<div>Our mushroom is growing bigger and bigger in a really fast speed.</div><div><br></div><div>At first they were grey, but as time goes on, they became whiter and whiter. Finally they became "big ears".</div><div><br></div><div><h5>(以下部分内容抄自1902期Nancy妈妈^_^)</h5></div> Preparation <br>1. Mushroom is delicious and nutritious<br>2. The most common mushrooms are oyster mushroom平菇,white mushroom白玉菇, mushroom双孢菇,needle mushroom金针菇,etc.<br><div>3. What kind of mushroom do you like best?Let’s get some mushroom bags菌菇包 .We would better pick some mushrooms that are easy to cultivate/plant from our favourite mushrooms. <br></div><div>感谢同事魏工提供的蘑菇菌包:)<br></div> 蘑菇不是植物,它是一种真菌。蘑菇体内没有<br>叶绿素,因此不能直接在光照下进行光合作用,它在生长的过程中,主要是将培养料中的各类营养物质作为营养来源,从而实现生长发育。<br>Mushroom is not a plant, it is a fungus. No Chlorophyll /ˈklɔːrəfɪl/叶绿素 in mushrooms, therefore, cannot photosynthesize directly under light. During its growth, it mainly USES all kinds of nutrients in the medium as nutrient sources to achieve growth and development.<br><br>Hypha: /ˈhaɪfə/ 菌丝,hyphae:复数<br>Mycelium:菌丝体,hyphal knot:菌丝结 Cultivation conditions of mushroom蘑菇的培育条件<br>1. Mushrooms grow well in dark,damp/moist environment.<br>2. Mushrooms need ventilation空气流通 to grow quickly , or carbon dioxide build-up逐步增长 will prevent fruiting.And they can’t grow under direct sunlight.<br>3. So the light level and moisture/humidity湿度 level are very important .We should check once or twice a day.<br>4. Mushrooms start as tiny "pins," then grow rapidly over the next few days if conditions are right.<br>How to cultivate培育 mushrooms?<br>Oyster(平菇不需要土培)<br>1. The substrate /ˈsʌbstreɪt/ 基质 with<br>mycelium /maɪˈsiːlɪəm/ 菌丝is inside the mushroom bag菌菇包.<br>Substrate including: 大豆,麦麸,棉籽壳,玉米粉,木屑,玉米芯Soybean, wheat bran, cottonseed shell, corn meal, sawdust, corn cob<br>1. Open the outer package of the mushroom bag. Open the lid. Remove the small circle. The bag mouth袋口 is all open. Cut off the extra bag mouth(Leave 2-3 centimeters公分). Lay the mushroom bag in dark,damp/moist environment.<br>2. Cover the bag with a wet towel(The bag mouth only needs to be covered in half to ventilate/ˈvɛntɪˌleɪt/ the area with a light cross breeze微风.).Because the fungus真菌 needs fresh air to clear out carbon dioxide, which prevents fruiting or leads to small mushrooms. 这种真菌需要新鲜空气来清除二氧化碳,而二氧化碳会阻碍它结出果实或产生小蘑菇.<br>3. Tips: When the towel is a little dry,spray some water on it to keep it moist.(基本上保持毛巾湿润就可以了,不用浇其它地方)Do not spray water directly on the mushroom surface before mushroom comes up没有出菇之前不要喷水在菌菇表面.We can lightly spray the inner walls of the mushroom bag.<br>4. Then the white, feathery /ˈfɛðərɪ/ 软而轻的 "roots" called mycelium is spreading throughout the substrate.<br>5. Now the mycelium has formed a thick mat inside the bag, it is ready to fruit (produce mushrooms).<br>6. The mycelium is growing into a mushroom. When mushrooms come up,We can lightly spray on /mist the mushroom surface.Just a little water drop.Mushrooms will rot if we spray too much water. 蘑菇的营养;<br>1.胡萝卜素<br>很多蘑菇中都含有胡萝卜素,在人体内可转变为维生素A<br>2.鲜味<br>蘑菇具有除了酸甜苦辣咸之外的第六种味道——鲜味。当它们与别的食物一起混合烹饪时,风味极佳。<br>3.维生素D<br>其他的新鲜蔬菜和水果都不含维生素D,蘑菇的维生素D含量非常丰富,有利于骨骼健康。<br>4.抗氧化<br>蘑菇的抗氧化能力强,预防癌症<br>The nutrition of mushrooms;<br>1. Beta carotene/ˈkærətɪn/ <br>Many mushrooms contain beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body<br>2. The freshness鲜味<br>Mushrooms have a sixth taste besides sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty -- umami鲜味,<br>They taste great when mixed with other foods.<br>3,Vitamin D<br>While other fresh vegetables and fruits don't<br>contain vitamin D, mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, which is good for bone health.<br>4. The oxidation resistance/ˌɒksɪˈdeɪʃən/ <br>Mushroom antioxidant ability is strong, prevent cancer<br>Mature:/məˈtjʊə, -ˈtʃʊə/, stipe:/staɪp/ 菌柄。<br>Annuals /ˈænjʊləs/ 环,环形物,圆区域<br>gill:菌褶,scales:麟片,天平