(二)史诗英雄是渣男<br><br>荷马曾经提到,古希腊的战士在打仗前用香芹来喂战马,马儿食用香芹后体力和精力大增,可以跑得更快。<br> 荷马的《奥德赛》第五卷中,香芹生长在女神卡吕普索(Calypso)居住的奥杰吉厄岛(Ogygia)。这个岛是虚构的,像个美妙的仙境,被限制在那里的女神卡吕普索所受到的惩罚就是:命运女神每过一段时间就送一个需要帮助的英雄,卡吕普索每次都陷入爱河,但送来的英雄都不可能留下。 她救了不幸沉船的奥德修斯((Odysseus),与他在岛上过着天堂一般的生活,用魔力诱惑他,还为他生了一个儿子。他们一起生活了七年,可奥德修斯一心想离开,回到妻子的身边。卡吕普索想尽一切办法留住他,最后雅典娜女神看不下去了,到宙斯那儿告状,要求他干预。宙斯给赫尔墨斯下了命令。现将部分诗文翻译如下: (卡吕普索与奥德修斯) “宙斯说罢。他的信使,杀死百眼巨人阿尔戈斯的赫尔墨斯<br>谨遵不违。他立刻系好那双可爱的永不过时的<br>金色凉鞋的鞋带,穿着它们,快如暴风,<br>跨过海洋和无边无际的土地。<br>他拿着蛇杖,只要他愿意,<br>可让任何一个人闭眼或睁眼。<br>手握这根蛇杖,杀死阿尔戈斯的威武的赫尔墨斯<br>飞奔而去- 在皮埃里亚上空飞速前进,<br>然后从高空跃入大海,<br>疾驰于波浪中,像鱼鹰一样<br>在危险的海湾的水面下捕鱼,<br>浓密的羽毛被海水打湿 – 赫尔墨斯在波峰里如是穿行。<br>当他到达那座遥远的岛屿时,站了起来,<br>踏出蓝紫色的海面,走向陆地,<br>来到一个巨大的岩洞里,那是<br>金发女神卡吕普索的家。他在那儿找到她,<br>炉膛里燃着熊熊柴火,<br>劈开的雪松和燃烧的檀香木的香气,<br>弥漫在整座岛屿。卡吕普索用迷人的嗓音<br>在岩洞里唱着歌,走来走去,<br>在布机前,她用一支金梭在纺织。<br>洞穴内开花的树环绕在她四周,还有桤木,<br>白杨和芳香的柏树,长着修长翅膀的鸟在树上筑巢,<br>有猫头鹰,鹰和叽叽喳喳的海鸟<br>在水上消磨时间。洞穴的四周爬满<br>成熟的青藤,上面挂着串串葡萄。<br>四口泉水成排挨连,<br>朝着不同的方向流出清澈的水,<br>四周柔软的草地上满是<br>盛开的嫩紫香堇和香芹。即使<br>永生的神来到此地,也会赞赏<br>此情此景,内心充满愉悦。 <br>阿尔戈斯的杀手,神的信使,站在那儿,<br>惊叹于奇景。但他<br>饱览了所有美妙的景象后,<br>走进了宽敞的洞穴。可爱的女神卡吕普索<br>一眼望见,马上认出他来。<br>众神能够互相辨识,<br>即使一些仙人的家可能相隔遥远。<br>但是赫尔墨斯没有在洞穴里找到奥德修斯-<br>那个高尚勇敢的男人正坐在沙滩上哀叹,<br>和以前一样,心碎流泪痛苦低吟,<br>当他望着不平静的海洋时,充满了悲伤,<br>泪流满面。”<br> (卡吕普索与奥德修斯) (Once Zeus finished speaking. The killer of Argus,<br>his messenger, obeyed him. At once he laced up<br>on his feet those lovely golden ageless sandals<br>which carry him as fast as stormy blasts of wind<br>across the ocean seas and boundless tracts of land. <br>He took with him the wand he uses to put to sleep<br>or wake up the eyes of anyone he chooses. <br>With this in hand, the mighty killer of Argus<br>flew away—speeding high above Pieria,<br>then leaping from the upper sky down to the sea. <br>Across the waves he raced, just like a cormorant,<br>a bird which hunts for fish down in the perilous gulfs<br>below the restless sea, soaking his thick plumage<br>in the brine—that how Hermes rode the crowded waves.<br>But when he reached the distant island, he rose up, <br>above the violet sea, and moved in onshore,<br>until he came to an enormous cave, the home<br>of the fair-haired nymph Calypso. He found her there,<br>a huge fire blazing in her hearth—from far away<br>the smell of split cedar and burning sandal wood <br>spread across the island. With her enchanting voice<br>Calypso sang inside the cave, as she moved round<br>back and forth, before her loom—she was weaving<br>with a golden shuttle. All around her in the cave<br>trees were in bloom, alder and sweet-smelling cypress, <br>and poplar, too, with long-winged birds nesting in them—<br>owls, hawks, and chattering sea crows, who spend their time<br>out on the water. A garden vine, fully ripe<br>and loaded with rich grapes, trailed through the hollow cave.