<br><div style="text-align: center;"><b><font color="#ed2308">❀英语启蒙❀</font></b></div><font color="#b06fbb"><b>★Listening:</b></font><br>清幼:0b U3儿歌、亲子故事<div><br><b><font color="#b06fbb">★Video:</font></b><br>清幼:0b U3 cartoon time<br>Hello<br>I’m mommy kangaroo<br>Oh,gosh糟了!<br>What is that?<br>A bug<br>A big bad bug<br>Oh,I will make it go away<br>Shoo!<br>Chase追逐 [tʃeis] that big bad bug<br>Make it go away<br>Shoo!Shoo!<br>Oh,no!<br>It is coming towards me<br>Oh,no!<br>Oh ,help!<br>Oh,here I come<br>Oh,what happened?<br>Oh,look,a bug<br>Make it go away,please!<br>Oh,gosh!<br>重复横线<br>Help!Help!<br>Grandma,mommy<br>What happened?<br>Oh,honey!<br>Look,a bug<br>Yes,a big bad bug<br>Oh,make it go away,please!<br>It’s just a bug<br>A little bug<br>I’ll make it go away<br>Shoo!<br>Chase that big bad bug<br>Make it go away<br>Shoo!Shoo!<br>Chase that big bad bug<br>Make it go away<br>Shoo!Shoo!<br>Chase that big bad bug<br>Make it go away<br>Shoo!<br>Hey,mommy,grandma<br>It’s not here now<br>It went away<br><br><b><font color="#b06fbb">★TPR:</font></b><br>清幼:0b U3 Let’s get moving<br><br><b><font color="#b06fbb">★Family fun:</font></b><br>清幼:0b U3 Family fun<br>Family Fun <br>1. 家长用手当虫子在宝贝身上走,演示如何赶走虫子 <br>MM: Look, I'm a big bad bug. I'm walking/crawling on your body. (边唱歌,边在宝贝身上溜达,时而挠挠痒痒) <br>“Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo...” <br>Hit the big bad bug, then I'll go away. (拿孩子的手去拍自己的手背) <br>Ok, let's play it again.<br>2. 当唱到shoo时,宝贝打家长的手,家长假装虫子 <br>发出各种怪声 <br>MM&EE: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo ...” <br>EE: Great! You make the bug go away! <br>3. 宝贝熟悉过程后,家长让宝贝当虫子 <br>MM: Show me your big bad bug.<br>4. 家长把宝贝的手放在自己身上爬,家长驱走虫子 <br>MM: Look, your big bad bug is crawling on my body. Too scary. <br>I'll make it go away. <br>MM&EE: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo ...” <br>Tip: 爬到脸上、头上、胳肢窝下面、大腿内侧、脚底...<br>《爸爸回来了》 <br>妈妈和宝贝一起当虫子在爸爸身上爬 <br>M&K: We're big bad bugs. (奸笑) <br>M: Let's walk/crawl on daddy's body. <br>All: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo...” <br>M: I fly away/run away. You can’t catch me! (嘚瑟) <br>Tip: 三口轮换当肉靶子。</div><div><br></div> <font color="#b06fbb"><b>★Game:</b><br>A主题游戏:</font><br><font color="#39b54a">Game 1: Make the Bug Go Away </font><br>1. 家长提前在床上放一只虫子玩偶,和宝贝站在床边, <br>手边放一些毛绒玩具 <br>P: Oh, gosh! What is that? A bug! A big bad bug! I'll make it go away. <br>Throw the toys. Make it go away. Throw it! Good. (练习扔) <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo...” <br>2.扔一会儿后,家长把虫子拿走扔旁边 <br>P: The big bad bug went away. <br>3. 家长当虫子在床上爬,宝贝扔玩偶尝试驱赶走虫子 <br>P: Now, I'm a big bad bug. I'm a big bad bug (在床上爬来爬去). <br>Throw the toys. Make me go away! <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo ...” (家长躲闪) <br>4. 家长在床上躲闪宝贝扔的玩偶,砸到后,逃走 <br>P: Oh, I'm dizzy(被砸到后晕眩). <br>You make me go away!(表演逃走)<br>5. 宝贝当虫子,家长拿玩偶扔向宝贝,宝贝尝试躲闪 <br>P: Now, you're a big bad bug. Crawl on the bed. <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo ...”Game 1: Make the Bug Go Away <br>《爸爸回来了》 <br>爸爸当虫子,妈妈和宝贝拿玩偶扔向爸爸。 <br>M: Look, a big bad bug. Let's make it go away. <br>M&K: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo...” <br>Tip: 说到shoo时才扔玩偶。<br><br><font color="#39b54a">Game 2: Different Ways to Make the Bug Go Away </font><br>准备:家长把bug卡片粘贴在绳子的一端, <br>把另一端塞到宝贝裤腰后面 <br>P: Look, you're a big bad bug.