<b><i>【蜘蛛主题】- 2a Unit 9 Eentsy weentsy spider<br>汉语第三册 第九单元 小猫种鱼</i></b> 本单元重点:发音,连读,语音作业;观察蜘蛛,蜘蛛是如何织网的;为什么要织网;蜘蛛从哪里吐丝的;蜘蛛是如何捕猎食物的;蜘蛛为什么不会被自己的网粘住?蜘蛛织好了网,下雨了怎么办? <p><b>1️⃣Supplementary:All about spiders</b></p> <p><b><i>✅Apperance and Body parts1</i></b></p> <ul><li>Spiders can be big or small.Thev can be brown or black.</li><li> Some spiders are red, orange,green, or yellow.</li><li>They may come in different colors. But all spiders have eight legs. And they all have two main body parts- a head and an abdomen.</li></ul> <ul><li>Spiders have two body segments. </li><li>The front segment is called the <b>Cephalothorax/ˌsɛfələ'θoræks/头胸部(head and thorax) </b>.</li><li>The spider's eyes, mouth ,<b>fangs触肢</b>, stomach, brain and the <b>glands毒腺</b> that make the poison are on this part of her body. </li><li><b></b>The legs are connected to this part, as well. </li><li>The second part of the body is called the<b> Abdomen/æbdəmən/腹部. </b></li><li>The back end of the abdomen is the <b>Spinnerets/'spɪnə,rɛt/吐丝器</b>, where the silk is produced.</li></ul> <p><b><i>⚠️Body parts2(来自Eric 妈妈备课,老母亲知识储备)</i></b></p> <ul><li>They have eight legs. Each leg is composed of seven segments. From the body side, these segments are; the Coxa, Trochanter, Femur, Patella, Tibia, Metatarsus, and Tarsus.</li><li> They have several eyes. Spiders usually have four pairs of eyes arranged in patterns on the front region of Cephalothorax. Some other spider species have 3 pairs of eyes, some have two, some have only one pair, while some (such as <b>cave-dwelling spider洞穴蜘蛛</b>) has no eyes.<br></li><li>They do not have wings and antennae like other insects.<br></li><li>They have tiny little hands attached to their mouth called pedipalps /ˈpedɪˌpælp/须肢.<br></li></ul> <p><b>⚠️Where Do Spiders Live – Spider Habitat Facts</b></p> • Spiders live in deserts and rain forests. They live on mountains and <b>plains /pleinz/平地平原</b>.They live on beaches and in caves .Spiders live almost anywhere.<br>• <b>Water spider (Argyroneta aquatica水蜘蛛)</b> is the only spider species exclusively found in water.<br> <p><b>✅What Do Spiders Eat – Spider Diet – Spider Food (Spider Nutrition)</b></p> <ul><li>All spiders are meat-eaters .Most spiders eat insects .</li><li>Some spiders eat bigger animals like fish, snakes. lizards. or frogs.</li><li>Sometimes spiders even eat each other.</li></ul> <p><b>✅Do Spiders hurt people?</b></p> <ul><li>What has eight legs, fangs, and hair all over?</li><li> Is it a monster? No It's a spider!</li><li>Some of us are afraid of creepy-crawly spiders.</li><li>But most spiders can't hurt people</li></ul> <p><b>2️⃣Reading</b></p> <p>指读</p> <p>理解性阅读</p> <p>3️⃣<b>汉语</b></p> <p>4️⃣<b>日常</b></p> <p>娃正好在剪数字,我们用数字当做钱,演了一场顾客和店主的戏</p>