<br><div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#ed2308"><b>❀英语启蒙❀</b></font></div><font color="#ed2308">★Listening:</font><br>清幼:0b U4儿歌、亲子故事<br><font color="#ed2308">★Video:</font><br>清幼:0b U4 cartoon time<br>I’m a frog<br>I’m a green frog<br>I’m a frog<br>I’m a green frog<br>I’m a frog<br>I’m a green frog,too<br>We are frogs<br>I can sing<br>I can sing<br>I can sing,too<br>Mm,ah<br>Went the little green frog<br>One day<br>Mm,ah<br>Went the little green frog<br>Mm,ah<br>Went the little green frog<br>One day<br>And the little green frog went<br>Mm,ah,Mm,ah,Mm,ah<br>重复划线<br><font color="#ed2308">★TPR:</font><br>清幼:0b U3 Let’s get moving<br><font color="#ed2308">★Family fun:</font><br>清幼:0b U4 Family fun<div><br>《爸爸回来了》 <br>爸爸背着宝宝做青蛙跳 <br>MM: Baby, come, daddy frog can carry you on <br>his back. <br>All: “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one <br>day...” <br>D(M): Little green frog, where do you want to <br>go next?<br>1. 带孩子跳到家中各个地方或事物前 <br>P: Let's jump to the wardrobe(衣柜)/cloakroom/walk in closet <br>(衣帽间)/kid's bedroom(儿童房)/storeroom(储藏室). <br>“'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...” <br>2. 跳到各个地方,可以进行相应的活动 <br>P: I feel cold. I want to put on a coat. / Let's take a nap./Let's take out ...1. 家长用两条绳子当河, 在河之间放几个lily pad <br>P: Look, there is a river. <br>2. 小动物想过河 <br>P (piggy): Oink, oink. Hello, little green frog. I'm Piggy. <br>K: Hello, Piggy. <br>P(piggy): I want to cross the river. But I can't jump on the <br>lily pads. Can you help me?3. 宝贝帮小动物过河 <br>K: Of course. <br>P&K: “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...”<br><br></div><div><font color="#ed2308">Game 1: Let's Sing </font><br>1. 家长和宝贝扮演小青蛙 <br>P: I'm a little green frog. “Mm, ah!” <br>K: I'm a little green frog. “Mm, ah!” <br>P&K: We are frogs. “Mm, ah, mm, ah, mm, ah ah!” <br>2. 家长蹲在荷叶(绿色圆形的纸)上唱歌 <br>P: This is the lily pad, the stage(舞台). I can sing. <br>I am going to sing a song for you. “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog <br>one day...” Can you sing?<br>3. 宝贝唱歌 <br>K: I can sing too. <br>P: Come, hold the microphone. Go on the stage. <br>K: “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...” <br>P: You are good at singing. Frogs are good at singing. <br>4. 一起跳舞 <br>P: Let's dance together. <br>P&K: “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...”</div><div><br><font color="#ed2308">Game 2: Let's go swimming</font><br>1. 家长和宝贝扮演小青蛙, 要去游泳 <br>P: Look, there is a pool. There is a pool. (床) <br>Let's go swimming. Line up. One by one. <br>K: Ok, one by one. <br>2. 家长和宝贝排着队边唱儿歌边跳到池塘边 <br>P&K:“'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...” <br>(提前跳到床边,可以围着床跳,直到儿歌唱完)<br>3. 跳进池塘,在床上假装游泳 <br>P: Let's jump into the pool. (爬上床)Lie down on the bed. <br>Swim like a frog. Do the breaststroke(蛙泳). Look at me . <br>P&K:“'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...”<br>Tip: 可以把呼啦圈当池塘,蹲在里面划动手臂游。另外还可以把爸 <br>爸当人肉垫子,趴在爸爸身上游。 <br>活动目的:让宝贝了解青蛙是既可以在陆地上跳,也可以在水里游 <br>的动物。<br><br></div> <font color="#ed2308">Game 3: Where is the little green frog? </font><br>1. 家长和宝贝扮演小青蛙 <br>P: I'm a little green frog. “Mm, ah!” <br>K: I'm a little green frog. “Mm, ah!” <br>P&K: We are frogs. “Mm, ah, mm, ah, mm, ah ah!” <br>2.家长带宝贝找小鸭子玩偶 <br>P: The little yellow duck is playing hide-and-seek with us. Let's find <br>the little duck together. <br>K: Ok.