第一种方式:用脚踩 <br>宝贝带着虫子跑,唱到Shoo时,家长尝试用脚踩虫子,踩到后,捡 <br>起来,把它扔出去 <br>P: Big bad bug, run!I'll chase the big bad bug. <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo...” (边唱歌边去踩) <br>P:I make it go away! (边说边扔)第二种方式:用不同工具拍打虫子 <br>宝贝带着虫子跑,唱到Shoo时,家长尝试用不同工具拍虫子,拍到后,捡起来,把它扔出去 <br>P: Big bad bug, run! I'll use the slipper/fly swatter/spatula/broom to <br>make the bug go away! <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo...” <br>P:I make it go away! (边说边扔)活动目的: <br>在追赶中让孩子更好地理解chase that big bad <br>bug, 在扔的时候让孩子感知 make it go away。 <br>使用不同工具赶走虫子,激发孩子遇到问题后尝试 使用不同的方法去解决。<br>What will you use to make <br>the bug go away?Baby, use the electronic bug swatter <br>to make the bug go away! <br>家长表演触电 <br>It is rechargeable. <br>Charge sth 给某物充电<br><br><font color="#39b54a">Game 3: A Bad Bug </font><br>1. 家长把孩子爱吃的零食拿出来放在桌上 <br>P: Look, snacks—cookies, lollipops, milk, sausages... <br>your favorites. Right? <br>K: Yes. <br>2. 家长拿一个虫子玩具表演饿了,并偷走零食 <br>P(Bug): I'm a big bad bug. Crawling, crawling, crawling...(绕着桌子走) <br>I'm hungry. I want to eat some snacks. (伸手拿零食)<br>3. 家长提醒宝贝,虫子在偷零食(可偷多个),让宝贝追 <br>P: Look, the bad bug is stealing your snack. <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo...” <br>4. 虫子跑回了虫子洞(呼啦圈),安全了,表演吃零食 <br>P(Bug): This is a hole, my home. You can't catch me. Yummy, <br>yummy.<br>5. 家长戴上头饰扮演大坏虫偷宝贝零食 <br>P: I'm a big bad bug. Crawling, crawling, crawling...(绕着桌子走) <br>I'm hungry. I want to eat some snacks. (伸手拿零食) <br>6. 宝贝追并驱赶虫子 <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug, make it go away! Shoo...” <br>7. 家长被抓到了,把零食还给宝贝(没抓到,演步骤4) <br>P: Oh, you got me. Here you are. I'm sorry. (I won't do it again). <br>K: It doesn't matter./ I forgive you.<br>Tip: 可把游戏2中赶走虫子的工具放在桌子边,随意选择工具。 <br>尽量多偷宝贝零食,当宝贝看着自己最爱的零食一点点减少,对 <br>虫子产生厌恶,会更能体会bad的意义。 <br>熟练之后互换角色。 <br>活动目的:帮助孩子理解bad是负面的意义。<br><br><font color="#39b54a">Game 4: Bugs </font><br>1. 宝贝拿着苍蝇拍钻桌子底下 <br>P: Grab the fly/bug swatter. Hide under the table. <br>2. 家长用绳子吊着虫子飞过, 让宝贝打 <br>P: Look, a bug/fly/mosquito. Make it go away. <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug/fly/mosquito, make it go away! Shoo...”<br>Tip: 可以将打bug/fly/mosquito与发微信(语音)、居室名称、 <br>方位介词相结合。 <br>家长事先藏好卡片bug/fly/mosquito,爸爸通过微信提供线索 <br>M:I'll send a message to your daddy. Where is the bug/fly/mosquito? <br>D:It's in the dining room. It's on the table. <br>M:Let's chase the big bad bug/fly/mosquito. <br>P&K: “Chase that big bad bug/fly/mosquito, make it go away! Shoo...”http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/<br><br><font color="#39b54a">Game 5: A Big Bad Wolf </font><br>1. 妈妈和宝贝当羊 <br>P: I'm a mommy sheep. Hello, my baby sheep. <br>K: Hello, mommy sheep. <br>2. 家长告诉宝贝羊有角(用手做),并和宝贝用羊角互相顶 <br>P: Look, we have horns. Show me your horns. <br>3. 午睡时间到,妈妈哄小羊睡觉 <br>P: It's time to take a nap. <br>P& K: “Little sheep, dum diddy-um diddy-um...”<br>4. 羊妈妈出去觅食,羊宝宝睡觉 <br>P: Honey, I'll go out to find some foods. I'll come back later. <br>5. 家长扮演狼,表演要吃羊宝宝,羊宝宝用羊角赶走狼 <br>P: I'm a wolf. I'm hungry. I want to eat the sheep. <br>(提醒宝宝Use your horns to make the wolf go away.) <br>P & K: “Chase that big bad wolf. Make it go away. Shoo...” <br>Tip: 宝贝熟悉后,互换角色。<br>《爸爸回来了》 <br>爸爸当狼,表演饿,想吃羊,妈妈和宝贝用羊角把爸爸顶走。 <br>活动目的:在狼吃羊的新场景中,帮助宝贝理解chase that big <br>bad...make it go away. 并灵活改编儿歌