<p>1.❤️Listening:</p><p>清华幼儿英语0b 情景故事,儿歌</p><p>清华幼儿汉语1</p><p>2.💛Reading:</p><p>如图</p><p>3.💚Video:</p><p>清华幼儿英语0b u10—11</p><p>4.💙游戏:</p><p>👩</p> <p>Unit 11 Johnny, Johnny</p><p>Game 1: I'm Papa</p><p>1. 妈妈装扮成爸爸的样子出来,和宝贝做TPR互动 P: I'm your papa. You are Johnny. “Johnny, Johnny.” K: “Yes, Papa.” (捂嘴点头回答)</p><p>P: “Eating a candy?” (家长指着宝贝的嘴问) K: “No, Papa.” (捂嘴摇头)</p><p>P: “Telling lies?” (指着宝贝问) K: “No, Papa.” (捂嘴摇头)</p><p>P: “Open your mouth.” (家长张开五指示意宝贝张嘴)K: “Oh, ha-ha-ha.” (宝贝放下手,张开嘴笑)</p><p>P: You are so naughty. (勾勾宝贝鼻子或挠痒痒)</p><p>2. 互换角色,宝贝当爸爸,妈妈展示道具</p><p>P: Do you want to be papa? K: Yes.</p><p>P: Look, there are papa's clothes and shoes as well as(还有...)</p><p>3. 宝贝选择道具</p><p>P: Choose the items(物品)you want to wear.</p><p>Oh, you want to wear the suit jacket. OK, let me help you. You Look like your papa now.</p><p>4. 妈妈扮演Johnny,和宝贝互动TPR</p><p>P: I'm Johnny. I'm your baby. You are papa. Let's sing the song.</p><p>Tip:</p><p>宝贝可以扮演grandma,</p><p>把围巾裹在头上,wrap a scarf around your head, 拿着拐杖walk with the stick.</p><p>宝贝也可以扮演grandpa,</p><p>贴上白胡子paste a white beard, two white eyebrows眉毛</p><p>服饰 skirt/dress, scarf, high heels高跟鞋, necklace项链, bracelet手链,bag</p><p><br></p><p>Game 2: Finger Talk</p><p>1. 家长分别在两个手的食指上戴上爸爸和约翰的指偶表演儿歌</p><p>P: Hello, Johnny. (左手指动)Hello, Papa. (右手指动) “Johnny, Johnny...” (左右手指互动,分别扮演爸爸和孩子的声音) P: Is it funny/interesting? K: Yes.</p><p>2. 宝贝选择一个指偶和家长互动</p><p>P: Whom do you want to be? Johnny? (分别晃动手指)K: Johnny.</p><p>P: OK, you are Johnny. Put on the puppet. Now, let's sing together. P&K: “Johnny, Johnny...” (家长和宝贝戴的指偶一问一答)</p><p>3. 熟练之后,尝试让宝贝一个人操作两个指偶</p><p>P: This time, try to play the two finger puppets (by yourself).</p><p>Put on the another puppet. (给宝贝戴上另一个指偶)Let's do it together. P&K: “Johnny, Johnny...” (自己的左右指偶一问一答)</p><p>Tip:用圆珠笔画在手指上I'll use the ballpoint pen to draw papa on the finger.</p><p>用大拇脚趾玩儿,可以画,可以戴指偶,Let's play with our toes. This is papa/Johnny.</p><p><br></p><p>Game 3: Animals' Papa</p><p>1. 家长当爸爸,向宝贝介绍自己的小动物宝宝们</p><p>P: Look, they are my kids. Piggy, duck, frog, bird, bear...They are naughty. One of them eats the candy (展示手里的糖纸).</p><p>2. 家长唱着儿歌一个个问小动物</p><p>P: “Piggy, Piggy...”(家长一人分饰两角,对答)Open your mouth.(拿起小动物,看底下有没有糖)Oh, nothing. Good boy.</p><p>3. 家长问到偷吃的小动物</p><p>P: “Frog, Frog...” Open your mouth. (拿起小动物,看到底下的糖)“Oh, ha-ha-ha. ” You are naughty. (对着小青蛙说)</p><p>4. 家长重新藏糖,让宝贝当爸爸询问,家长当小动物与宝贝对答</p><p>P: Now, you are papa. Close your eyes. The animal will eat the candy. OK, open your eyes. Ask your babies. K: “Bird, Bird...”