

<p>  没有一个冬天不可逾越,没有一个春天不会来临。一场疫情,让我们放慢了脚步,同时让我们的开学季有了别样的重逢。“开学第一天,老师一定在校门口迎接你们”,同学们终于盼来了这一天,陌上花开,学子归来😊。2020年8月28日,海淀国际学校初中部开学的第一天,同学们和海外老师们像久别的朋友,相约在海外校园,开启新学期的校园生活……🥰</p><p>No winter is impassable, no spring will not come. An outbreak slowed us down and made our back-to-school season a different one. "The first day of school, the teacher must meet you at the school gate", the students finally look forward to this day, the stranger blossomed, students return. On August 28, 2020, the first day of the middle School of Haidian International School, students and overseas teachers met on the overseas campus like friends who have been separated for a long time to start the campus life of the new semester...</p> <p>  开学前,老师们早已布置好崭新的教室,整理桌椅,还在黑板上亲手绘制了一句句励志温暖的话语,只为同学们幸福地踏入海外校园。</p><p>Before the beginning of the semester, the teachers had already arranged the new classroom, arranged the desks and chairs, and painted the encouraging and warm words on the wall with their hands, just for the students to step into the overseas campus happily.</p> <p>😉怀揣着梦想的小豆丁们,踏进中学的校门,今天是他们长大的第一天。</p><p>With a dream of the small bean, entered the middle school gate, today is the first day they grow up.</p> <p>  老师们热情地迎接着新生,耐心地为他们做指引。一张张清新的面孔,一幅幅鲜活的标语,一个个忙碌的身影构成了今天的迎新画面,整个校园里到处充满着热闹喜悦的氛围。</p><p>The teachers greeted the new students with enthusiasm and patiently guided them. A fresh face, a vivid slogan, a busy figure constitute today's welcome picture, the whole campus is full of lively and joyful atmosphere.</p> <p>班主任们在细心地为孩子们讲解入学的流程。</p><p>The head teachers are explaining the admission process to the children carefully.</p> <p>为了记录下孩子们的点滴成长,班主任们为每个学生都留下了宝贵的第一张照片。🤩</p><p>In order to record the children's growth bit by bit, the class teachers left precious first photos for each student.</p> <p>校园里随处可见穿着红色校服的老师们,帮这个抬行李,帮那个指路。找宿舍的路上,新同学有老师们的陪伴与指引,他们感到一阵暖流涌入心底。</p><p>Teachers in red uniforms can be seen everywhere on campus, carrying luggage for this one and guiding that one. On the way to find the dormitory, the new students were accompanied and guided by their teachers. They felt a warm current pouring into their hearts.</p> <p>路旁的老师们在引导孩子们走到教学楼和宿舍。</p><p>Teachers on the roadside are guiding the children to the teaching building and dormitory.</p> <p>  早早来报到的学姐学长们放下行李后,变成了班主任的小帮手,帮初一新生拿行李,新生们心里倍感温暖。</p><p>After the elder students who came to report early put down their luggage, they became the head teacher's little helper, helping the freshmen to carry their luggage, which made them feel warm in their hearts.</p> <p>回到宿舍,这一刻,我们的友谊即将开始~🤗🤗</p><p>Back to the dormitory,at this moment, our friendship will begin~</p> <p>同学们安静地等待新朋友的到来。</p><p>The students were quietly waiting for the arrival of their new friends.</p> <p>未来,同学们将会在这爱的校园里沐浴青春,不负芳华;砥砺奋进,逐梦前行!💪💪</p><p>&nbsp;In the future, students will be in this love of the campus bath youth, live up to youth; Forge ahead and pursue your dreams!</p> <p>&nbsp;今朝梦圆挥笔墨,明日驰骋舞乾坤。新学期开启新希望,新里程承载新梦想,希望全体新同学都能迅速调整心态,尽快适应初中生活。祝愿大家能在国际初中部温暖的大家庭里,快乐成长,学业有成!🤗🤗🤗</p><p>Today's dream comes true with pen and ink, and tomorrow's dancing. The new semester opens up new hope, new mileage carries new dreams. We hope all the new students can quickly adjust their mentality and adapt to junior high school life as soon as possible.We wish all the students can grow up happily and succeed in their studies in the warm family of international junior high school!</p>