<br>From four fountains, close to each other in a row, <br>clear water streamed out in various directions,<br>and all around soft meadows spread out in full bloom<br>with fresh violets and parsley. Even a god,<br>who lives forever, coming there, would be amazed<br>to gaze at it, and his heart would fill with pleasure. <br>The killer of Argus, god’s messenger, stood there,<br>marvelling at the sight. But after his spirit<br>had contemplated all these things with wonder,<br>he went inside the spacious cave. And Calypso,<br>that lovely goddess, when she saw him face to face,<br>was not ignorant of who he was, for the gods<br>are not unknown to one another, even though<br>the home of some immortal might be far away. <br><br>But Hermes did not find Odysseus in the cave—<br>that great-hearted man sat lamenting on the shore, <br>just as before, breaking his heart with tears and groans,<br>full of sorrow, as he looked out on the restless sea<br>and wept.)<br><br>(注:诗文中的Argus即百眼巨人,有一百只眼,这些眼睛遍布浑身上下,即便在睡着的时候,也有两只眼始终警惕地睁着。赫尔墨斯诱其入睡并割下他的头颅,宙斯之妻赫拉把他的眼睛剜出,安在孔雀的尾部,所以孔雀才会有如此美丽的尾巴。)<br> (卡吕普索与奥德修斯) 当赫尔墨斯当着卡吕普索的面宣布宙斯的命令时,女神狂怒,对男神们随意与凡间女子发生关系、却限制女神与凡间男子的交往表示了强烈的不满。荷马是这样描述的:<br><br>“赫尔墨斯说完这番话,可爱的女神卡吕普索<br>浑身颤抖,开口答他- 用长了翅膀的言语:<br>‘你们这些男神残酷,无比嫉妒- <br>比任何的生灵都善妒。你们不乐意<br>女神和凡间男子交往,<br>并带他们上床。当拥有玫瑰色手指的黎明女神<br>选配了俄里翁,你们这些生活得悠闲自在的男神嫉妒她,<br>直到享用金宝座的圣洁的阿耳忒弥斯<br>来到奥提伽,用她的温柔羽箭<br>射死了他。同样的,<br>当金发的得墨忒耳在激情驱使下,<br>与伊阿西翁在耕过三次的田里<br>做爱,宙斯很快听说此事,<br>扔出闪亮的霹雳<br>把他炸死。<br>现在你们这些男神又嫉妒了,<br>因为一个凡间男人与我同居。<br>是我救了他,当他孤立无援,独自骑在船的龙骨上-<br>他的快船被宙斯熊熊的闪电击毁了,<br>在酒绿色的海中央,<br>他的所有勇敢的同伴葬身海底,<br>风浪把他送到了这里。<br>这是一个我珍惜和爱护的男人,<br>我会让他长生不老,<br>在未来所有的日子里永恒不灭。<br>然而没有一个神灵可以改变<br>或取消宙斯的计划,<br>让他在动荡不安的海上航行吧,<br>如果这是宙斯的意愿和命令。<br>而我无法护送他离开这里,<br>我既没有带桨的海船,<br>也没有什么伙伴帮他跨越宽阔的海面,<br>但我会给他真诚的建议,<br>绝无保留,使他平平安安,<br>回到自己的家园。’”<br><br>(Hermes finished. Calypso, the lovely goddess,<br>trembled as she replied to him—her words had wings:<br>“The gods are cruel and far too jealous—<br>more so than others. They are unhappy<br>if goddesses make mortal men their partners,<br>taking them to bed for sex. That’s how it was <br>when rose-fingered Dawn wanted Orion— <br>you gods that live at ease were jealous of her,<br>until golden-throned sacred Artemis<br>came to Ortygia and murdered him <br>with her gentle arrows. In the same way,<br>when fair-haired Demeter was overcome<br>with passion and had sex with Iasion<br>in a thrice-ploughed fallow field, soon enough<br>Zeus heard of it and utterly destroyed him<br>by throwing down his dazzling lightning bolt.