【0bU5】小西妈双语工程2003210号Daniel 打卡 Day44


<p>Listening:0A全部,0B全部,初学古诗十首,牙牙学语下册</p><p>Reading:</p> <p>Video:bU5 Handy dandy</p><p>Game:</p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px;">🌸A bomb</b></p><p>👩Honey,see,I have two cards. One is a smile face,the other is a bomb. So we will play handy dandy. I will put them in the boxes. And then you guess which one is smile face,OK?&nbsp;</p><p>👦OK.&nbsp;</p><p>👩If you get the bomb,you should pretend to fall down. Like this.&nbsp;</p><p>Let's play. Now close your eyes. No peeking.&nbsp;</p><p>OK.Open your eyes. Let's go.&nbsp;</p><p>"Handy dandy,riddledy ro,which hand will you choose?High or low?"</p><p>👦High.&nbsp;</p><p>👩Ah,this is a smile face. I will give you a kiss. Let's try again. Close your eyes. Let's go.&nbsp;</p><p>"Handy dandy,riddledy ro,which hand will you choose?High or low?"</p><p>👦Low.&nbsp;</p><p>👩Bomb!</p><p>Do you wanna have a try?OK. Come on!I'll close my eyes.&nbsp;</p><p>替换卡片wolf和bunny再玩一次,wolf是“I will eat you”;bunny是"hello bunny"</p> <p>🌸Supplementary</p><p>🔆Opposites</p><p>家里买的中文反义词卡片,正好派上用场,每张卡片用英文解释一遍,最后再强调那对反义词。</p><p>👩Honey,look at these cards. They mean the opposite. </p><p>See,here is a big ball. Big. Here is a small ball. Small. Big and small. </p><p>Here is a long pencil. Long. Here's a short pencil. Short. Long and short. </p><p>Look at the butterfly. The butterfly is in the bottle.In.This butterfly is out of the bottle.Out.In and out. </p><p>Happy face. Sad face. Happy and sad. </p><p>Go upstairs. Go downstairs. Up and down. </p><p>Open the . Close the . Open and close. </p><p>因为欢唱童谣里《Open shut them》一直在听,对里面的big and small,open and shut,up and down很熟悉了。</p>