Cascade Mountain Summit


<p>When we finally stood atop the summit of Cascade Mountain, we were greeted by the invariably blowing winds. The effect of wind chill was palpable, in particular by our bare hands. Nevertheless, our minds and hearts were not intimidated by the wind chill and remained indefatigably hot. In a sharp contrast, the Sun gave us its unreserved warmth; the clouds were virtually absent from the scene in order not to spoil the serene atmosphere, contriving to bless us with great visibility. Had we anticipated an iota of more favour from the Mother Nature, we would be avaricious. </p><p><br></p><p>当我们终于站在Cascade山顶,迎候我们的是永不停息的风。我们裸露的手能明显感觉到风冷,然而我们的心和头脑却并没有被风吓倒,相反却能保持初始的热情,尽情享受山峰带来的美景。太阳毫无保留地张开了它温暖的怀抱;云彩也不愿破坏此时此地的静谧气份,知趣地避开了。天气是那么地美好,以至于我们对它太满足,不再有一丁点儿奢求。</p><p><br></p><p>Towering at a height of 2998 meters, the Cascade Mountain summit (CMS) is unrivalled by its neighbouring peaks. It is strategically located. The world famous Banff town lies at the south side of it. Lake Minnewanka and Two Jack Lakes sleep at its east side. The renowned Mt Norquay ski resort crouches at its west side. Bow River and High Way 1 wind through the valley besides its foot. Mt Rundle, which is about 50 meters shorter, stands at the south like a loyal brother showing due respect to CM. The famous </p><p>Tunnel Mountain situated at the heart of Banff town is dwarfed by CM. </p><p><br></p><p>Cascade 峰高2998米,在其周围无出其右者。它所处位置奇佳。世界闻名的班芙小镇处在它的正南。美丽修长又不乏神秘的Minnewamka 湖恬静地躺在它的东面。小巧玲珑的Two Jack Lake 也紧靠着Minnewanka湖栖息在它的东边。Norquay 滑雪胜地蹲在它的西边。与之齐名但略低于它50米的Rundle 山则象个忠实的兄弟,耸立在它的南边与之遥相辉映。名灵兼具的Tunnel处在Banff 镇的心脏,与CM 相比,相形见绌。</p> <p>CM and its surrounding </p><p>Cascade 山及其周边环境</p> <p>Lake Minnewanka and Two Jack Lake </p><p>Minnewanka 湖与Two Jack 湖</p> <p>Bow River intertwined with High Way 1. Canmore is remotely visible.</p><p><br></p><p>蜿蜒的弓河与弯曲的一号公路互相交织。</p><p>Canmore 小城瞭望可见</p> <p>The famous Mt Rundle</p><p>著名的Rundle 山。据说登临更险更艰</p> <p>Mt Rundle and the little but well-known Tunnel Mountain&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>the Norquay Ski Resort of international reputation </p><p>著名的Norquay 滑雪胜地</p> <p>Banff town with a train pulling through</p><p><br></p><p>班芙镇鸟瞰。有辆长长的红色车皮的火车正缓缓穿过小镇</p> <p>Panoramic views</p><p>全景</p> <p>a motley of eye candies</p><p>杂景</p> the Trail <p>The trail starts at the Norquay Ski Resort. It is an out and back trail which is said to be about 20KM with 1800 meters elevation gain. Indeed we hiked about 24Km round trip. The discrepancy could possibly be attributed to the distance we walked through the large parking lot. Unwittingly, we parked our car at the very far end to the real trail head. </p><p><br></p><p>小道起点在滑雪场北方。它是条来回小道,长20 公里,攀登1800米。我们不知情地把车停在远处,多走了一段路。</p><p><br></p><p>At the beginning, we hiked down to the valley and crossed a bridge over a creek. Then the arduous hike began. The elevation gain is relentless, taking a toll on both the feet and legs from the very beginning. The trail is tortuous, winding through tree covered area until we got out of the trees and welcomed by a meadow basking in the bright and warm Sun. </p><p><br></p><p>开始是段下坡路,一直下到谷底,过了桥,才真正开始爬升。小道弯弯曲曲地在树林中蜿蜒上升。直到爬升近七百米后才走出树林而见到阳光。阳光</p> <p>Getting out of trees might give us some light and hope. Nonetheless, it doesn’t portend a nice and easy ending of the trek. It is only the beginning of the ordeal. The rest of the trail are rocks, rock chips, and occasionally boulders. The remaining trail is treacherous. </p><p><br></p><p>走出树林本以为可以松一口气,其实真正的考验还没开始。接下来的路怪石嶙峋,乱石穿空。也有的路段是细小的碎石或大石块。</p> Concluding  Remarks <p>This is a hard trail, but it is not technically challenging. </p><p><br></p><p>这无疑是一条很难的小道。但它对人没有太多的技术上的要求。</p><p><br></p><p>It has been said that beauty and danger in many cases are hand in hand.&nbsp;One has to be very careful for each step to avoid stepping on wavering rocks or slippery chips. </p><p><br></p><p>人们常说美与危险总是心手相连。人们必须小心谨慎防止踩上摇晃的石头或滑滑的小碎石。</p><p><br></p><p>Good stamina, strong muscle strength, and cautiousness are necessary ingredients to the success of finishing this trail. The brutal trail condition and the unmerciful elevation gain and ensuing elevation drops took a heavy toll on my quadriceps and hamstring. </p><p><br></p><p>总之,好的耐力,强的腿部肌肉,以及小心谨慎是成功走完这段路的重要元素。残酷的路况及毫凶狠的攀高与降落让我的大腿肌肉到现在还在酸痛。</p><p><br></p><p>In spite of all the sweat and pains, the rewards through the incredible and indescribable views make them pale in comparison. This is a trail I enjoyed profoundly and recommend wholeheartedly.</p><p><br></p><p>尽管流那么多汗水,受那多么痛,但美妙的风光让那些变得不足为道。这是一条让我极为欣赏的小道,我毫无保留地推荐给那些热爱山水的人们。</p><p><br></p>