<p>诉衷情令•花语芬芳</p><p>文/金萍</p><p>葵开两朵抹金黄。洋菊梗簪凉。秋霖珠凝琼片,簌簌散幽香。</p><p>花一簇,意三江。自珍藏。感恩遇见,师生戮力,学海称王。</p><p>嵌名:王一霖</p><p>2020.9.10</p> <p>亲爱的宝宝:虽然老师才教你半年多,但是宝在老师的心中,已经是一个真正的“宝”啦!虽然宝六年级,但做题的准确率比初中生还好!知识点、课文、单词,无一不精!你妈妈今天对我说:“我太爱你啦,金姐!金牛英语有自信,写什么短文都不打怵”。我很感动!今天教师节,我也想对你们说:</p><p>“我爱你,宝!因为你是那么的天真!</p><p>我爱你,宝!因为你是那么的聪慧!</p><p>我爱你,宝!因为你是那么的勤奋!</p><p>我爱你,宝!因为你是那么的善解人意!”</p><p>宝,在你成长的路上,我会尽我最大的努力推你!雪莲就在峰顶,路就在你脚下,老师就在你的身后!做个勇敢的孩子,去攀登!</p> <p>下面是宝昨天发给我的一个英语短文,棒棒哒!老师为你自豪!</p> <p>2020年9月9日</p><p>Today ,I went to school.</p><p>Our classroom was on the fourth floor,so I needed to go to the fourth floor without the elevator .It was very high,and I got very tired.This was not the only bad news,the worst news was Our Toilet Was On The First Floor!</p><p>When I went into our classroom,I saw my classmates,I felt very happy.I had two examinations at school,one was English and the other was Chinese.As to the English paper ,I got 99 points and the Chinese paper I got 97 points,I was very happy.And our teacher asked us to answer four difficult Math questions,I answered three of them,but a few students answered all questions .The question that I didn't answer was about a race,The two people who had a race needed to run to only one direction.But I put one on the east and put the other one on the west.So I got the wrong answer.Then my teacher said,"if you answer this question in your way ,they will be crass and die".</p>