<p>清英:3A-Unit3Plants</p><p>理解阅读:牛九2本+I can read+牛传6</p><p>独立阅读:海中3本+牛四9本</p><p>三师课:1节</p><p>复述:daddy loses his glasses</p><p>钢琴:1小时</p><p>数学:口算凑十法</p><p>FT:Go to the park</p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">Handcraft:plants</b></p><p>-what u will need:</p><ul><li>paper cup</li><li>plastic spoon</li><li>glue stick or double sided tape</li><li>colored paper</li><li>scissors</li></ul><p>-instructions:</p><ul><li>cut out some petals from the colored paper</li><li>glue them onto the spoon to make a flower</li><li>stick on a small circle (cur from the white paper) to make the center of a flower</li><li>paint the bottom of the cup brown and the sides green</li><li>stick the flower through the cup to finish the handcraft</li></ul><p><br></p> <p>Paper cut幼儿园学的剪纸,平时可以剪出很多漂亮图形,今天应景剪朵花。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(237, 35, 8); font-size: 20px;">Supplementary: how plants grow</b></p><p>a plant is living plants need light air and water </p><p>to <i>germinate</i>.发芽</p><p>plants need plenty of sunlight. plants use sunlight to make their own food. they trap light from the sun, using their leaves. this is called </p><p><i>photosynthesis</i>.光合作用</p><p>plants need plenty of water. their roots absorb water from the soil after it rains.</p><p>pants also use nutrients from the soil. They absorb the nutrients using the roots.</p><p>plants need air, they take carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen back into the </p><p>environment.</p> <p>此处应有视频,手机最近内存不足,给娃录的一段视频边画边讲植物如何生长,结果却无声音😓</p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">FT:scavenger hunt</b></p><p>周日天气凉爽,没任何出行计划的最好选择就是逛公园,决定带娃去附近陶然亭公园,最近3A进行的很少,临时打印了提前准备好的Scavenger hunt页。</p><p>M: baby, what a lovely day today, let’s have a scavenger hunt at the park! Do u know what is a scavenger hunt?</p><p>well, a scavenger hunt is when we have a list of things we have to find. When we find it, we will mark it off our list. Look at this list, it has all different plants, bugs, rocks and so on. Can u help me to find all of them?</p><p>S: of course, it’s easy! Here is the water, grass, rock, and flower. Look, I find the bird.</p><p>M: good job! Let’s go and find another. I think </p><p>it’s easy to find these things in a park.</p><p>S: yes. Look, mommy, there is a pine tree, I can see the pine cone and pine niddles.</p> <p><b style="font-size: 20px; color: rgb(237, 35, 8);">FT: row the boat</b></p><p>S: mommy, I want to ride the boat.(当时很好奇娃为什么rise the boat,经查take a boat ride有乘坐小船的意思😵)</p><p>M: ok, let’s go. Daddy will buy the ticket, we can see so many people waiting in the queue.</p><p>D: ok, let’s go.</p><p>娃全程兴奋的就像听粉猪Grandpa pig’s boat一样</p><p>S: I’m the Captain, full sail! Let’s go to that bridge. </p><p>M: Captain Sean, I think u have to watch out the boat in front of us, and steer ur boat.</p><p>S: oh yes, mommy, I’m almost crash into that</p><p>boat! We will through the hole of the bridge.</p><p>M: I can hear the echo when our boat under </p><p>the bridge. ‘Hello’...’hello’</p><p>D: let’s go and watch the lotus over ther, but we can’t get too close to hurt them.</p><p>S: ok, I will turn right...</p><p>.......</p><p>M: look at the seal-shaped fountain is playing.</p><p>S: let’s go there.</p><p>干脆就把游船停在喷泉周围😓</p><p>M: I’m all wet here, let’s get out of here..😭</p> <p>公园内发现树上都钉了蚕蛹,回家百度后才明白是通过人工释放补充自然界天敌数量的不足,以生态环保的防控技术消灭美国白蛾,保护林木,实现生态平衡。</p> <p><b>Reading</b>:</p>