2020.8.26 打卡记录<br>--指读 (week 20) 海尼曼(4本),牛2(6本);<br>--自拼long o和 long u 复习;<br>--复述Peppa pig-S1-E7 Piggy in the middle.<br><br>1. Listening & Vedio:<br>--2a-unit9 Eentsy weentsy spider-day6<br>本单元重点:儿歌,蜘蛛,天气。<br>--ABC song, peppa-pig动画S2-E22-E23集视频;<br>--清华汉语3-5;<br>--数学: 计数器练习。<br><br>2. Reading:<br>海尼曼中-4本+牛6-3本+小怪物2本。 <b>3. Review</b><div><b>(1) The ogre-faced spider and the bolas spider </b>(参考1901Eric妈妈)</div>M: Eric, this time I am an ogre-faced spider, I holding the web in my hands. When an insect comes near, I will catch it in the web. You are the insect,I am hungry and find some food to eat. The one I catch will be the ogre-faced spider next time.<br>M: The bolas spider spins a thread of silk with a sticky silk ball at the end. When an insect appears, the spider swings the line at an insect. The insect gets stuck on the sticky ball of thread and then be eaten.<br>Let's make the silk ball first. We can use the blue-tack to make our silk ball. See there are many flies on the wall,throw the bolas quickly. Let's see who will eat more flies.<br>It's difficult to stick a fly,bolas spiders are so powerful!<br> 用蓝丁胶制作流星锤,真的可以粘住蜘蛛。 Eric最喜欢的还是流星锤蜘蛛,外出遇到小朋友一起玩游戏也是让我跟他们玩流星锤蜘蛛,顺便复习蜘蛛如何吃东西。 一起制作lapbook,复习spider相关内容,虽然有些丑。 大胆配色,提议给封面画几个web,结果就是毁了整个封面。 <b>(2) Rain alarm (参考1901期Eric妈妈)</b><br>Materials:<br>two batteries.some double-sided sticky tabs,a dropper two copper strips, a little tissue,Some salt,some water,a plastic tray,a styrofoam base,a batter pack, and our alarm<br>Steps:<br>1、Put our battery pack right onto the base pad.<br>2、Connect our battery to our alarm<br>3、Put the red wire to the red wire together.<br>4、Attach our little alarm to our little tray.<br>5、Put black wire from the battery under a copper strip.<br>6、Have this blue wire from our alarms go under other copper strip. And stick our copper right over.<br>7、Put a tissue paper right on top of the copper strips<br>8、Put the salt right on top. 尝试用淡水和盐水来观察灯的明亮和警报声音大小。 Now we're ready. And put some water right onto the salt. And you just keep doing it until something will happen.<br>Can you hear that, It's very high like a meee,and the light is on. What does it mean?<br>This means it must be raining outside.<br>M:Let's do the experiment in another way. First we put two copper strips into fresh water,then put them into salt water, what difference between them?<br>E:In fresh water, the light up a little bit,but in salt water, the light is very bright.<br>M:So saltwater is a good conductor of electricity. Our rain is kind of salty. 复习天气,观察并记录。 <b>4. LC</b><br>M: What can you see in the picture? What does the eentsy weentsy spider do? What is the weather like?<br><br>M: Look at the picture. There is a girl. Her name is Lily. What is she doing? But, what happens?<br>Is Lily scared? Look at this spider, can you find anything different from the other one? Can you get your crayons and draw two more legs for it?<br><br>M: Look, this is a waterspout. What does it look like? A very good answer. But the waterspout is white, the spider can not find its way home. Can you help the spider? Go and get your colorful pens and paint the waterspout.<br><br>M: Look, this is the forest. What can you see in the forest? But what's wrong with them? Can you help them? How can you help them?<br><br>M: Look at the trees and the flowers. They are very happy now after drinking some water. What's this? What color is the sun? All the trees and flowers enjoy the sunshine. Now please color the sun yellow and make the sun beautiful.<br> 每次LC,都能画出很多自己设计的东西,画个管道都要把地下的下水管道画出来,雨和太阳的画面必须有一个悲伤和开心的crow,雨也不是stratus clouds产生的,自己的造雨机器才可以,所以LC是最让人纠结的时刻。