Zoom, zoom, zoom <p>🌟🌟Listening:</p><p> Zoom, zoom, zoom . Little squirrel .Peppa Pig Best friend .声律启蒙三江3.古诗池上二.钢琴曲梦中的婚礼.</p><p>🌟🌟Video:</p><p>牙牙学语,妖怪妖怪,小驴要吃馍,切茄子. U10 Zoom, Zoom, Zoom! U11 Little squirrel. 小猪佩奇best friend,白泽月球</p><p>🌟🌟Reading:</p><p>海尼曼12本,深见春夫11本,小小牛顿幼儿馆的月亮和电梯两本</p> <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">GAME1:my big rocket.▼</span></p><p><br></p><p>👰:Hello, jack! Look a big rocket! Touch it! Say hello to the rocket!</p><p>👶:Hello, rocket.</p><p>👰:Look, here is a kangaroo. Say hello to the kangaroo.</p><p>👶:Hello, kangaroo.</p><p>👰:Now the kangaroo wants to go to the moon. Can you help him, jack?</p><p>👶:Yes.</p><p>👰:OK. How do you get to the moon?</p><p>👶:Get on a rocket.</p><p>👰:Yes, let's help the kangaroo to the moon. Now put the kangaroo on the rocket.</p><p>What sound does the rocket make?</p><p>👶:Zoom, zoom, zoom</p><p>👰:Yes. </p><p>👰👶:Zoom, zoom! Zoom! We're going to the moon. Zoom, zoom! Zoom! We're going to the moon. Ready? 54321 go.</p> <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">GAME2: Look, the moon.▼(准备月亮贴纸贴在墙上,拖把扫把或其他当火箭。)</span></p><p><br></p><p>👰:What's this jack?</p><p>👶:扫把。</p><p>👰:Jack, here is a broom. It's your rocket. Now say hello to the rocket.</p><p>👶:Hello, rocket.</p><p>👰:And what's this?</p><p>👶:Here is the moon.</p><p>👰:Yes, a yellow moon. I put it on the wall. Say hello to the moon!</p><p>👰:Do you want to go to the moon? The broom is the rocket.( The pillow is your rocket / The alligator is your Rocket / The balloon is your rocket …) Let's go to the moon together.</p><p>👰👶:Zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the moon! Zoom, zoom, zoom , We are going to the moon. Ready? 54321 go.</p> <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">GAME3: We're going to everywhere.▼</span></p><p><br></p><p>👰:Baby, let's play a game, okay? Here is a pillow. A pillow is your rocket. Here is a broom. Broom is my rocket. Where do you want to go?</p><p>👶:I want to go to the bedroom.</p><p>👰:OK, go zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the bedroom, Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! We're going to the bedroom! Ready? 54321 go! Turn around. We are going to the living room.(一起唱儿歌)</p><p>👶:Mommy, I want to go to the kitchen.</p><p>👰:OK, go. We are going to the kitchen.</p><p>Knock, knock the door and touch the fridge. Jack, I want to go to the bathroom.</p><p>👰👶:OK, go, Zoom, zoom, zoom, We are going to the bathroom. Zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the bathroom. Ready? 54321 go</p> <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">GAME4: Pick a star, moon,tree.cloud,and bird(We are going to the moon,star,cloud, tree, and bird)▼</span></p><p><br></p><p>👰:Jack, let's draw a moon. a star, a tree, cloud and a bird, okay?(自己在两棵树上分别写上1号和7号树)</p><p>👶:OK.</p><p>👰:Look, we have many things,The yellow moon. Green tree. Blue cloud. White bird. Yellow star. Mummy put them on the wall. Can you help me?</p><p>👶:Yes.</p><p>👰:Where do you want to go?</p><p>👶:I want to go to the moon.