小西妈双语工程2005期285youen打卡 苹果相关拓展 Day13


Let's have some apple.<br>来吃点苹果吧。<br>这种削苹果的削皮刀叫Peeler。<br>This is a peeler. We use the peeler to remove the skin of the apple.<br>Let's peel the apple first!<br>先来削苹果吧。<br>I am going to use this peeler to peel the apple.<br>我会用这把削皮刀削苹果。<br>果皮到底是 Skin 还是 Peel?<br>Peel 只适用于被削下来的果皮,假如果皮没被削下,仍然在水果上,就要用Skin, 而Skin 则是两者皆可。<br>Apple skin is edible(可食用的). It is a great source of fiber(纤维).<br>苹果皮是可以吃的,是很好的纤维来源。<br>However, there is pesticide (农药) residue (残留) on the apple's skin. <br>If you want to eat it with the skin, we should soak the apple in the water for twenty minutes. <br>可是苹果皮上有农药残留在上面,如果你想吃连皮吃,我们应该把苹果在水里泡二十分钟。<br>There is a bruise. <br>这里有个瘀青。<br>I am going to cut the apple into slices.<br>我会把苹果切成片状。<br>I am going to cut the apple into cubes.<br>我会把苹果切成小块。<br>This is the apple core.<br>这是苹果的核心。 苹果可以怎样形容? 可以试试用下面的形容词:<br>This apple is so sweet(甜). <br>This apple is tart. 注意,苹果的那种酸味不用sour, 而是用tart!<br>Sweet-tart flavor. 甜酸味适中<br>Sweet with a hint of tartness. 甜中带一丝酸味<br>This apple has a tangy(味道强烈) flavor.<br>This apple is so juicy(多汁的). <br>This apple is a bit old(老). <br>This apple is fresh(新鲜的).<br>This apple is crisp(脆).<br>This apple is crunchy(脆).<br>Crisp 和 Crunchy有什么区别?<br>大家可以想象Crisp 是薯片的脆,非常易碎,而Crunchy是坚果的脆,较硬,嘴嚼时会发出很多声音<br>Crisp 的相反就是tender了<br>This apple is tender(软).<br>This apple is ripe(熟透).<br>This apple is unripe(未熟). 苹果的生命周期<br>和孩子展开一些关于苹果的拓展对话吧<br>The seed is planted in the ground.<br>种子被埋在土壤里。<br>The seed sprouts and becomes a seedling.<br>种子发芽然后变成了幼苗。<br>The seedling grows into a young sapling.<br>幼苗成长成树苗。<br>The saplings grows into a tree.<br>树苗长成了树。<br>The tree grows flowers.<br>树长出了花朵。<br>The tree grows fruits.<br>花朵结成果实。<br>The fruit contains seeds that will grow more trees.<br>果实里带有能够长出更多树的种子。 Apple tree.<br>苹果树<br>An apple grows in a cycle.<br>How does the cycle go?<br>苹果循环生长,到底是怎样循环的呢?<br>First comes the seed.<br>先是种子,<br>Then comes the sprout<br>然后变成嫩芽,<br>Next come the years<br>接着生长好几年,<br>Then comes the tree.<br>然后长成了树,<br>Next come the blooms<br>然后开出了花,<br>Then come the apples. <br>后来就结出了苹果,<br>Seeds wait inside each apple.<br>The cycle begins again.<br>每个苹果里面都有种子,<br>于是苹果又可以开始新的一轮循环生长.<br>