<p>主题: 3bu2 </p><p>主题Ocean</p> <p>今天的主题拓展ocean~~还没有拓展完,先打卡吧,后续的在记录继续拓展各种sea animals~~</p><p><br></p> <div>A continent is a large area land.<b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></div><div>Earth has land and water,We can see land and water on a map. <br></div><div>Did you know that the surface of the earth is covered by <b>approximately </b>70% water and 30% land? <br></div><div><br></div><div>The ocean is a mystery to us.<br></div> <p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">How many continents are there on Earth?</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">There are 7 continents on Earth.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">How many Oceans on the Earth? </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">There are 5 oceans on Earth.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">(Arctic ocean北冰洋,Atlantic Ocean 大西洋,Pacific Ocean 太平洋 India Ocean 印度洋,Southern ocean 南大洋 </span></p><p><u style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">The Pacific ocean is the biggest ocean on Earth.</u></p><p><br></p> <p>学习了知识,自己粘贴世界地图吧。</p> <p>拓展what is a global?</p> <p>There is still so much about it that we need to discover. </p><p><br></p><p>The ocean is where life started. </p><p>There are so many species that we are only starting to discover. </p><p>At first, we thought that there can be no life deep beneath the sea, since sunlight cannot reach it.</p> We were wrong.<br><u><font color="#167efb">There are all kinds of life beneath the ocean! </font></u><br>Life that doesn’t require sunlight like we do. <b><br></b><font color="#333333">Fish and animals that live in environments where we can’t go.<b></b><br>The fish living 3000 meters below the ocean have their own lights! Well, it is very dark down there.</font> <div>What is the SEA? </div><div>The salt water covering the Earth or a large body of salt water which is partially enclosed by land.<br>覆盖地球的盐水或部分被陆地包围的大量盐水。<br>what is the OCEAN?<br>An ocean is one of the five very large areas of sea on the Earth's surface.</div><div><b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></div><div><b>What's the difference between an ocean and a sea ?</b><br>Seas are smaller than oceans and are usually located where the land and ocean meet. </div><div><br>The area where a land and ocean meet is usually called a sea; a sea is part of an ocean that is partially enclosed by areas of land.</div><div>陆地和海洋交汇的区域通常被称为海洋;海是部分被陆地包围的海洋的一部分。<b></b><i></i><u></u><sub></sub><sup></sup><strike></strike><br></div> A lake is a large body of water with land all around it.There are saltwater lakes and freshwater lakes. A river is a long wide stream of water.<br>A river flows arcoss the land to a large body of water. <font color="#167efb"><b>Ocean Animals </b></font><br> <p>观看蓝色星球电影</p> <p>艾布克探索海洋 </p><p>通过扫描书可以看到活灵活现的海洋动物。</p><p>Lobster </p><p>whale </p><p>dolphin</p><p> </p> <div><br></div>