</p><p>👰👶:OK. Zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the moon. Zoom, zoom, zoom , we're going to the moon. 54321 go.</p><p>👰:Where do you want to go?</p><p>👶:I want to go to the star.</p><p>👰:Zoom, zoom, zoom, we are going to the star…</p><p>👰:Mommy want to go to the cloud. Do you want to go to the cloud?</p><p>👶:OK, go. Zoom, zoom, zoom, We are going to the cloud.54321,GO!</p><p>👰:The next. Where do you want to go?</p><p>👶:I want to go to the no.1 tree.( I want to go to the 7 tree……)</p><p>👰:Look, jack, we can pick a star. Do you want to try? Come on. Mummy hold you and you sketch out your arms.</p><p>👰:We are going to the star and picked a star.Ok? OK, you got a star.</p><p>👰:We are going to the moon and picked themoon. Okay? Okay, you got a moon.</p><p>👰:We are going to the one tree and pick a tree. Ok? OK, you got a tree.</p><p>👰:We are going to the no.7 tree and pick it, ok?</p><p>👰:Now, how many things did you get? You can count.</p><p>👶:1234567. Seven.</p><p>👰:Oh, good job. You got seven things.</p><p>Jack, look! Star, moon, tree, cloud, bird. Which one do you want to go?</p><p>I want to go to the star.</p><p>👰:Hey, this pillow is my rocket.Anotherpillow is your rocket.Let's ride on the pillow.</p><p>👰👶:Zoom, zoom, zoom ,We are going to the star. Ready? 54321,Go</p> <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><span class="ql-cursor"></span>GAME5: Jump and touch the moon star and cloud.▼</span></p><p><br></p><p>👰:Jack, look, mummy has some moon star and cloud. I put them on the wall and you jump up to touch them. Okay? </p><p>👶:OK</p><p>👰:Hi, jack! I am mommy kangaroo! I can hop, hop, hop! I can't help to touch the moon.</p><p>👶:Hi, mummy! I am baby kangaroo! I can hop, hop, hop!</p><p>👰:Hi, I am mommy bunny. Can't jump. Jump, jump to touch the star.</p><p>👶:Mummy! I am baby bunny! I can jump! Jump, jump! To touch the star.</p><p>👰:Hi, I'm an elephant! I can stomp! Stomp! Stomp! To touch the cloud.</p><p>👶:I am an elephant. Stomp, stomp, stomp!</p><p>👰:Hi, jack! I'm mummy bird! I can fly! Fly, fly! I can fly here. I can fly there. I can fly to touch the star.</p><p>👶:Hi, mommy! I'm a baby bird! I can fly! I can fly here. I can fly there. I am high in the air.(边说边跳到高处)</p> <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><span class="ql-cursor"></span>GAME6: The animals are hungry.(准备月亮星星云贴纸,准备小兔,小猴,狗骨头,胡萝卜,香蕉)▼</span></p><p><br></p><p>👰:Baby look, a monkey, a bunny, a dog, bones and bananas, star, moon and cloud.</p><p> I put them on the table, you can help me.</p><p>👰:The monkey is on the moon. The bunny ison the star. The dog is on the cloud. Sayhello to them.</p><p>👶:Hello, everyone.</p><p>👰:Now they are hungry. We must take some food for them. I will take some bananas for the monkey. </p><p>👰👶:Zoom, zoom! We're going to the moon.Zoom, zoom! we're going to the moon.</p><p>Ready? 54321, go.</p><p>👰:The bunny is hungry, too. Can you take the carrot for the bunny?</p><p>👶:Yes.</p><p>👰:OK. Here is a rocket. You can ride the rocket, go to the bunny.</p><p>👰👶:Zoom, zoom, zoom! We're going to the star. Zoom, zoom! Zoom! We're going to the star. Ready? 54321, go.