<p>listening:英文儿歌,小猪佩奇音频清华汉语三册</p><p>儿歌视频:清幼汉语英语 小猪佩奇</p><p>read:牛津树8本,指读牛津树3指读10本 精读1本 中文两唐诗1首 读牛9 2本</p> <p>指读</p> <p>复述牛津树</p> <p>Wax is a solid, slightly shiny substance made of fat or oil which is used to make candles and polish. It melts when it is heated.</p> <p>实验1</p><p>Ok lets go to the next page, page 17.We are going to do an experiment. Look at the pictures.</p><p>Can you tell me what we need? We need a plate, a candle and a glass. Yes,you are right. Lets get all those things. I will tell you how to do this experiment.</p><p>The candle burns</p><p>1. Stick the candle to the plate. We can melt some wax and put the candle in it. Hold it until it is cool.</p><p> 2. Light the candle</p><p>3. Put the glass over the candle. What happens to the candle? It stops burning Why does it stop burning? It has</p><p>The candle stopped</p><p>Cover the candle with no more air.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>实验2</p><p>Lets get some things to burn and see what happens. Now we need to be very careful, ok?</p><p>Ok we have some hair, some paper, some cloth and a rock. Lets seeif they will burn. (do this experiment outside)</p><p>First lets try the hair.Does the hair burn?</p><p><br></p><p>CIt burns</p><p><br></p><p>Yes it does.</p><p><br></p><p>Ok lets try the paper. Does the paper burn? Yes it does. </p><p><br></p><p>Next lets try the cloth.Does that burn?Yes it burns too.</p><p><br></p><p>Now lets try to burn the rock.Does the rock burn? No, the rock does not burn</p><p><br></p><p>What else would you like to try?</p><p><br></p><p>Lets get some leaves and some grass and</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>实验</p><p>Page 19, lets do some candle magic. Look at the picture, what do we need?We need a plate, a candle, a glass bottl and some colored water.</p><p>Ok, will ell you what to do. Cover the candle</p><p>Add colored water with a bottle.</p><p>1. Put the candle on the plate. </p><p>2. Put the colored water on the plate.</p><p> 3. Light the candle.</p><p>4. Put the bottle over the candle. What happens? The water goes up into the bottle. Why does this happen?Because the candle used all of the air in the bottle.</p><p>Water rises in the bottle</p> <p>防火安全知识</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Supplementary - Fire safety</p><p style="text-align: justify;">What does "fire safety" mean?</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Some think that fire safety is simply knowing what to do if your clothes catch on fire. Well, that is part of it</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Fire safety is everything you need to know to be safe, to make your home safe, and knowing what to do if a fire starts in your home.</p><p style="text-align: justify;">And how do we learm all that stuf Well, we are going to learn aboutthe "Three Ps" of fire safety:</p><p style="text-align: justify;">Prevent, Planand Practice.</p><p><br></p> <p>If someone gets too close to the fire while trying to escape and their clothes catch on fire, what should they do?</p><p>Remember 3 steps: stop, drop and roll. They could save your life. Fire needs air(oxygen)to burn. Running and jumping lets more air get to the fire so it spreads very quickly. Rolling on the ground cuts off the supply of air and smothers the flames.</p><p>Prevent fires</p><p>To "prevent a fire”" is just another way of saying, "to stop a fire before it ever starts." Here are some things</p><p>you can do in your home to prevent fires:</p><p>Never cook without an adult present</p><p>Don't play in the kitchen when someone is</p><p>cooking</p><p>Keep things that burn away from the stove or other fires</p><p>Never play with matches or lighters</p><p>Make sure you have smoke alarms in your house</p> <p>Planyour escape</p><p>It's so important to know what to do if ever a fire starts in your home!</p><p>By knowing what to do, you and your family cak react quickly and increase the chances that' everyone escapes safely.</p><p>One of the most important things to do is to createja family escape plan. On it, make sure to include the following:</p><p>Two escape routes from every room</p><p>A safe meeting place for your family to gather once outside the home</p><p>Practice safety</p><p>Everyone knows that if you want to be good at something, you have to practice! Well, fire safety is no different.</p><p>Take time to practice what you'll do if ever you see or smell smoke, or if your smoke detector sounds.</p><p>Remember these important tips:</p><p>React fast! The faster you act, the safer you will be Get out and stay out. Never go</p><p>back in for any reason</p><p>If you see or smell smoke stay low and go</p> <p>The fire triangle</p><p>Understanding what a fire needs can help you prevent</p><p>fires from happening. All fires require three elements</p><p>Oxygen: Just like people, fire needs oxygen to breathe.'</p><p>Without oxygen a fire will stop burning.</p><p>Heat: Without enough heat, a fire cannot start, nor can it</p><p>continue to burn. Examples of heat are:</p><p>Oven or stove top</p><p>Heater</p><p>Lit match or lighter</p><p>Electric spark</p><p>Fuel: Fuel is what 'feeds' a fire. Without fuel a fire will stop. Some examples of fuel would be:</p><p>Wood</p><p>Paper</p><p>Gas</p><p>Paint</p><p>Coal</p><p>Fuel is a substance such as coal, oil, or petrol that is burned to provide heat or power.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>观看视频</p> <p>消防安全词汇</p><p>消防车--fire truck 消防队员--firefighters </p><p>火--fire 消防栓--fire hydrant 徽章--badge </p><p>靴子--boots 消防帽--fire hat 外套--cost </p><p>梯子--ladder 水管--hose 火柴--match </p><p>斧头--ax 消防犬--dog 铃--alarm </p><p>灭火器--extinguisher 消防站--fire station </p><p>烟雾报警器--smoke detector 面具--mask </p> <p>消防器材</p><p>fire sprinkle head</p> <p>HOW DO FIRE SPRINKLER HEADS WORK?</p><p>No matter what type of fire sprinklers you choose, know that they all work in the same fundamental way. All sprinkler heads feature a glass bulb filled with a glycerin-based liquid. When a fire ignites below the sprinkler, the heat expands this liquid and the bulb bursts. With the bulb out of the way, water flows freely from the sprinkler head and floods the room below with water to extinguish the fire.</p><p><br></p><p>It’s important to realize that sprinkler heads activate individually with the goal of reducing water damage while still dousing the flames effectively.</p> <p>At What Temperature Do Heat Alarms Trigger?</p><p>Heat Detectors react to the change in temperature caused by fire. Once the temperature rises above 135 degrees F (57 C) or 194 degrees F (90 C), the heat detector will send a signal to an alarm panel and trigger an alarm.</p><p>There are two different types of heat detectors, a fixed heat detector and a rate of rise heat detector.</p> <p>三师课,停更,这个时间正好看一集小猪,拼读,时间搞好,见缝插针,谁要上学,时间紧张呢!</p>