</p><p>P: “Yes, Papa. No, Papa...” (重复第二和第三步骤)</p><p>Tip: 家长问到偷吃的小动物,但偷吃的小动物承认自己吃了糖</p><p>P: “Frog, Frog. ”</p><p>P(Frog): “Yes, Papa.” P: “Eating a candy?” P(Frog): “Yes, Papa.” P: You are honest. But, next time, you should ask me first, OK? P(Frog): OK.</p><p><br></p><p>almond 杏仁 pistachio 开心果 hazelnut 榛子 peanut 花生</p><p>raisin 葡萄干 walnut 核桃 red date 红枣 </p><p><br></p><p>Game 4: Naughty Kid</p><p>1. 家长吃口大蒜出来,捂嘴假装咀嚼,让宝贝问自己。</p><p>P: I am Johnny. You can sing the song and ask me. K: “Johnny, Johnny.” K: “Open your mouth.” P: Smell.</p><p>K: 大蒜(garlic)</p><p>P: Ha-ha-ha, yes, I eat the garlic.</p><p>2. 家长展示一些食物,让宝贝吃,家长来猜</p><p>P: Look, I have some food. Rice, bread, peanut. You can eat one of them, then I'll guess. K: OK.</p><p>P: I'll read my book.(家长转过身去假装看书) Just one bite. (就一口)</p><p>3. 宝贝吃了一口食物后,家长唱着儿歌问宝贝,猜错了</p><p>P: “Cheney, Cheney.”</p><p>K: “Yes, Mommy/Mama.” (捂嘴,cover your mouth) P: “Eating the rice?” K: “No, Mommy/Mama.” P: “Telling lies?” K: “No, Mommy/Mama.”</p><p>4. 家长闻了闻,再猜,猜对了</p><p>P: Let me smell. (凑近宝贝嘴边闻) P: Ha-ha ( 意 味 深 长 地 笑 ...) “Cheney, Cheney.”</p><p>K: “Yes, Mommy/Mama.” P: “Eating a peanut?” K: “Yes, Mommy/Mama.”</p><p>P: “Open your mouth.” Yippee, I got it. I can see the peanut in your mouth.</p><p>互换角色</p><p>P: Now, you read the book. I'll eat the food. K: “Mommy, Mommy.” P: “Yes, Baby.”</p><p>K: “Eating the bread?”</p><p>Tip:吃饭的时候,宝贝在咀嚼食物,妈妈都可以问问M: “Cheney, Cheney.”</p><p>K: “Yes, Mommy.”</p><p>M: “Eating the fish?” K: “No, Mommy.” M: “Telling lies?” K: “No, Mommy.” P:“Open your mouth.”</p><p>K: Naughty(吃的是鱼)/Oh, you are eating the egg.</p><p>M: “Cheney, Cheney.” K: “Yes, Mommy.”</p><p>M: “Eating the fish?” K: “Yes, Mommy.” M: “Really?”</p><p>K: “Yes, Mommy.” P:“Open your mouth.” K: Oh, I can see that.</p><p><br></p><p>Game 5: Card Game</p><p>1. 家长拿食物卡片,宝贝拿动物卡片, 选出一张,选到什么卡片,宝贝就当什么动物</p><p>P: Honey, you choose an animal from these cards. K: OK. P: Oh, Wolf. You are Wolf.</p><p>2. 家长根据宝贝选的动物,唱出相应儿歌与宝贝互动</p><p>P: “Wolf, wolf.” K: “Yes, Papa.”</p><p>3. 家长从食物的卡片里选出一个食物,唱出相应儿歌内容</p><p>P: “Eating a lollipop?” K: “No, Papa.” P: “Telling lies?” K: “No, Papa.”</p><p>P: “Open your mouth.” K: “Oh, ha-ha-ha.”</p><p>4. 熟练之后,转换角色</p><p>P: Now, I am the animal. You are papa. I choose this one. K: “Donkey, donkey”</p><p>幼儿学习目标</p><p>1.幼儿能听懂(会说)Johnny, papa, eating, candy, telling lies, yes, no, open, mouth 2.幼儿会唱儿歌Johnny, Johnny,灵活改编儿歌。</p><p>3.幼儿会做儿歌TPR,能和家长做Family Fun活动。4.幼儿能听懂Johnny, Johnny图画故事书的讲解。5.培养幼儿用英语及时应答的习惯 </p> <p>打卡长沙地标国金中心,这个是之前的打卡,没注意一直在草稿箱没发布,后面因为暑假送回老家了,所以一直请假状态😓</p>