<p>音频:2A情景故事,Peppa pig S1 29-Pancakes,S3 18-The train ride, S4 36-Flying on holiday,本月古诗听单,清汉第四册,ORT 牛5</p><p>视频:Peppa pig,爱课-光合作用</p><p>理解性阅读:ORT 牛5 6本,海尼曼难1本,科一 how a seed grows, 海尼曼Plants that eat bugs</p><p>指读:海尼曼易 10本,ORT 1 3本,清汉第一册</p><p>古诗:《送元二使安西》《九月九日忆山东兄弟》➕复习已学古诗</p><p>中文阅读:麦克工程师系列</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Photosynthesis/ˌfəʊtəʊˈsɪnθəsɪs/ :</b></p><ul><li>光合作用:指绿色植物通过叶绿体,利用光能,把二氧化碳和水转化成储存着能量的有机物,并且释放出氧气的过程。</li><li>Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use sunlight to make their own food. Photosynthesis is necessary for life on Earth. Without it there would be no green plants, and without green plants there would be no animals.</li><li>Photosynthesis requires sunlight, chlorophyll/'klɔrəfɪl/叶绿素, water, and carbon dioxide gas. Chlorophyll is a substance in all green plants, especially in the leaves. Plants take in water from the soil and carbon dioxide from the air.</li><li>Photosynthesis starts when chlorophyll absorbs energy from sunlight. Green plants use this light energy to change water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and nutrients called sugars. The plants use some of the sugars and store the rest. The oxygen is released into the air. </li><li>Photosynthesis is very important because almost all living things depend on plants for food. Photosynthesis is also important because of the oxygen it produces. Humans and other animals need to breathe in oxygen to survive.</li><li>Some living things other than plants also make their own food through photosynthesis. They include certain types of bacteria and algae/'ældʒi/细菌和藻类.</li></ul><p>一起看秒懂百科视频介绍,加深理解。</p><p><br></p><p>【word bank】:</p><p>chlorophyll:the green substance in plants that absorbs light from the sun to help them grow 叶绿素</p> <p>今天的爱课主题正好关于光合作用,帮忙拓展之后我们再做实验加深认识。</p> <font color="#ff8a00"><b>Top 10 flowers of China 中国十大名花</b></font> 1. Daffodil ['dæfədil] 水仙<br> 2. Magnolia [mæɡ'nəuliə] 玉兰<br> 3. Orchid ['ɔ:kid] 兰花<br> 4. China rose 月季<br> 5. Peony ['piəni] 牡丹<br> 6. Plum blossom 梅花<br> 7. Chrysanthemum [kri'sænθəməm] 菊花<br> 8. Sweet olive 桂花<br> 9. Lotus 荷花<br> 10. Rhododendron [,rəudə'dendrən] 杜鹃 <p><i>Other common flowers:</i></p><ul><li>Daisy 雏菊 </li><li>Poppy 罂粟花 </li><li>Carnation 康乃馨 </li><li>Violet 紫罗兰 </li><li>Lily 百合 </li><li>Tulip 郁金香 </li><li>Jasmine 茉莉花</li><li>Lavendar /ˈlævəndər/薰衣草</li><li>Chinese rose 月季 </li><li>Hyacinth /ˈhaɪəsɪnθ/ 风信子 </li><li>Babysbreath 满天星</li><li>Gardenia /ɡɑːrˈdiːniə/ 栀子花</li><li>Water lily 睡莲 </li><li>Kapok /ˈkeɪpɒk/ 木棉花 </li><li>Thyme /taɪm/ 百里香 </li><li>rape flower 油菜花</li></ul> <p>花的名字很难记,依然秉承妈妈先会,再生活中更好的渗透。</p><p><br></p><p>Beautiful roses😍:</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8);"><i>Retell: Peppa Pig S1 《Pancakes》</i></b></p><p>第一集出炉🎉,进度比想象得快,没有着急过,有意多练习了几天,明显感觉到这周相比于上周的进步~语言和整体故事的熟悉度好多了,但是局部还是会有些句子会漏掉介词(at/to)和how,总体已经很棒了👏🏻…</p>