Day1071BUnit6here is the beehive-3


Day1071BUnit6here is the beehive-3万思乐学v-learn 小西妈双语工程1906期97Leo打卡 what we will learn<br>复习1a-1 little bee<br>part of honeybee<br>worker bee,Drone bee, Queen bee<br>Round and waggle dance<br>what does worker bee do?试管采蜜<br>The bee's lifecycle<div><br></div><div>概念<br>what's beehive:A bee hive is a home for bees,Honeey bees live in a hive with thousands of other bees.The hive holds a comb,Honey bees fill holes in the comb with nectar.<br>what's bee :This a bee,It has six legs, and two pairs of wings,Bees fly flower to flower.<br><br>nectar:a sweet sticky liquid inside flowers, this is called nectar.<br>pollen:a yellow dust inside the flowers.this is called pollen<br><br>How do bees make honey:Bees flap the wings very fast and make the wind.The wind will dry out the nectar and turns it into honey.the nectar dries and turns into honey.Honey is sweet to eat.<br><br>other common insect:butterfly、fly、ant、ladybug、mosqito、grasshopper、cicada、mantis、dragonfly、moth<br><br>plant we eat:leaf.stem,flower,root,seeds<br></div><div><br></div><div>FT:参观养蜂场<br>visit a bee houese<br>where do bees live?<br>How does bees work?<br>Where do we get the honey?<br>Bee house and bee keeper<br><br>手工:make a honey comb<br>绘本:<br>海尼曼-all about honeybees、all about bugs、plants that eat bugs<br>学乐科普-incredible insects<br>顺便科普下蚊子,夏天都快过完了。<br><br>视频:<br>SSS-where is beehive<br>复述粉猪:My lunch<br>周一到周五游戏、小怪艾克实验,音素学习,中文绘本阅读,小猪佩奇复述;周六周日 FT、手工、数学。<br></div> <b>拓展-all about honey bee</b> <ul><li><b>the part of a plant</b></li></ul> It’s a plant . The root ,seed ,fruits,stem,flower, leaves. <br>Yes . A plant is divided into six parts . What does a fruit hold?<div>Can you tell three vegetables.</div><div>What part of carrot do we eat?</div><div>Do you like fruit ot vegetables better?</div><div>Can you name three fruit.</div><div>What's your favorite vegatables?</div> <ul><li>复习翻翻书-how do flowers grow?</li></ul>