<br>Now once again you gods are envious, <br>because a mortal man lives here with me.<br>I saved him when he was all by himself, <br>riding his ship’s keel—his swift ship was smashed<br>by a blow from Zeus’s flaming lightning,<br>while in the middle of the wine-dark sea,<br>where all his other brave companions died.<br>Wind and waves brought him here. This is a man<br>I cherished and looked after, and I said<br>I would make him ageless and immortal<br>for all days to come. But since there’s no way <br>another god can override the plans<br>of aegis-bearing Zeus or cancel them,<br>let him be off across the restless seas,<br>if Zeus has so commanded and decreed.<br>But I’ll have no part of escorting him <br>away from here—I have no ships with oars<br>nor any crew to take him on his way<br>across the broad back of the sea. But still,<br>I can make sincere suggestions to him<br>and keep nothing hidden, so he can reach <br>his native land and get back safe and sound.”)<br><br><br> (阿耳忒弥斯射死俄里翁) 在这段愤怒的言语反击中,卡吕普索举了两个男神嫉妒女神的例子。第一个例子:阿波罗的孪生姐姐阿耳忒弥斯(Artemis)恋上了年轻英俊的猎人俄里翁(Orion),为了保住姐姐的贞洁,阿波罗对俄里翁起了杀意。有一次,阿波罗见到俄里翁在水中行走,水面上只浮出了他的头顶。他就指着俄里翁的头顶和阿耳忒弥斯打赌说,她一定无法射中漂在水面上的这个东西。阿耳忒弥斯不服气,射出了万无一失的致命一箭,命中了目标。随即波浪将俄里翁的尸体冲到了岸边。阿耳忒弥斯发现后,悲痛欲绝,知道自己犯下了无法挽回的过失。为了赎罪,她把俄里翁安置到了天上,成为了猎户座。第二个例子:宙斯的儿子伊阿西翁(Iasion )与农业女神得墨忒耳(宙斯的姐姐和妻子之一)在耕过三次的田地里性交,结果生出了财神普路托斯(Plutus,意为“财富”)。宙斯出于嫉妒用闪电将伊阿西翁劈死。<br><br><br> (农业女神与伊阿西翁) 这里再给大家补充两个知识点。诗文中的Ortygia(奥提伽岛)是希腊一个著名的小岛,荷马史诗说到提洛的阿波罗时,说女神勒托停留在奥提伽岛,先生下了阿耳忒弥斯,然后阿耳忒弥斯帮助勒托穿过海洋,到提洛岛,勒托在那里生下了阿波罗。《奥德赛》第11卷第572行,来到冥府的奥德修斯见到了俄里翁,“在他(米诺斯)之后,我见着了硕大的俄里翁,赶着他在荒僻的山上杀死的野兽,穿过水仙花平原,手握一根永远不会断裂的青铜棍棒”。(And after him I marked huge Orion driving together over the field of asphodel wild beasts which he himself had slain on the lonely hills, and in his hands he held a club all of bronze, ever unbroken.)<br><br>《奥德赛》第五卷,卡吕普索在宙斯的命令下不得已放走了奥德修斯。她给奥德修斯提供工具和自己亲手纺的布,奥德修斯只用五天时间就造成了小船,扬帆离开了小岛。他的精湛的造船工艺和独自航海的能力都是令古希腊人佩服的。<br> (卡吕普索与奥德修斯) 值得一提的是,奥德修斯的性格比任何刻板的史诗英雄都复杂的多,而且现代读者(特别是女性读者)对史诗中明显的男女双重道德标准可能感到强烈的不满。奥德修斯的妻子佩内洛普(Penelope)最大的价值体现在她的忠贞痴情,守身如玉苦等丈夫二十年,拒绝了所有的追求者。而奥德修斯在归程中至少与两位女神同居过,一位是卡吕普索,一位是瑟西,还分别同她们生了孩子。他的私生活并不检点,却被荷马塑造成了英雄。这个故事如果发生在当今社会,当一个男人对妻子说:“我离家二十年,在外面睡了几个女人,还有一堆私生子,可我最爱的还是你,最后战胜各种情欲诱惑回到你和嫡子身边”,妻子会原谅他吗?<br><br>你认为奥德修斯是个渣男吗?<br>