<br>3. 家长和宝贝学青蛙跳着去找小鸭子 <br>P&K: “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...” <br>P: The little duck isn't behind the curtain. <br>Oh, look. The little duck is in the drawer. <br>4. 家长把自己藏起来,宝贝找 <br>P: This time, I hide. Close your eyes and start counting. From one to <br>ten. <br>K: One...ten.<br>5. 宝贝唱着儿歌,学青蛙跳着去找,家长发出青蛙叫声, <br>帮助宝贝循声找 <br>P: “Mm, ah...” (频次由家长自己定) <br>K: “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...” <br>6. 宝贝找到家长 <br>P: You find me! <br>7. 宝贝藏,家长找 <br>P: Now, it's your turn to hide. One...Here I come!<br>8. 家长开始找宝贝 <br>P: “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...” <br>P: The little green frog isn't under the table. <br>Where is the little green frog? <br>Little green frog can you make the sound? “Mm, ah.” <br>K: “Mm, ah...” <br>P: Found you.《爸爸回来了》 <br>爸爸当小青蛙妈妈,妈妈和宝贝帮蝌蚪找妈妈。 <br>M(Tadpole): Hi Cindy. I can't find my mommy. Can you help me? <br>K: Yes. <br>D: “Mm, ah...” <br>M: Where? <br>K: Bathroom. <br>M & K: Let's go. “'Mm, ah!' went the mommy green frog one day...”M(Tadpole): Found you! This is my mommy. <br>Mommy, I miss you. Kiss. <br>(妈妈用袜子在爸爸的脸上亲亲)教材P10 Print and Say <br>1. 家长带宝贝看图片 <br>P: Look, tadpoles. They are finding their mommy. Where is their mommy? <br>K: On the lily pad. <br>P: Yes, their mommy is on the lily pad. Mommy green frog is singing. <br>P&K: “'Mm, ah!' went the mommy green frog one day...” <br>2. 带宝贝印出更多蝌蚪 <br>P: Good, let's make more tadpoles. <br>First, let’s squeeze (挤)some black paint out onto the plate. <br>Show me your pointer. Look at me. I make a tadpole. You try.<br>活动目的:练习小青蛙叫声,复习方位介词和家中事 <br>物名称,熟悉躲猫猫游戏语言,同时用英文渗透小蝌 <br>蚪的妈妈是青蛙,并将儿歌内容灵活改编。 <br>Tip: Peppa Pig S1 5 Hide and Seek<div><br><font color="#ed2308">Game 4: Catch the Mosquitoes </font><br>一只蚊子飞过来,在青蛙面前一晃,青蛙身子猛地向上一蹿,舌头 <br>一翻,又落在地上。蚊子不见了,它又原样坐好,等待着下一个猎 <br>物的到来。<br>1. 宝贝当青蛙蹲好,家长把蚊子卡片吊在杆儿上,模仿蚊子声音飞过来 <br>P: What's that? A mosquito! A mosquito is flying. This is frog's favorite <br>food. Jump and catch the mosquito. <br>2. 家长牵着蚊子走,宝贝边唱儿歌,边追蚊子 <br>P&K: “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...” <br>P: Jump! Great! You got the mosquito. <br>K: Yummy.</div><div><br><font color="#ed2308">Game 5: Frog Puppet Paper Plate </font><br>Materials: <br>large paper plate <br>green paint <br>scissors <br>glue <br>template 模板<br>1. 介绍手工内容,和材料 <br>P: We're going to use the paper plate to make a frog puppet. <br>2. 给纸盘子涂上绿色 <br>P:Look, this is the body of the frog. We need to paint it first. <br>What color should I use? <br>K: Green. <br>P: Good. Let's paint it in green. Now, set aside to dry. We'll use <br>it later.<br>3. 介绍青蛙其他部位 <br>P: Look, the frog has four legs(two small legs,two large legs), <br>two eyes and a tongue. You know, frogs use their tongue <br>to catch mosquitoes. <br>4. 剪下各个部位 <br>P: Now, cut out the frog's body parts.<br>5. 将纸盘子对折 <br>P: Fold the plate in half. <br>6. 在盘子内侧(未涂色面)粘上胳膊、腿、舌头 <br>P: Glue the large legs to the bottom . <br>Glue the small legs on the sides. <br>Glue the tongue.<br>7. 粘上眼睛(盘子外侧) <br>P: Glue the eyes onto the top of the plate <br>8.把舌头弄卷 <br>P: Curl the tongue with a pencil.<br>9. 用青蛙做吃虫子游戏,宝贝递上相应的虫子 <br>P: I'm a frog. “'Mm, ah!' went the little green frog one day...” <br>I like bugs. I want to eat the mosquito/fly/worm/beetle. <br>K: Here you are.</div>