px;">By Liza Baker</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 20px;">译 许婉婉</span></p><p>I love you when you're happy and grinning ear to ear</p><p>我爱你 爱你开心地咧开嘴笑的样子</p><p>I love you when you're sleepy and want to snuggle near</p><p>我爱你 爱你困了想要抱抱的样子</p><p>I love you when you're silly and dancing round and round</p><p>我爱你 爱你围着我跳啊跳啊的傻样</p><p>I love you when you're frightened and hear a scary sound</p><p>我爱你 爱你听到恐怖的声音害怕的样子</p><p>I love you when you're bashful and hide behind my knees</p><p>我爱你 爱你躲在我膝盖后腼腆的样子</p><p>I love you when you're brave and from my arms you flee</p><p>我爱你 爱你从我臂膀下溜走勇敢的样子</p><p>I love you when you're curious and searching here and there</p><p>我爱你 爱你找来找去好奇的样子</p><p>I love you when you're proud,</p><p>your head held in the air</p><p>我爱你 爱你自豪地高高扬起头的样子</p><p>I love you when you're sick and need to rest in bed</p><p>我爱你 爱你生病了需要卧床休息的样子</p><p>I love you when you're frisky and standing on your head</p><p>我爱你 爱你调皮地倒立给我看的样子</p><p>I love you when you're sad and need a kiss and hug</p><p>我爱你 爱你伤心时需要亲吻和拥抱的样子</p><p>I love you when you're playful and rolling on the rug</p><p>我爱你 爱你贪玩地在毯子上打滚的样子</p><p>I love you when you're angry and cross your arms and pout</p><p>我爱你 爱你生气时叉着手噘着嘴的样子</p><p>I love you when you're wild and scream and shout</p><p>我爱你 爱你疯狂地大喊大叫的样子</p><p>I love you anyway you feel, no matter what you do</p><p>我爱你 无论你什么心情 无论你做什么</p><p>I love you anyway you are</p><p>我爱你 无论你什么样子 我都爱你</p><p>I love you because you are you</p><p>我爱你 因为你是你啊!</p>