<p class="ql-block">程秀榮 Ching Sau-wing 指揮Conductor / 二胡Erhu</p><p class="ql-block">程秀榮為經驗豐富的指揮家和著名的胡琴演奏家,現為香港城市中樂團藝術總監、中國民族管絃樂學會名譽理事及中國音樂家協會二胡學會名譽理事,並任北京現代音樂研修學院客座教授,歷任福建歌舞劇院民族樂隊首席、香港中樂團二胡署理 / 助理首席等。</p><p class="ql-block">程氏自小熱愛音樂,從少年時代就活躍在各種文藝舞台上。早年以優異成績畢業於福建藝術專科學校和上海音樂學院作曲指揮系,在夏飛雲、何占豪、胡延仲和林華等教授的指導下,悉心鑽研作曲及指揮理論。在演奏上,師從陳學成、蕭白鏞、閔惠芬等名師,博取眾家所長,自成一格。</p><p class="ql-block">程氏於1976年開始其專業二胡演奏事業,自1980年曾多次在大型音樂比賽中名列前茅,包括1982年國家文化部主辦的全國民族樂器獨奏比賽中榮獲優秀表演獎(最高獎)。1986年起先後在中國内地及海内外舉辦多次個人專場獨奏會及許多影響深遠的演出。包括:1999年在香港首次演奏鄭冰大型二胡作品《第三二胡協奏曲》,其後多次獲邀與多個樂團合作演出此曲,獲各地音樂界、報界及觀眾高度讚賞;2002年首次在北京國圖音樂廳舉行的「閔惠芬師生音樂會」;2003年在臺灣中正文化中心音樂廳舉行的「江河水的故事-程秀榮與TCO」;2004年應邀參加中國徐州首屆國際胡琴節;2005年受邀在北京音樂廳與中國國家交響樂團合作舉行「程秀榮二胡交響演奏會」,成為該交響樂團建團六十七年來首位全場合作的二胡演奏家,獲得空前成功和極大迴響以及中國報界及音樂界的高度評價,音樂會現場實況錄影由中國中央電視台製作成專題節目在音樂頻道上播放。</p><p class="ql-block">尤其近三十餘年來,程氏與中國國家交響樂團、中國廣播民族樂團、中央芭蕾舞團交響樂團、廣州交響樂團、廣州珠江交響樂團(原廣州珠影樂團)、臺北市立國樂團、臺灣國樂團(原臺灣藝專實驗國樂團)、上海民族樂團、香港中樂團、澳門中樂團、廣東民族樂團、汕頭愛樂交響樂團等多個著名樂團合作演出,廣受推崇,演奏足跡遍及國內和港澳臺地區、日本、新加坡、美國、加拿大、德國、 荷蘭、法國、英國、紐西蘭等地。</p><p class="ql-block">Ching Sau-wing is a renown and experienced conductor and huqin performer. He is currently the Artistic Director of the Hong Kong City Chinese Orchestra, Honorary Committee Member of the China Nationalities Orchestra Society, Honorary Committee Member of the Erhu Society under the Chinese Musicians Association, and Visiting Professor at the Beijing Contemporary Music Academy. Previously he held the positions of the concertmaster of the Fujian Song and Dance Theatre Chinese Orchestra and Acting / Assistant Erhu Principal of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra</p><p class="ql-block">Ching has had a great passion in music since his young age, and has been actively performing on the stage since his teenage years. He graduated with distinction from the Fujian College of Art and the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, studying Composition and Conducting. He was under the tutelage of Xia Feiyun, He Zhanhao, Hu Yanzhong, Lin Hua, etc. in the study of composition and conducting. His erhu teachers include Cheng Xuecheng, Xiao Baiyong, Min Huifen, and so forth. He has developed his own distinctive style in erhu performance by assimilating the styles of various schools.</p><p class="ql-block">Ching began his music career as an erhu performer in 1976. He was awarded prizes in various important music competitions since 1980, including the First Prize in the Solo Group of the National Chinese Instrument Competition organized by the Cultural Ministry in 1982. He has given quite a number of solo recitals in different cities in China and overseas since 1986. In 1999, he gave the Hong Kong premiere of the Erhu Concerto No. 3 by Zheng Bing which was a great success. He was subsequently invited to perform this work with several orchestras and won critical acclaim. In 2002, he was invited to perform in “Concert by Min Huifen and Her Students” held in Beijing. In 2003, he performed in “The Story of the River in Torrents - Ching Sau-wing & TCO” in the Taipei Concert Hall of National Chiang Kai Shek Cultural Center. In 2004, he was invited to perform in the First International Huqin Festival held in Xuzhou. In 2005, he performed a concert with the China National Symphony Orchestra in the Beijing Concert Hall. This was the first instance that this Orchestra ever performed with one erhu performer as a soloist throughout the whole concert in its history of 67 years. It was a tremendous success and received critical acclaim in the press and from the music circle in China. Its live telecast was made into a documentary and broadcast on the China Central Television (CCTV) Music Channel. Ching has performed with many orchestras in the last three decades, including the China National Symphony Orchestra, China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra, National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou River Pearl Symphony Orchestra (formerly Guangzhou River Pearl Cinema Philharmonic Orchestra), Taipei Chinese Orchestra, National Chinese Orchestra Taiwan, Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, The Macao Chinese Orchestra, Guangdong National Orchestra, Shantou Philharmonic Orchestra, etc. He has performed throughout the world, including China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, USA, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, etc.</p> <p class="ql-block">2003年在台北国家音乐厅</p> <p>程秀荣2018年演出实况《空山鸟语》</p> <p>程秀荣携众学生齐奏《光明行》</p> <p class="ql-block">江河水2016年</p> <p class="ql-block">豫北叙事曲2005年北京</p>