<p>之前其实一直没有正儿八经的叫过他的英文名字,每次问他这个英文名可行,那个可否,都说不好,最后自己选了seven,因为中文小名是七七,所以这个他还是能接受😓所以从今以后英文名叫seven了😂</p><p><br></p><p>这次旅行源于妈妈的朋友说携程上有长隆的特价活动,酒店加门票也就以前酒店的价格,团了几张券一直没用,后来想想seven小朋友还没出过省,妈妈也是第一次休年假(都工作十二年了第一次,心累😓)陪着一起出来逛逛。因为第一次带seven小朋友出省游,功课做了很多,出行之前看天气预报一直是雨,差点放弃行程,后面想想还是不甘心,因为后面爸爸妈妈就没时间陪着出来了。周五决定还是成行,提前安排好工作,因为周六的价格比平日贵好多,决定推迟一天出行,买好车票,正好周四妈妈新认识一个旅行社的朋友,价格比长隆app预订还便宜一点,就找他帮忙预订了酒店+门票。妈妈临出行前一天才稍微备课了下,打印出来了,所以有些还不是很熟练。不过留着下次用也不错😊</p><ol><li>Day1 长沙—珠海横琴湾 高铁</li></ol><p>包含坐出租车,高铁,酒店水世界,大马戏,但是内容太多,没办法全部英文,只能按功课记部分内容了😂</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>🚄1.Let's go. (打出租车)</p><p>👩Seven.we will have a travel to Zhuhai. Let's take the high-speed rail. This is the first time you take the high-speed rail,right? 我们要坐高铁去珠海旅行,这是你第一次坐高铁对不对?</p><p>👦yes.</p><p>👩High speed rail station is a little bit far fromour home.So firstly,we should take a taxi or subway to the high speed rail station.Which one do you want to take? Taxi or subway? 高铁站离我们家有点远,我们要坐出租车或者是地铁去高铁站,你想坐地铁还是出租车呢?</p><p>👦taxi.</p><p>👩OK i'll call for taxi by my phone. Our destination is high speed railway station. Look here, The taxi license plate number ends at 153.The color of the taxi is white. 我在手机上先叫个车,目的地是高铁站,你看我们的车就要来了,车牌号尾数是153.</p><p>👦Here comes the taxi. </p><p>👩OK, let's get in the car. </p><p><br></p><p>2.Security check过安检</p><p>👩Now we should have a security check. </p><p>Why should we need go through Security? 为什么过安检?</p><p>👩To avoid someone take Dangerous stuff on the high speed rail.alcohol, fireworks, lighters,flammable materials et al.为了避免有人在高铁上带危险的东西比如说酒精、烟火、打火机、易燃材料等.</p><p>👩Mom will take my bag on the machine,And you go over there to get our back.</p><p>👦ok.</p><p><br></p><p>3.Going up to the high speed rail station</p><p>👩Here is the entrance,let's take the escalator. What you step. 让我们乘扶梯上去吧,注意安全.。</p><p>👩Hold onto mom's hand,and keep steady.拉好妈妈的手,站稳。</p><p>👩The handrail is too tall for you so don't touch it. especially sides of the handrail.It doesn't move along with US. 不用扶扶手,它对你来说太高了,特别是扶手的侧面,它不会跟着咱们走的。</p><p>👩The escalator only goes up. so we must need to go down stairs if we need come back. 手扶体只有上行,所以如果我们上去以后要回到这里,就要走楼梯下来。</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>4. 看站台</p><p>👩This is the waiting hall. How do we know Where should we take the rail?这就是候车大厅,我们怎么知道应该从哪里坐车呢?</p><p>👩Let's take a look at this big screen. It has all the rail information on it. Our rail is at half past nine. Did you see that rail?我们来看这个大屏幕,上面有所有车次的信息,我们的车是九点半的,找到那趟车了吗?</p><p>👦在那里。</p><p>👩Our rail is G6166. The terminal is Zhuhai. The ticket gate is a3 or b3. 我们的车次是6166,终点站是珠海,检票口在a3或者b3.</p> <p>5. waiting hall候车大厅</p><p>👩This waiting hall is very large,How many gates do you think he has?You see, we have gate A on the left and gate B on the right. There are 24 gates in one side. </p><p>👩Otherwise, there will be more convenient facilities in this hall, such as boiling water,restroom. Want to pee?候车大厅还有开水处,还有厕所。</p> <p>6.会合点rendezvous</p><p>👩Do you see that screen? It can turn.你看到那个屏幕了吗?它还可以转动. </p><p>👦yes.</p><p>👩That is a rendezvous.You can see it in any corner of the hall. If you and mom get lost,You can go to the staff,Let them call mother on the radio. or going to this place, mom will wait for you here.</p><p>👦ok. </p> <p>居然高铁上的盒饭也能吃的这么香也是醉了😂</p><p>第一次坐高铁的seven很兴奋,每看到对面来车都会大声喊:对面有高铁诶。还好几次大声和妈妈说,这是我第一次坐高铁诶,妈妈你是第几次?</p> <p>👩This is the hotel where we stayed tonight. I'll check in first,Here we will get card of the hotel and get the ticket. 这是我们今天晚上的酒店,我先办理入住拿房卡和门票。</p><p>👩oh,there are so many dolphins in the lobby.Will you take a photo with them ?</p><p>👦ok.</p><p>👩Our room number is 1539 and 1540.Let's go to the room to put our luggage first. This way, the elevator is here. 我们的房间号,让我们先去房间放行李,电梯在这。</p><p>👩Let's get changed let's put on the swimming suit and wear the swimming glasses. Here is the water lands, it has the indoor and outdoor area, There are surf pools, beaches and dolphin pools in outdoor area. First,put onthe life jacket. Let's go! 让我们先换衣服,穿上泳衣和泳镜,这是水世界,有室内区和室外区,室外有冲浪池,沙滩和海豚池。</p><p><br></p><p>水世界游玩,主要爸爸近身保镖,妈妈负责拍照,开始的时候有点不适应,所以安抚情绪去了,输入少😂</p> <p>晚上的大马戏,音乐声音太大了,没办法输入,只能先把照片附上当流水账了😂</p>