<h1><b>📣Listening</b></h1><p>0a,0b12本周分级和绘本,汉一4-6,循环播</p> <h1><b>📚read</b></h1><p>牛津树3级别</p> <h1><b>📀Video</b></h1><p>0b12</p> <h1><b>🎯Games</b></h1><p><br></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">🍀Game1 We’re seesaw</b></p> <p>各种各样的跷跷板</p><p>👩Honey come here, let's make a seesaw.</p><p>Sit here, sit in front of me.Face to face</p><p>,hold my hands.</p><p>Let’s Sing the song.</p><p>👩Let’s play another way, ok?</p><p>Now you stand on the sofa, Put your hands on my shoulders.</p><p>Let’s Sing the song.</p><p>👩Let’s play another way, ok?</p><p>Baby! You are a seesaw. Stand on the chair. Stretch your arms , like this. Daddy, let's play on the seesaw.</p><p>Let’s Sing the song.</p><p><br></p><p>秋千</p><p>👩Was that fun?</p><p>Do you want to play another one?</p><p>Stand up, I'm gonna put my hands together.</p><p>We are gonna make a swing.</p><p>Sit down on the swing.</p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">There you go.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">How does that feel?</span></p><p>👩Are you frightened?</p><p>👩👶</p><p>Sing the song.</p><p>up and down*4</p><p>swing swing flying in the wind.</p><p>binbin goes up binbin goes down.</p><p>👩Ok ,Now ,I will be a slide.Sit on the chair and <span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">stretch my legs</span>.Now I'm a slide. Climb to the Top of the slide.And then <span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">slide to the bottom.</span></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">🍀Game2 I’m a seesaw<span class="ql-cursor"></span></b></p> <p>👩Hi, baby, I can play seesaw with my </p><p>arms.Sing the song.</p><p>Can you try?</p><p>👩Now it's your turn.Can you be the seesaw<span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">?Just like mommy do.</span>We invite some animal friends to ride on your seesaw.</p><p>👩Now you are a seesaw,</p><p>stretch your arms.</p><p>Hold the two <span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">plastic bags</span>.</p><p>These are the seats of the seesaw.</p><p>👩So i wanna invite some animals to </p><p>come and ride.</p><p>Who will come and try the Binbin’s seesaw?</p><p>拿来一个玩偶。</p><p>🐶Hello Binbin can I ride on your seesaw?</p><p>Can I play with you?</p><p>👩👶Of course. come and ride.</p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Sit, hold tight.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Oh it doesn't work.</span></p><p>🐶I can't play the seesaw by myself.I need a friend.</p><p>👩Maybe you need another friend.</p><p>再拿来一个玩偶。</p><p>Who wanna try?</p><p>Will the monkey try?</p><p>🙈Can i ride on your seesaw.</p><p>👩👶Of course, come and ride.</p><p>🙈Okay, I will come and Ride</p><p>👩So they will play together.</p><p>sing the song.</p><p><br></p><p>妈妈也邀请两个动物朋友。</p><p>👩Okay I'm seesaw too.I stretch my arms.</p><p>And hold two plastic bags.</p><p>These are the two seats of my seesaw.</p><p>And i will invite rabbit and pig to ride on my seesaw.</p><p>Come and ride.</p><p>Can we sing the seesaw song ?</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">🍀Game3 Play with the big tiger</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">了解轻和重的区别</span></p> <p>👩Hello i m a seesaw.Who want to play on the seesaw?</p><p>👩Hello I'm tiger, i like seesaw</p><p>I want to play on the seesaw.</p><p>I will come and Ride on it.</p><p>👩Oh i cannot play with the seesaw by myself.Who wants to join me?</p><p>Here comes a little pig.</p><p>🐖I will join you.</p><p>Oh the tiger is big and heavy.I can't go</p><p>down.</p><p>(The tiger is big and heavy,Pig cannot go down,He needs more friends)</p><p>i need more animal friends.</p><p>Please invite more animals to ride on our seesaw.</p><p>rabbit, Do you want to ride on a seesaw? Can you join me?</p><p>🐇 Yes, I want to ride on the seesew, I join you.</p><p>👩Enough.?Can we go down now?</p><p>👶No</p><p>👩More animals</p><p>👩Enough.?Can we go down now?</p><p>👩Okay, we can go down now.</p><p>Sing the song.</p><p><br></p><p>苹果橘子上阵</p><p>👩 The apple and the orange want to play on the seesaw. Apple goes up. Orange goes down.</p><p>👩 This apple<span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);"> also</span> wants to play on the seesaw.Can the seesaw go up and down?</p><p>👩 No, Apples are heavier. I should put another orange in the orange bag. It can go up and down. Now.</p><p>Sing the song.</p> <h1><b>📝小记</b></h1><p>宝贝的口语进步很大,能说比较长的句子了,能表达自己的想法,玩游戏也很顺畅!只不过妈妈需要加快进度才行😒</p><p>2020.8.19晚上,看完小猪佩奇pancakes,准备睡前读分级,宝宝兴奋的跟我描述猪爸爸做pancake时发生的有趣的事,表达的挺好的!当时我太惊讶了!the pancake is too high to reach.</p><p>the pancake fall down on daddy’s head...</p><p><br></p><p>2020.8.22中午吃饭,听到牛听听里在放fireman,宝贝说If our house is on fire,we should call 119.看来平常妈妈说的,宝宝好多也都是听进去了!</p><p>老母亲需要重新打鸡血了!入工程9个月才完成0a、0b,真是超级龟速!要加快速度啦!!!</p><p><br></p>