</p><p>👰:The dog is hungry. We must take some bones for the dog. The pillow is your rocket.</p><p>👰👶:ready?go, Zoom, zoom, zoom ,We are going to the cloud.Zoom,zoom. We are going to the cloud.54321,GO!</p> <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">GAME7: Balloon rocket.▼</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"><span class="ql-cursor"></span></span></p><p>👰:Look, Mom bought a balloon rocket. Let's inflate it. It's long and big now. </p><p>👰:Well, we can play games now. Where do you want to go? </p><p>👶:Go to the moon. </p><p>👰👶:OK. Zoom, zoom! Zoom! We're going to the moon! Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! We're going to the moon! Ready? 54321, go.</p><p>👰👶:Now we are going to the bedroom. Go then zoom! Zoom! We're going to the bedroom. Go, go! Go! Go!</p><p>👰:Turn around. We are going to the living room. </p><p>👰👶:Zoom, zoom, zoom . we're going to the living room. Ready? 54321 go.</p><p>Where do you want to go? Jack?</p><p>👶:Mommy, I want to go to the kitchen.</p><p>Here we go. Go to the kitchen and Knock, knock the door.</p><p>👰:Where do you want to go?</p><p>👶:Go to the bathroom.</p><p>👰👶:OK, Here we go. We're going to the bathroom. Zoom, zoom! Zoom! We're going to the bathroom. Really? 54321 go.</p><p><br></p><p>玩到后面,Jack开始自己玩起来:</p><p>Jack:Mommy, I can swim.</p><p>Mom:Yes, you can swim, Now the balloon rocket is the swim ring.</p><p>然后套上气球游泳圈,趴在地上游了起来😂😂</p><p><br></p><p>气球被Jack压炸掉了一个, Jack说 :</p><p>Mummy,balloon, pop pop, pop.</p><p>第一次知道挤压气球会炸掉</p> <p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">GAME8: Make the balloon rocket.▼</span></p><p><br></p><p>👰:Jack, today we are playing a very interesting game, okay?</p><p>👶:OK.</p><p>👰:Mother has a lot of balloons. We blew it round and big, we stick it on the line. Now we have a balloon rocket. Look, it is going to take off.</p><p>👰👶:Let's chant together , Zoom, zoom, zoom We're going to the moon. Ready? Go 54321, go.</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">GAME9:Magnetic disc rocket.▼</span></p> <p>👰:Hi, jack. Let's make the rocket with the Magnetic sheet.OK?</p><p>👶:OK,非常开心</p><p>👰:Jack do you know what shape do we need to make a rocket ? </p><p>👶:Square and triangle.</p><p>👰:Yes, very good. Let's start.</p> <p>看电梯这本书的时候,Jack看到这页说妈妈你看这个好像Rectangle啊,用牛奶盒、毛线、筷子、纸箱、积木做了一个简易的滑轮电梯,让Jack了解一下电梯的工作原理。</p> <p>月亮上面为什么会有坑坑洼洼凹凸不平的月坑呢?这是因为陨石撞击月球表面形成的撞击坑。</p><p>实验:了解月坑</p><p>1、准备一个面盆铺上三四厘米厚的面粉。</p><p>2、将面粉表面抹平当做月球的表面。</p><p>3、准备几块大小不一样的木头,当做撞击月球表面的陨石,现在从面盆上方松开手里的陨石,我们开始撞击月球了。</p><p>4、拿走面粉上的木头,上面留下的坑坑洼洼的坑洞就是陨石撞击出来的,跟月球表面一样。</p><p>而地球的情况就完全不同,因为地球表面有大气层保护,小颗的陨石在穿过大气层时会因为摩擦生热而烧毁,只会形成我们看到的流星。</p><p><br></p> <p>玩完陨石撞击月球就开始和面,玩形状印章。</p> <p>最后玩了拧麻花和贴饼子的游戏。自己还包了个饺子。帮忙给我看,说妈妈看好丑的饺子😂😂</p> <p>用中文讲了一下八大行星的名字,知道我们的家住在地球上,土星有光环。水星是离太阳最近的一颗行星,海王星是离太阳最远的一颗行星,讲下来并不怎么感兴趣,后面再复盘吧。</p> <p>👶:Mommy, look! Line up one by one. The car one by one.</p><p>妈妈,你看看我的彩虹闸。妈妈我来开闸,你把车一辆一辆的开过来,我来放你过去好吗?</p> <p>总结:</p><p>这一个单元进行下来,所有的英文游戏Jack都非常喜欢,参与度非常非常高。儿歌记得比我都清楚。中间还有不少的词汇语句输出。</p><p>例如:</p><p>I want to……</p><p>I am…… </p><p>Here is a…… </p><p>I don't want to…… </p><p>Mommy look……</p>