<p>音频:清华幼儿0b、1a儿歌、常爸历史、语感启蒙</p><p>视频:U10视频、消防救火视频、Blippi消防车</p><p>阅读:如下图</p><p>数学:火花思维</p><p>语文:古诗(画鸡)</p> <p>Recognize these signs:</p><p>Fire Alarm火警铃:We only press it when there is a fire. Its sound is very special and loud, so that the other people can leave immediately.</p><p><br></p><p>Fire Exit安全出口: a way out of a building when there is on fire. You should follow the sign, and it will direct you outside.</p><p><br></p><p>No smoking: It means you can’t smoke here, it’s dangerous.</p> <p>M: baby, look, our house is on fire. The fire is very big. We can’t put it out. Run! We need to run away, hurry </p><p>M: oh, there is lots of smoke. Smoke is dangerous. If it come to our nose and mouth, we can’t breath. Without breathing, we will die. Hold your nose and mouth with the wet towel. Run with me, hurry</p><p>M: look, there is a fire alarm. Press the . Look at the ground, this is safety sigh. We need to run from this way.</p><p>M: look, this is safety exit. We must come this way. Open the door and go out</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Fire fighting and rescue:</b></p><p>Hydrant [ˈhaɪdrənt] 消火栓</p><p>smoke:is always come with fire</p><p>hose: at the end of hose, we use nozzle to connect.</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Fire truck:</b></p><p>A firetruck will carry tools for a wide range of firefighting and rescue jobs, Some equipment includes: ladders, oxygen tanks, hoses, first aid kits and other rescue tools.</p> <p>看消防车有关小视频,了解消防车构造、用途</p> <p>观看火灾现场及消防救援视频</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Handcraft:Make a fire engine:</b></p><p>Cut out the pieces along the lines</p><p>Fold it along the lines</p><p>Glue them together </p> <p>再次复习巩固相关单词</p> <p>剪下来</p> <p>对应单词来找一找</p> <p>把他们贴到妈妈“指定”的位置上,这个过程又复习了介词,in、in front of, on, behind, next to......</p>