<p>尊敬的家长朋友:</p><p> 您好!</p><p> 新的学期开始了,感谢各位家长一直以来对我们工作的大力支持与配合。 教育好孩子是你我的共同目标,做好家园共育工作,是我们为了让您更好地了解新的学前教育理念,教育好孩子,养成孩子良好的学习生活习惯以及我园开展的各项园本及主题教育课程,同时还能让您进一步了解孩子在园的表现,现诚挚地邀请您参加我园举行的家长会。</p><p> The new semester has begun. Thank you for your support and cooperation to our work. Education their children is the common goal of you and me, do a good job, home produced is we to give you a better understanding of the new preschool education idea, education their children, the children learn good life habit, and I park in the park and theme education courses, at the same time also can let you learn more about the performance of the children in the garden, we sincerely invite you to attend my garden at the pta.</p> <p> 在孩子的一生中“家长是孩子的第一任老师”,家长作为孩子成长学习的参与者、支持者和合作者,父母要给孩子扣好人生的第一粒扣子,让孩子有良好的学习习惯和行为习惯,因此我们要不断地探讨、研究孩子成长中存在的问题,更好地做好家园共育工作。</p><p> "In the life of the child's parents are the first teachers of children", the parents as a child to grow up learning of the participants, supporters and partners, parents should give their children good life the first grain of s, let the child have good study habits and behavior habits, so we need to constantly explore, research the problems existing in the children grow up, better to do a good job of home produced.</p> <p> 2020年新冠疫情让很多家长和幼儿心理上产生了焦虑和困惑,我们为做好疫情防控常态化工作,为了让您及幼儿的身心健康发展,我们希望通过此次家长会更好地与您交流沟通,现郑重邀请您准时参加我园召开的家长会。</p><p> The coVID-19 epidemic in 2020 has caused anxiety and confusion among many parents and children. In order to normalize the epidemic prevention and control, and to ensure the healthy physical and mental development of you and your children, we hope that your parents can better communicate with you through this meeting. We hereby sincerely invite you to attend the parents' meeting held in our kindergarten on time.</p> <p>会议主题:“让爱同行”家长会</p><p>会议地点:各班教室</p><p>会议时间:2020年9月18日(星期五)下午19:00分</p><p>温馨提示:</p><p> 1.请各位家长提前15分钟到园,自觉佩戴口罩,通过体温测量签到入园。</p><p> 2.本次家长会只要求家长参加,希望家长做好幼儿居家的各项安全工作,以防意外发生。</p><p> 3.请您将爱车停放在幼儿园坐车通道或自由居酒店停车场,(请勿停放于幼儿园门口的道路上,以免业主投诉)!</p><p> 4.家长会期间请家长朋友遵守会场秩序,请您关闭手机或调至静音状态,不要在会场内接听电话,随意交谈及走动,园内禁止吸烟,望您遵守。</p> <p> 感谢您对精博幼儿园的信任,是孩子让我们相遇,因为共同的目标,共同的使命,我们一次又一次的进行交流与探讨,在交流与探讨中我们的工作不断地提升和改进,希望在今后的工作中能得到家长朋友的支持与配合,让我们携手共创孩子美好的未来。</p><p> Thank you for your trust, to jing bo kindergarten children let us meet, because the common goals, common mission, we again and again to communicate and discuss, in exchanges and explore constantly improve and improve our work, hope in the future work can get parents friend's support and cooperation, let us to join hands in creating a bright future.</p><p> 再次诚邀您准时参会!</p><p> 谨祝:家庭幸福,工作顺利!</p> <p>香港诺贝尔精博国际幼儿园2019年秋季报名火热进行中</p><p>招生对象: 2—6周岁幼儿</p><p>开设班级:大班 中班 小班 托班</p><p>花开热线:</p><p>18665945411(Cherry陆园长)</p><p>17700285652 (Carol 陆主任)</p><p>地址:雁峰区白沙大道89号雁城国际公馆小区内</p>