

<p>①listening : 1a循环,牛听听熏陶半小时</p><p>②reading:</p> <p>③video : little mouse, stick with mick </p><p>④🌈little mouse拓展</p><p><br></p> <p>M: Look at this little mouse, it has two small round ears , four short legs, and a long tail. The tail is almost <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">as long as</span> its body.</p><p>Is it cute?</p><p>Max: yes.</p><p>M: A mouse is a small <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">rodent</span> characteristically having a <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">pointed snout,</span> small rounded ears, and a high breeding rate. The best known mouse species is the common <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">house mouse</span> (Mus musculus). It is also a <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">popular pet</span>. In some places, certain kinds of <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">field mice</span> are locally common. They are known to invade homes for food and <span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">shelter</span>(place to hide and live).</p> <p>Pet mouse</p> <p>M: This device is connected to the computer, it is also called mouse.</p><p>We can see it on our computer, yes?</p><p>Max: yes.</p><p><br></p> <p>M: There are another two famous mice. One is Mickey ~</p><p>Max: mouse. Mickey mouse. </p><p>M : yes. </p> <p>This famous little black mouse is loved by the people all over the world .</p><p>He lives in the Disneyland. Maybe we can visit him one day .</p> <p>Mickey mouse's clubhouse </p> <p>The other little mouse is called Jerry.</p><p>He is a naughty, smart and kind mouse. </p><p>Tom is a cat. They are friends and enemies. </p><p>The cartoon is very funny. </p> <p>Since the show started in 1940, the little mouse and the cat should be 80 years old now. </p><p>They are older than you, than Daddy and even older than Gramps. </p> <p>⑤总结: 看Tom&amp;Jerry 动画会害怕😨,就米奇妙妙屋能接受😂</p>